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Last Thursdayism


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Ready for a headache?  This is a philosophy that I found the other day and did some research on.  I discussed it with my friend, whom is majoring in philosophy, and he responded with "I think I'm changing majors."  Another friend of mine responded by saying that his life will never be the same anymore after we talked about this.  You have been warned.


So, what is Last Thursdayism?  Simply put, it's a question:  When was the universe created?  The common answer to this question is 13.8 billion years ago, but can you prove that the universe wasn't created, say, last Thursday?  What if I told you that the universe was created as you were reading this post?  "But Void, obviously there are posts on this website that were made before this one, that alone disproves your previous statements."  But does it?


The philosophy goes to say that everything around us was simply created by random chance.  In this brand new universe, everything was created just now.  Our memories, our beliefs, out technology, all are simply a random assortment created either while you're reading this post, or as the name of the philosophy implies, last Thursday.  To understand how this could be possible, you need to remember that everything around you, people, animals, objects, etc, all boil down to atoms.  The philosophy states that the atoms were randomly arranged when the universe was formed to create everything around you.  This even includes your memories, your brain was randomly created to have these memories using the chemicals created by the atoms created in your brain.  


One thing to note is that I have called this a philosophy the entire time I've discussed this.  The reason for this is because, by definition, this does not fall into a theory, as it doesn't really hold much ground and isn't believed by nearly anymore.  Furthermore, it creates too many assumptions to be considered a theory.  Here's the issue with it: Last Thursdayism is impossible to disprove, because any evidence to attempt to disprove it will be proven by the actual philosophy itself.  Any pictures you may have, memories you posses, or any other evidence can be explained in the philosophy by stating simply, it was created with the rest of the universe, last Thursday.


So, how does your head feel?

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It's a fun little idea for sure. However I've always dismissed this idea and some similar ones because of "Newton's flaming laser sword" and "Occam's razor" 


Because it cannot be settled in debate or experimentation I have no reason to give it thought and so to me it is as valid as the ramblings of a true madman

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Many a nights I have spent my time fucking up my mind with concepts such as this one. The idea that the universe could have been created last Thursday is definitely an interesting one, given the fact that it would completely blow away our ideas of everything we know about it. Not to mention the fact that the chance that atoms align so perfectly for so many lives to have the exact same memories and having had memories with each other, or even that fellow humans with the exact same genetic structure (Over 7 billion of them even) all existing in one place in a finite universe makes the odds so statistically small as to not make it really within the realm of possibility. Yet, the fact that it is still technically a possibility and if their are infinite chances for universes being created, who knows... We may have gotten lucky! :D 

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For me its like asking if the world around us really exists or if its all an illusion conjured up by the mind to prevent an infinite madness from seeing a true nothing.


Maybe it is...maybe it isn't. I'd like to know and yet never find out. Outside of that there isn't much to do about the idea and I really have other things to do with my time.

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