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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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I'll be going down the list here and doing the most straight forward fixes first. I'm putting the fixes into a patch in the original post where I posted the 107b Alpha: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/51365-0sex-skyrim-sex-sim-other-0s-content-wip/page-65?do=findComment&comment=1464421


apologies if this has been asnwered already, but for some reason, even though my character is female, 1.07b always forces me to assume the dom role. Anyone know how to fix this?


I'm having some issues where my character (female) always starts in the male role even though I ticked the option to auto assign the correct roll to female PC.


Thanks for pointing this out. It was doing the gender check to decide what role the actors should be before it loaded in the MCM options so it was returning false always. Fixed in the patch.

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One thing I noticed, and it may have just been my game. When I first engaged the scene, the female npc became a giant. Like 20 feet tall. I exited out of the animation and reengaged, and it was fine the second time.





I've had this problem with earlier version(s?), when initiating animation with NPC that's currently sitting, laying down, or otherwise in some pose other than standard idle.  Initiating scene will pull them out of that pose, so after stopping the scene I can start it again normally.




That's exactly the problem. There's some animations the game will force the actors to do like sitting, laying down, putting away weapons, and it can proc these over my animations and register to start these animations after my script started doing things. I did testing specifically around a sitting NPC and feel the calibrating scale function was handling it properly in the new system in 107b. You'll notice 107b waits longer when the actors get put into a tpose and calibrated.


I basically tried to put shields and checks around it to make sure the actors aren't doing anything and confirm they are in a t-pose before it starts calibrating their scale.


What happens is it measures from their head bone in their skeleton to their root bone at their feet so if they are leaned over or laying down at the time of the calculation it registers them as much shorter and makes them huge. 


The gist of my fix is that I use a custom T-Pose animation that sends an animation event when it starts which then starts to calibrate their scale so theoretically now it shouldn't begin until they are ready to be measured but it is a bit of a messy area in getting full control over. If anyone wants to look into this further to help me figure out what's working and what's not starting the scene on sitting and laying down npcs will be a good example to see if it's functioning right. I'd like to get this as solid as possible. 

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Hello I've tried to install the 7b version of the mod. the previous version worked fine with out incident. I'm having trouble with 7b. I completely removed the orginal mod, did the whole clean save thing, and installed 7b. MCM registered it but nothing seems to work. I can't do the input in the 1st menu as the instructions say to do (" Type in "0SEX" (The 0 is a zero) into the first text entry line for that ability then above that select a key that will cast the spell. This is how you will equip other developers scenes also.")  There is...no where to input it. I only have the option to put in a hotkeys ( which of course only means ONE button theres no way I can type all of 0SEX in there) hopefully any this makes any sense but I'm relaly stumped right now and I have no idea how to get 7B to work.




Same problem here. Pressing "Enter" in order to type "0sex" does nothing. It's like the menu doesn't recognize my "Enter" key.



This might not be the problem but I'll just start with the basics on this. Here's a few quick screen shots on each step of the process just to make sure everything is appearing correctly and the correct steps are happening. Let me know please if none of this is the case.




If the Name: and Option: sections aren't appearing at all it means you need to download the latest SKYUI the ability to add fields that can by typed into was very recently added to SkyUI. You can pick any of the ability slots but I'll just use 1 for this example.




2. Type in 0Sex

To confirm you typed it in correctly the menu will print out the full name of the mod in the text field, this means it's locked in and will work. If the mod's name is typed in wrong or it doesn't exist it will return blank meaning there it didn't find a scene.




3. Select KeyBind



4. Key is bound

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I tested without patch and noticed few things:

- Starting position female pc took male role - should be fixed by patch

- From starting position left - right - space for spanking makes no sound, now thinking about it i dont remember hearing any sounds but tested only this scene so far. I should recheck installation if this is working for others.

- If you select target to start sex with, scene will move to that targets location. This is really not so good since often indoors npcs stand next to a wall or they are sitting or just being in a spot that is not really good for sex to start.

- Following previous one if you select target that is sitting your pc will end up standing and clipping in a chair, but good thing is npc that you targeted is no longer supersized like in 1.7a.


Knowing previous issues i wonder what version of storage util is included in 0sex 1.7b?



P.S in MCM menu if you try to type 0sex by pressing Num 0 window will close and wont let you finish. but if you press 0 at the top of the letters then it will let you type in 0Sex.

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Ok so, I just tested blowjob songs, seems pretty good. Even the impact body sound work, it just doesn't work with M/M and F/M (male as sub) but shouldn't be really hard to do it for them too since some sounds (not all) don't have female oriented noise.


In fact the only major problem I have is the animation stuck really often between transition. 


Hi Khyan,

Thanks. I'm looking into the animation stuck. (One quick thing I've noticed in terms of performance is some users have their Skyrim or Steam screen shot key the same as one of 0Sex's keys and don't know it which results in rapid screen shots being taken and puts a lot more strain on the system. At some point I'd say it would be good for anyone using 0Sex to double check their steam screen shot and the Skyrim/data folder to make sure there's not a million screenshots in there and if so change the keys around a little bit.



In terms of the crash it's something I want to have completely non-existant so thanks for bringing it up. For trouble shooting purposes there's 3 things that will cause this.


1. If some data is typed in wrong. For example lets say I put in the document that a scene has 5 speeds but it only has 4. If you go to speed 5 it will crash, this type of thing is easy for me to fix so if you notice it occuring on the same exact scene or transition let me know please and I'll find the problem.


2. A few of the events like the transition events or face expressions can leave events looping if I typoed into them, These will be harder to find but I'm always keeping an eye out for them. It's possible there might be a loose end somewhere that's causing extra events to be looping. I'll look around and see. It's the kind of thing where it might only start happening if you pass through a scene that has a typo so there might be some hints as to where it's originating.


3. It's possible that 0Sex is just running to hot and causing some Papyrus problems depending on the save and mods installed. I have some things I can tone back that make the calculations needed more gradual but I'll wait to see some more feedback on this first before deciding what to do.


What are the requirements for the new alpha? I installed 1.07b and SOS (the full version) - I bound 0sex to a key and when using it on an npc, both, the npc and I, stop moving and nothing happens. Also, hotkeys don't seem to work for me? F.e. alt+Q still opens the skui fav. menu. Do I need any of the 1.063 files?


Hi Howard,

Nothing should be needed outside of FNIS, NetImmerse script, SKYUI (latest), and SKSE. It should be stand alone outside of these things and not require anything from 1.06.


It sounds like what's happening is not a fully clean save and maybe FNIS not being run either. Try from a save that you can confirm is completely pre any 0Sex installation and let me know please.

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I tested without patch and noticed few things:

- Starting position female pc took male role - should be fixed by patch

- From starting position left - right - space for spanking makes no sound, now thinking about it i dont remember hearing any sounds but tested only this scene so far. I should recheck installation if this is working for others.

- If you select target to start sex with, scene will move to that targets location. This is really not so good since often indoors npcs stand next to a wall or they are sitting or just being in a spot that is not really good for sex to start.

- Following previous one if you select target that is sitting your pc will end up standing and clipping in a chair, but good thing is npc that you targeted is no longer supersized like in 1.7a.


Knowing previous issues i wonder what version of storage util is included in 0sex 1.7b?



P.S in MCM menu if you try to type 0sex by pressing Num 0 window will close and wont let you finish. but if you press 0 at the top of the letters then it will let you type in 0Sex.


Thanks Kinky,


The patch will fix the role swap. The spank sound should be in, Male might not yet have a receiving spank sound but I just double checked and the spank sound + reaction sound should play at least if the receiver is a female (just for now). Let me know if this isn't the case.


In terms of NPC scenes your idea makes a lot of sense. It will start an NPC scene on whichever actor becomes the DOM in the scene but it sounds like you'd prefer it to start on the Player Characters location. I can add in those options to the targeting menu, for example when you click cast I'll have two options "Start on NPC" "Start on PC" something like that? 


That should fix the chair problem also etc.


The storage UTIL is the one uploaded a few weeks ago to nexus. Since SexLab is getting big updates lately it's possible there's a new one out for SexLab and in that case I'd just give SexLab priority if you are on the latest SexLab. 0Sex should work fine on the latest. As you mentioned Ashal did something that made it all work perfect recently so I'm happy about that and it gave me access to some of the newer JSONUtil features.

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Starting sex at player location gives more control on where scene will start. Starting at NPC/target location will most of the times be really bad idea (sex inside a chair) Idealy perhaps would be to introduce walking to scene like in sexlab or maybe temporary make target a follower and then with vanilla "move there" option decide where scene should take place. But as a quick fix start at player location would really be great. Going to install patch and see how it behaves.



Ok patch really makes a difference. You can completely ignore what i said about scene start location coz now it starts at player location and she rotates 180 degrees to face her partner. Pre patch she was inside the chair.


Sounds also play but i have delay on them. for example i hit spacebar for spanking and npc keeps spanking her multiple times untill both spanking sound and female reaction to spank sound is played.

I may have to remove some mods to speed up Skyrim.


I also experienced frozen scene like in 1.07a that happens at random that animation just stops playing and you have no control over it. Only way is to exit the sex. Ive only seen this happen in 0sex animations and from what i read it happens to others too.


Anyways i sound like im complaining (so i made good things green :D ) but in real im really happy that you realeased this. Thank you for your work. Ill report if i find some other things that dont work properly.


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I can't get to the Cowgirl position :) Can't even select it from the warp/travel menu. And some positions just say N/A presst the help key.


Hi Lykke,

Thanks for the feedback. Please tell me which positions are showing up as N/A and I'll fix them. Just a rough description of the scene it is will help me find it. You can also press F6 > Report > Scene and it will give the name (But if the Help Text isn't showing up I might have forgot to fill the report text in also.)


Warp/Travel is the old one I'll have that updated shortly to have all new scenes.


You're going to want to start from doggy style Legs In > Lay the Sub down > Move the Dom to the side so he's not straddeling the sub  > Lay the Dom Down > Make the sub kneel up > Make the sub mount the dom.


It's a little complicated now I'm working on bridges to get there easier. The kneeling position where the sub is sitting in the dom's lap you can press Dom Alt + DPAD Left to make the sub move to the side. This will be a bridge that goes directly down to cowgirl pre straddle but I haven't made the connection yet with animations. I'll put it in for now without transition so there's easier access at least. I'll be making a few more around the place to make traveling a little easier for both the player and the AI.


The alternate easier connection will be Kneel in Lap > Move the sub to the side of the dom's lap > Dom Lay's Down > Sub Mounts. I'll have a transitionless connection in the next patch I put up and if there are any spots people feel make sense and could benefit from a bridge let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Minor issue: weapons still do not unequip like they do in 1.063b.


Animations are working well. Momentary pause in the T-pose before the animation starts but if I understand correctly, that's intentional to address the sizing issue.


Sounds added to blow job animation is nicely done


Edit: Fixed double post

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How to enter undress mode? I cant understand what is "D" in "+D-Undress".



Im trying to figure out controls myself. At the moment im using num 8 undress all option and after sex is over there are amazingly well made redress animations that play automaticly.


Num 2 Randomizer is simly amazing. When AI is complete it will be unbeliveable what this mod acomplished.


Also reporting weapons are not unequipped when using this option.



I had funny situation where i had sex in the middle of Whiterun and guard came and said

"Staying safe, i hope" :D

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I can't get to the Cowgirl position :) Can't even select it from the warp/travel menu. And some positions just say N/A presst the help key.


Hi Lykke,

Thanks for the feedback. Please tell me which positions are showing up as N/A and I'll fix them. Just a rough description of the scene it is will help me find it. You can also press F6 > Report > Scene and it will give the name (But if the Help Text isn't showing up I might have forgot to fill the report text in also.)


Warp/Travel is the old one I'll have that updated shortly to have all new scenes.


You're going to want to start from doggy style Legs In > Lay the Sub down > Move the Dom to the side so he's not straddeling the sub  > Lay the Dom Down > Make the sub kneel up > Make the sub mount the dom.


It's a little complicated now I'm working on bridges to get there easier. The kneeling position where the sub is sitting in the dom's lap you can press Dom Alt + DPAD Left to make the sub move to the side. This will be a bridge that goes directly down to cowgirl pre straddle but I haven't made the connection yet with animations. I'll put it in for now without transition so there's easier access at least. I'll be making a few more around the place to make traveling a little easier for both the player and the AI.


The alternate easier connection will be Kneel in Lap > Move the sub to the side of the dom's lap > Dom Lay's Down > Sub Mounts. I'll have a transitionless connection in the next patch I put up and if there are any spots people feel make sense and could benefit from a bridge let me know and I'll see what I can do.



Thanks for the answer!!


I'll give it a try later on, and ill try to explain what position that says n/a, i'm pretty sure it's one of the new ones :) ! I have some more feedback, but might just be me and my game, so not sure if it's viable.. I can only undress the Dom, and not the Sub (I can do it however with Num 8), plus I can't unequip the weapon on my Sub either. - This mod really hit my curiousity, what are the genie? and the Fantastispellsomething? there is alot in that juice MCM menu :P 


EDIT: It's the pose you can see in the pictures below this post :)

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How to enter undress mode? I cant understand what is "D" in "+D-Undress".



I think that would be Alt + E but I'm not sure, I couldn't enter undress mode either the usual way so I use Numpad 1 + RIGHT instead from the initial position.


Also, this pose is fantastic but the right arm is kind of in a weird angle, I mean, it's totally possible to bend your arm that way but it doesn't look too good with a UUNP body.



And a question, are there actual Cowgirl and Spooning penetration scenes in this version? I couldn't find how to reach them.

Last question, does the schlong size vary between animations?

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Just a quick reply to some things I'm at work. I'll get to the rest and have a new patch when I get home.


E is Dom undress. U is sub undress


Dom alt + e autostrips the sub. Sub alt + u autostrips the dom. You can also use e or u with 0 - 9 to remove specific clothes. Auto strip chooses animation for you in a predefined order ie helmet then cape then gloves etc. Ez mode should have autostrip access I'll check it out. You can only strip from ST9 apart for now, press ,dpad right, from the very first scene to get there.


Cow girl has pen but only from the kneeling handjob. There are two, one the sub is on one foot the other both knees are down. Spooning does not yet. Bj scenes use a smaller size then the others as Skyrim mouths don't open very well.


Genie is like a console for 0sa incase mods need settings applied. Basically it can run custom papyrus depending on what's typed in but doesn't have much purpose yet. Fantastical will block out magic sex cumflation, anything not seen in reality if people want sex strictly vanilla, otherwise actors can be given special abilities in their sexdentity and the ai will try to use them if so.

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Please tell me which positions are showing up as N/A and I'll fix them.

LiftedLotus Jerkoff -> Lifted Lotus

Standing O (Harder trust) -> Standing O

Kneel Before (Dom stand) (for femdom):

+Up - Start pleasuring her with your hand (must be "him").

+Right - Move closer and hold her (must be "him").

Also (+Right - Move closer and hold her) -> (+4 - Sink lower and look up at him) doesnt work at all.



Dom alt + e autostrips the sub. Sub alt + u autostrips the dom. You can also use e or u with 0 - 9 to remove specific clothes. Auto strip chooses animation for you in a predefined order ie helmet then cape then gloves etc. Ez mode should have autostrip access I'll check it out. You can only strip from ST9 apart for now, press ,dpad right, from the very first scene to get there.

Thank for the answer. But i have some troubles, the animation plays but nothing is removed.

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What are the requirements for the new alpha? I installed 1.07b and SOS (the full version) - I bound 0sex to a key and when using it on an npc, both, the npc and I, stop moving and nothing happens. Also, hotkeys don't seem to work for me? F.e. alt+Q still opens the skui fav. menu. Do I need any of the 1.063 files?


Hi Howard,

Nothing should be needed outside of FNIS, NetImmerse script, SKYUI (latest), and SKSE. It should be stand alone outside of these things and not require anything from 1.06.


It sounds like what's happening is not a fully clean save and maybe FNIS not being run either. Try from a save that you can confirm is completely pre any 0Sex installation and let me know please.



Starting a totally new save would likely be the safest way to check this.  Once you get through intro, you can use console to do 'coc whiteruntempleofkynareth' without the ' marks to get to temple within Whiterun.  From there you should easily find some NPCs to test with.


If it's a clean save issue, here's the steps that fixed that kind of problem for me - read the whole thing before you start following it, to get an idea of the process:


1) start Skyrim and go into empty indoors area without followers, you can use console to go to test area with 'coc qasmoke'

2) save your game, I'll call this save #1

3) exit Skyrim and fully uninstall 0S

4) run FNIS to redo animations - this will clean out all 0S animations

5) start skyrim, load save #1

6) in console type 'setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1' without ' marks, this forces MCM to reload all menus

7) wait until MCM informs you it has loaded (a bunch of) menus.  The actual number depends on how many mods you have installed

8) pull the MCM mod config list and make sure 0S is no longer on that list

9) AFTER the 0S is gone from MCM list, save your game again, I'll call this save #2 - this is the so called 'clean save'

10) exit Skyrim, now install the new version of 0S

11) make sure your load order is correct - running LOOT to rearrange mods is generally a good idea if you have more than handful of them

12) run FNIS again, this will generate the animations for the new 0S version

13) start skyrim, and load save #2

14) after a while in game, MCM should inform you that it has loaded a new menu.

15) new 0S should now be installed and ready.  pull out the MCM mod list and you should see it on the list

16) (optional) if 0S is not on the MCM list or you get tired waiting, you can do 'setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1' again to force reload of MCM menus (you still need to wait a moment after that for load to happen)

17) once 0S shows on MCM menu, everything should be fine.  If you are in qatest area, you can exit to whiterun temple with 'coc whiteruntempleofkynareth' typed in console (yes, there's just one space, after the coc).


On a related note, you can use similar steps to 'clean reinstall' any other mod.  For some mods you may need to also run 'dual sheath redux' patcher before FNIS on steps 4 and 12.  If you do, make sure to move the Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp to the bottom of your plugin load list before running the patch to ensure all mods are scanned for it.  Afterwards you can use LOOT to rearrange mods.


Notice though that true 'clean uninstall' doesn't exist for Skyrim.  Almost every mod, in particular any mod that uses any kind of script, will leave some marks into your savefile (exception being things like pure texture replacers - generally mods without any .esp, .esm or .dll files). Usually it's not a problem, Skyrim is actually more tolerant than it's usuall given credit for.  For 'advanced use' it's possible to use papyrus tool to clean out script section of savegame.  That tool has salvaged unloadable savegame for me, but it's not trivial to use it.  You can find it from nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?

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I tried to use Alt + E and AltGr + U for undressing.


My mage girl (Sub) undressed weapon (axe) from her partner, after that with same combination of AltGr + U she took his armor off. after that there was no more animations playing even though he had glowes and boots.


Now it was his turn so he tried to unequip her weapon and failed. (she has spells equipped) Then popup message showed up that 0sex found autounequip ammo and i had to choose if it is bolt arrow or other. I clicked on other and nothing happened. Guess he still tried to unequip that item and kept failing. So possible conflict with Auto unequip ammo mod.


Then i enabled all debug messages to show up and i "have a feeling"  that they run in background even if they are disabled (same performance if on or off in mcm) and that is probably a reason why i get script lag, animation loops on spanking and delay with sounds and maybe even animation freezes.


It seems like there is a check each 3 seconds to test what animation loop is currently playing (Check probably starts at animation start) and extra check what animation will be played next after key combination is pressed which also checks the name of current animation. When you add script that moves animation to next stage and animation + 2 sounds (spanking and female reaction) and script that changes expressions + skyrim itself - it seems like to much things are going on within 3 seconds.

I guess i could uninstall sexlab arroused redux to improve things but i have a feeling that it wont help much since redux checks each minute or so. Instead i would suggest to run those checks only when neccesary.


Not sure what you use them for besides debugging. If for AI then disable them unless AI is running. But if AI is going to be like Randomizer (which is a masterpeace by the way) then i guess it already knows path its going to use for progression so there is no need for extra checks. Beside this performance issues it seems like your mod is becomming pure perfection :) I cant wait to see AI in action but i do hope performance gets boost. In comparrison 1.7a ran at full speed.

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Also, this pose is fantastic but the right arm is kind of in a weird angle, I mean, it's totally possible to bend your arm that way but it doesn't look too good with a UUNP body.

attachicon.gifTESV 2016-02-12 18-36-32-53_1.jpgattachicon.gifTESV 2016-02-12 18-35-42-11_1.jpg




I'll revist the arm there I see what you mean, it's deformed more then on mine but doesn't look amazing on my body either, Skyrim Arm pits suck so that one was a hassle trying to find a place where it didn't look terrible. I'll tweak it a bit to make it more similar to the left arm thank you!.




LiftedLotus Jerkoff -> Lifted Lotus

Standing O (Harder trust) -> Standing O

Kneel Before (Dom stand) (for femdom):

+Up - Start pleasuring her with your hand (must be "him").

+Right - Move closer and hold her (must be "him").

Also (+Right - Move closer and hold her) -> (+4 - Sink lower and look up at him) doesnt work at all.


Thank for the answer. But i have some troubles, the animation plays but nothing is removed.



Thanks for this I'll have all those fixes in a patch soon and appreciate the time finding and writing them out for me.


In terms of the undressing. If you are using e or u + 0-9 it will play the designated animation regardless if clothing is worn in that slot or not. If you use Alt + E or U it will only play an animation if the clothing is detected otherwise it does nothing. The problem could be a few things.


1. If you're using alt + 0-9 then it's playing the animation but the ESG menu for that type of animation doesn't have any slots registered in it to undress

2. If it's happening by pressing Alt + e or u then I have a typo in the document somewhere and if you could tell me what animation it is (or what it looks likes roughly) I can find the issue.

3. Kinky brought up spells in another post, weapons are a little tricky to detect all variations papyrus is lacking for weapons. The first thing alt + e or u will try to undress is the weapon so if it's being caught up on the very first one that maybe it's a spell that's tricking my script. I didn't consider spells stopping the undressing and will be looking in to that tonight.


Would this be compatible with Clams of Skyrim? 


I've had positive reports that for the most part it works well with Physics Pussys and I think that's what Clams of Skyrim is so I imagine you might get good results. I haven't tested it myself. I don't animate for perfect alignment for that kind of physics collision as I feel it makes things have to get too rigid but it seems the spot I shoot for does hit the mark most of the time.




Hi Kinky,

Thanks for all this awesome feedback. Reply is in the spoiler:





I'm looking into the weapon stripping, didn't think about spells blocking the stripping it will most likely be an easy fix I'll see what I can do. If you are doing autostrip it will always try to remove the weapon first so it's most likely getting caught up on the spells.


The pop up you mentioned isn't mine there must be an external mod causing it. The section my mod does do is the autounequipammo, there's no Papyrus to unequip ammo (which sucks) so I made a blank ammo item called "Unequipammo" that the script equips just for a second to force remove ammo equipment. The purpose of this is to force remove the ammo equipment to work around papyrus' lack of the function.


ESG is still a WIP so the male is missing a few animations, in both stripping and redressing. The female is more complete but has some rough animations still in. Male doesn't have gloves or boots yet, I'll switch it to something temporary in the next patch so at least they are fully undressing, it just won't look like they are taking off boots, (Until I finish the animations).




In terms of the script:


There's a function that sends the animation event every time the loop ends, which is usually 2 seconds or sometimes 4 seconds in 0Sex. I think there might be something bigger at play though and it's something that a couple of IFs might not make much change but it can't hurt to optimize either and there's definitely things that aren't crucial that can be removed like you mentioned.


1.07b is handling everything that 0Sex will need 1.07a was most of it so in a sense it needs to be a bit heavier. I did a ton of optimization and simplification of elements of the script so it should balance out so I think something is wrong.


The main thing i did in 1.07b was turn all data into arrays and simplify how the data was accessed. it allowed me in some cases to make the script able to find the data with just simple math and remove a lot of IF checks but also it made be have to call JSONutil a lot less as the information gets imported in few calls that pull arrays instead of a bunch of single variables. I learned while working with arrays that they fill themselves in automatically with unpredictable data when they are accessed when not filled in right and it can cause a lot of problems. I think most likely there's an array like this that I haven't found yet that's being used with incorrect data causing some kind of infinite loop. 


Regardless I'll look into it either way and try to find some optimization to this to bring it functioning fast and smooth with no crashes. The spank delay is also a papryus back up. There's a few functions that my script calls every 10-15 seconds for example adjusting the face, I spaced them out so the script isn't taking a big hit all at once but sometimes the stars can align all at once and if it happens right when a scene event is occuring it will always a cause a bit of delay sometimes so I think the chance will always be there but not the extent you describe and I want it to be as seamless and reliable as possible so I'll see what i can find.


I'm going to poke around a bit and try to set up some tests to see if I can find some part of the script that's getting stuck in a loop, and I'm optimistic I can find it. (I'll turn things on and off until something seems to make a huge impact) If not I'll try to trim what I can. There's a few thresholds that can also be decreased which will reduce strain on the script. 1. The amount of times MFG is adjusted to make is appear to actually move, (The higher the number the smoother the movements are but makes the script have to do substantially more calculations. I can lower this number. 2. The frequency of face updates and voice effects can be decreased which will give the script more breathing room. 3. Key presses could prob be optimized to be less strain on each press, which would help too.


For the script itself I'll show in the spoiler some sections of the script related to your questions maybe you'll see a better way to go about it:






This is the function that plays animations. It has an IF check in it to see if reporting animations is enabled.





Function StageAnimateSimple_1(actor zAct, String zAnim, bool zReport) global
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(zAct, zAnim)
        If zReport == True
        Debug.Notification("Animation: "+zAnim)

This is the function that happens when a successful Key press is made (It detected that the key press does have a destination associated with it.) The very end is a If check to see if it should report the transition. STR[30]-[42] are saved strings of the destination and origin scenes so the script knows what to do during transitions.

Function MasterNav(String zPress)
K_HasPressed = True
String zTime = (StringUtil.GetNthChar(zPress, 1))
If zTime != "+" && zTime!= "!"
sSTR[40] = StringUtil.Substring(zPress, 3)
If StringUtil.isletter(zTime)
sSTR[41] = TimeConvert(zTime)
sSTR[41] = zTime
sSTR[34] = sSTR[31]+"_"+sSTR[40]
sSTR[43] = sSTR[40]
ElseIf zTime == "+"
sSTR[40] = StringUtil.Substring(zPress, 3)
sSTR[41] = ""
sSTR[34] = sSTR[31]+"_"+sSTR[40]
sSTR[43] = sSTR[40]
sSTR[40] = ""
ElseIf zTime == "!"
sSTR[34] = StringUtil.Substring(Zpress, 3)
sSTR[43] = sSTR[34]
sSTR[42] = sSTR[31]
If MCM_Bool[0] == 1
Debug.Notification("Next: "+sSTR[43]+" Prev: "+sSTR[31])

A report is made if the AI fails. Last lines handle the message if an abort of the navigation happens. The rest is identical to the above line in terms of STR[30]-[40]

if zDest != "Abort"
K_HasPressed = True
sSTR[41] = (StringUtil.GetNthChar(zDest, 0))
If sSTR[41] != "_" && sSTR[41] != "!"
sSTR[40] = StringUtil.Substring(zDest, 1)
sSTR[34] = sSTR[31]+"_"+sSTR[40]
sSTR[43] = sSTR[40]
sSTR[42] = sSTR[31]
ElseIf sSTR[41] == "!"
sSTR[34] = StringUtil.Substring(zDest, 1)
sSTR[43] = sSTR[34]
sSTR[42] = sSTR[31]
ElseIf sSTR[41] == "_"
sSTR[40] = zDest
sSTR[41] = ""
sSTR[34] = sSTR[31]+"_"+sSTR[40]
sSTR[43] = sSTR[40]
sSTR[42] = sSTR[31]
sSTR[40] = ""
Return zAIW
ElseIf zDest == "Abort"
If MCM_Bool[3] == 1
Debug.MessageBox("AI Nav Fail: Current: "+zOmni+", Destination: "+zAIW)


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Tested. I have some issues with transitions from all animations. Sometimes the two actors are stuck during an animation transition, they don't move and I have not the choice to press the end animation key. I have another big issue is when I want to have romance/sex with the same actor again, he becomes giant.

Maybe this issue is because I use Sexlab too and there are some conflict between them, maybe.


There are two anim missing I think (cowgirl and rough blowjob from loverslab 0sex patch). I love the new romantic interaction.


Sounds from body impact are also missing. Im gonna try blowjob sound with F/M and M/M actors now.

I am having the same issues as well, during the maledom/femalesub animation where he is lowering her to the ground, in preparation for the blowjob they get stuck mid animation, like you I had no choice but to end the animation. 


Also I saw the giant issue, but with mine the female became a giant. she was the sub. this happened just after the numpad 0 start. the scaling messed up.  I don't use Sexlab....

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