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HKXPack/HKXAnim - Animations in FO4

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I found all the boans.

I can now export a skelly with fingers ect all lined up.

So I am not spaming on this threed I have posted a the full project on the nexus. Just serch my files ( JoshNZ)

Hoping you guys can Finnish hkxamin.

I'm not joking, we (the fallout community) still need this.

Just because its not needed to make new anims , don't make your time or iq wasted. Just need to convert to behaviour files, and output to hkb (a xml derivative) would be nice.

Go you smart guys.


That is nice, but please post it also there.

Many people on this forum do not like Nexus.

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Hoping you guys can Finnish hkxamin.

I'm not joking, we (the fallout community) still need this.

Just because its not needed to make new anims , don't make your time or iq wasted.


In addition, it allows people that don't have access to 3DsMax or the HCT tools to still create new animations, so sure I'll continue it.


Just need to convert to behaviour files, and output to hkb (a xml derivative) would be nice.


In the original post, there's a tool that does that for all files (including behaviors) called HKXPack. You just put it somewhere, and type the following command (you need Java).


"java -jar hkxpack-cli.jar unpack <your file>" : convert a hkx file to .xml


"java -jar hkxpack-cli.jar pack <your file>" : convert a .xml file to .hkx

Here is a link to DL it (this is a direct link), to save you time.


I hope this is what you meant.


Also, if you want to add looping animations directly with behaviors, that could be a temporary idea.


Ideally, we would create a "special behavior" file to extend the thing that adds flavours via the CK and allow the animations to be looped in it. I don't have time right now but I believe it would be possible somehow... I won't have time to study that for a while though.

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Alright, so I'm at my wit's end with this animationevent and animation behavior thing. I was wondering if someone could send me some insight. Or at the very least, I can share some insights working with this bullshit system. 


So I've been working on this godzilla mod for a few months now, 






And things are coming along pretty well, aside from a skinning fix and some new textures, the model and assets are finished. Also working on a fire breath script, with some help. But the animations, my god, the animations. I asked around and figured out how to slow an animation down no problem, but now I'm stuck with trying to create a new behavior graph for CK.


Or rather, a copy of the old one would be fine, if it just had different animations. I can't use the generic deathclaw one, since the moves would be too different, Lots more stomps, and a Deathclaw 10 stories high running moves really awkwardly. 


I've been toying with this using hkxpacker, and the architecture is super strange. Under races there's a location to specify behavior graph, which by default is DeathclawProject. Unpacking that shows it refers to character/deathclaw.hkx, which contains filepaths to all the animation files and another link to the Rootbehavior.hkx. Trying to change animation filepaths in deathclaw.hkx crashes the game, but not rootbehavior filepaths, which simply render the model without any animations. Trying to use an identical file, but with a different name like deathclaw2.hkx crashes the game. Using the same file is fine though, somehow. Must be an unique ID or keywords thing, I have no clue. 

Anyways, getting frustrated with that and figuring I'd leave it for later, I decided to try adjusting the Vanilla deathclaw in CK, to see if it was even possible. Under Gameplay - Characters There's an animation menu, and I opened up rootbehavior to try and adjust the animations for existing moves. It was pretty comprehensive, with actions for every move the actor had, but for some reason editing the animation file path didn't work. Maybe the existing Anim Event overrides any new Animation file? I have no clue. Maybe all this has to do with Subgraph data? 

Speaking of which, changing subgraph data ALSO CTD's for some reason. 


Honestly, this shit is driving me insane. So far as I know, this is the first time anyone's tried making new behavior graphs in FO4, though if someone had done it before please let me know so I can beg him for answers. Shit, I've emailed and messaged literally a hundred people or so trying to figure this shit out. If anyone knows how all this behavior architecture and junk works, Lemme know. 





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Who's Josh? Does he know about behavior files?

josh is joshnz the modder who made animated prostitution - he has made progress getting new animations into fallout 4 so he may know something - i don't know him personally so i can't say for sure


well on nexus is a mod from him where you can have a sexanimation on a bed for Fallout 4

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Who's Josh? Does he know about behavior files?

josh is joshnz the modder who made animated prostitution - he has made progress getting new animations into fallout 4 so he may know something - i don't know him personally so i can't say for sure


well on nexus is a mod from him where you can have a sexanimation on a bed for Fallout 4



Do you know what the mod is called? Or have a link?

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Do you know what the mod is called? Or have a link?



Animated Prostitution. Right now it is in alpha, and get removed, and re-enabled quite often.

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Somehow, trying to add a new behavior graph in the CK menu, or duplicate an existing one, DOES NOTHING. Holy fuck, what the hell bethesda. Why include the function if it doesn't even work. 


Edit: Now it shows up again, what is up with this system. 

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Alright, so I managed to create a custom race with custom animations but for some reasons the attack animations don't play, or it can't attack. I've set everything to default cept for the custom race, and it still throws issues for some reason. Anyone know why? 

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So was it Bethesda actively trying to prevent mods with animations or what changed from Skyrim to FO4 that hinders us to make use of custom animations ?


The undocumented format of the animation files (HKX), the undocumented format of the skeletons (still NIF and/or XKH.)

No tools available from Bethesda to create anims using the normal 3D tools or a custom tool.


It is reverse engineering time, right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any news?


Well, I'm still alive and sometimes working on the tool, but I can't take the time to finish it right now. Sorry for that. The best estimate I can give is late October (I should have time then) but I might finish it on a whim one day, I'll post it there if I do of course.


About the actual work to do, there's still the skeleton bone selection to do which would require an algorithm to select parent bones when needed. I'd estimate the time to about 4-6hrs if I do it or about 8-12 hours if anyone else want to start from what I have on GitHub (the code itself isn't hard, but it has a learning curve needed by studying the actual animations first).


About the other way (using the Havok tools, 3DsMax and the Beth plugin) I don't think there's any more stuff to find... It seems to be all that can be done with it.

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well just look at the facts...they did not give us the full package creation kit so go figure it out for yourself..its just their way of controlling what mods get made for the game..and just because your paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you lol..as for your name calling never plays well with me..but i will leave that to a lesser man then me    


They can't give out something they don't own or have rights to distribute. As someone involved in mixed open/closed source development, It happens all the time. It's up to the user to source their own copy of havok tools, which isn't hard, given they were freely available for download for something like 5 years. Sometimes all you have to do is ask the right person. :cool:


Paranoid isn't a name it's a adjective. Adjectives are used to describe things.

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as the man done said..he will not touch it unless its all legal ..and yes paranoid is name calling..it does mot matter if it is a adjective..you still use it to call someone that..as for the rest of your argument ..i leave it up to someone who knows more about it then me..sense all i have ever done is work heavy construction for 26 years but thats a story for another day :cool:  

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