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[DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools - UPDATE(11/21/18): Kinky Overalls

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Thanks guys for the support.   I am glad that some people find my tools useful!   I think I will try to improve the transformation quality of the normal mode now.  I've learned a few tricks while doing adaptive mode which might prove useful. 





thanks timmyc!  she is really hot with this costume!

my sf100 without adaptive did not turn out as well as your pics in the neck area.  i'll try out adaptive tomorrow.



I will look into the distortion caused by SF100 on Honoka's neck.   Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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More bugs to fix. A few reports about my tool failing to open a few TMCs led to an investigation which reveals a bug in my TMC parser code (which is shared with my converter that has since been updated to use the less buggy code).


Today I bring a few small updates and some bug fixes for my transformer tool -


Change Log


- Enhanced the adaptive smoothness mode to increase the "dynamic contrast" between the absolute minimum and maximum to try to retain the "To" character from as much as possible, even at very high smoothness values.



- The tool would some times report error when opening a few TMCs. This has been resolved.


The problem with the pre 0.2.1 version of tool is that when opening some TMCs, sometimes you are greeted with this:



But now, with this update, you can happily transform those costumes!


A few transformation shots


attachicon.gifxformExamples (1).jpgattachicon.gifxformExamples (2).jpg


I have also made more adjustment to the "adaptive smoothing" mode in that the absolute minimum does not grow as maximum goes up as with the current outgoing version of the tool. This creates a more "dynamic contrast" for the adaptive mode to play with (think of a TV that has a deep black level). I think this new algorithm is pretty good in its attempt to faithfully reproduce the shape of the "To" character. Please give it a shot and let me know what you think.


As usual, the higher does not always translate to better as it varies between character. For mostly clad models, regular mode should work just fine. For models that bare a bit of skin, you can give adaptive a shot.


Here are a few comparison shots



As you can see in the picture above, "adaptive mode" is more "true to form" for transforming between characters with drastic physical differences. However, there's pretty much no difference after SF100 adaptive, and with SF300 adaptive, the bikini begins to sink into the skin due to overly high number of samples it's taking to smooth itself out.


I'd love to hear what you guys think about the new adaptive mode. I've also made some improvements to the algorithm so that it runs slightly faster now.


Updated tool can be found here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-tips-tools-updated-021916-transformer-v020a-converter-v040a/?p=1460252


Great shots.... I don't care if other DOA girls gets some "weight" and larger boobies, but Marie Rose is my icon... she "must" stay slim. ;)

Thank you for excellent work.


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I may have figured out what the neck problem is with regular mode at a very high smoothness level.


If there's nothing very closely attached to the neck area, the transformation looks fine without neck seam - all of these are done at SF100 regular mode



Hot damn, Honoka looks hot in anything, lol!



However, in the case of outfits like Xmas in July, there's something very closely attached to her neck, and the logic is trying to enlarge all of them at the same time at a very high SF level, so the ring of ribbon thingie gets bigger while the top ring of the neck needs to shrink to conform to Honoka's tiny neck shape, so it looks very funny at the end.  Having short necks only amplifies the problem.


This problem isn't as bad on Honoka, however, as it can be on Marie since Honoka is less likely to benefit from SF100 (increase boobage hidden functionality, lol) as Marie or other ladies would.


It doesn't appear to be a big problem for other similarly shaped characters



I've tested SF100 on Momiji and she appears fine in XmasInJuly outfit.  I think as long as the height and shape (and neck length) of the character are similar, SF100 seems to do no harm.  However, I still advise you to try many different smoothness values and see which one turns out the best for your taste.   I've made it so that the tool runs very fast and scalable with your hardware, you can try many different settings :)  I just realized how fast regular mode runs after having been testing adaptive for a few days, lol.   


I think I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that this isn't a major game breaking bug :D


Please let me know if there are any other issues you run into, and I will see if I can address them.


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I may have figured out what the neck problem is with regular mode at a very high smoothness level.


My, my, my... what do we have here...... Marie R. looks fantastic. I think I could never stop to kiss her divine face. ;)


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It seems like there is just an endless stream of bugs :D


Today I bring yet another bug fix update to my transformer tool and some performance enhancements.


Change Log
- Enhanced the adaptive smoothness algorithm to greatly improve its performance
- Further tweaked the adaptive smoothness to improve overall quality
- Made the smoothness combobox less tedius to scroll by grouping values between 50 and 100 in increments of 5 instead of 1.

- Fixed an issue where transformation would leave gap in the model with adaptive smoothness enabled



I found a bug in the adaptive mode where, after transformation, on some models, there would be visible gaps



As such, I rewrote yet again my adaptive smoothness logic to address this issue.  As part of the re-write, I found some inefficiencies in the code and improved the performance quite dramatically.



Gone are the days of waiting for minutes for the adaptive smoothness to finish processing.    Transformation with adaptive smoothness can be done with up to 100% increase in efficiency.  Adaptive Smoothness mode is now fast enough for repeated experiments!




Updated tool can be found here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-tips-tools-updated-022016-transformer-v021-converter-v040a/?p=1460252






What tool do you use to edit meshes? I know how to extract meshes from tmc files and I want to do some vertex editing on the meshes themselves and compile them back into the tmc file.



If you just want to do some simple edits, you can check out my converter tool. If you want something a bit more involved, I use a mixture of Doutoku's polygon tool to remove vertices and then edit the TMC in 3ds max using my converter tool.  

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A friend of mine made a Chunli to coincide with the release of SFV.  It looks very cute on Marie :bush:  With the bug fix yesterday, the tool can now open most user created outfits such as this one for your transformation enjoyment.




Even after transformation, with adaptive smoothness set to 100, Marie still got her thunder thighs,lol!

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An endless stream of bugs that's being obliterated by an endless stream of incredible updates!  


Honestly, I think it's a testament to your skill and dedication that you've worked so tirelessly to make the tool as perfect as possible.  Honestly, I think you'd have been well within your rights to just say "there are a few bugs, but you'll just have to deal with it...".  It speaks volumes about you, that you keep on striving for perfection.  Thank you again, my friend, for all of your hard work and effort.


Looking forward to seeing more of your mods!

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Since my old Xmas In July pack gift-wrap set appears to be quite popular, I took some time today to modernize Nyotengu and Helena's gift wrap set.


Removed the redundant body underneath (I didn't know a better way back then lol) and plugged all the holes in the body so there should be no visible gap.  Please let me know if you see something wrong with them.  I will try to fix them up.


I have also reassigned "physics" around the lifted ribbons so they move in a more synchronous manner with their breasts :bush:




Updated TMCs with new preview icons can be found here




Now they should make better transformation source  :)

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Talking about xmas its really cool because the Tmc of Momiji wearing this xmas costume was missing and now with your tool we can add it by using the one from Helena or Nyotengu.


Btw, I downloaded your latest tool Timmy and made some test, I can see a lot of progress inside and the new adaptative mode is great !

just sometime I have a rotated character using Skeleton Patcher :(


I will certainly use your tool more often now.

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Thanks Lola!  I am glad you like the adaptive mode.    I think it could use a bit tweaking, but at this point I think the tool is working well enough and further attempt to tweak it for minor improvement in quality is probably not warranted, lol.  After about a week of improvements I think I am pretty happy with how this turned out.    I think the time has come for me to try and finish Witcher 3 after this little detour, lol!  


Please let me know if there are issues with the tool/transformation and I will see if I can address them.   Any, be it positive or negative, feedback is welcome.




I think the regular smoothing mode is pretty decent now (still have to play with various levels to get rid of some clippings, though) and the adaptive mode caters to those that like the true-to-form transformation.  High level of smoothness on adaptive mode is kind of like the middle of the road approach and can sometimes rid of a few clipping issues.     I am very happy with the performance of the tool.  It enables users to try different levels of smoothness with high efficiency.


I've spent a bit more time on the tool to try to make it a little bit better, but I am not sure if I succeeded, lol.


Today I bring a small update to the tool to try to solve a (quite minor, IMO) problem -


Change Log
- Added a new functionality to approximate some accessory positions so they appear less detached.
- General code refactoring

- Tool window is now minimizable


Some times accessories can appear out of place after transformation, so I decided to do something about it with a very small degree of success.

As such I added a new control



If checked, the tool will attempt to move accessories closer to the character you are transforming to.  It is not 100% perfect, but at least it's an improvement compared to previous versions.


A few examples

Before VS After


In the above case, the positioning is a better approximation, but it is still a little off.  At least it looks better than the "before" positions :D


In this case, the approximation is spot on.  The hat no longer floats in mid air!


I made it so that it is toggeable, so if things look whacky or deformed, try again with it turned off.   It's a quick experiment I implemented yesterday, and it looks like there is a bit more fine tuning required.   However, in the process of doing this, I found that most of the hat and accessories already are in their correct positions after transformation  without having to do any of this extra stuff (lol).   At least it still somewhat works in a few cases I tested, so I guess all was not wasted :D


However, if hat and stuff really get in the way of enjoyment, you can always just delete them using the polygon tool.  



Per Lola's suggestion, I added back the minimize and maximize buttons.  If you choose to maximize it, it's not going to look pretty - for now.. lol



Updated tool can be found here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-tips-tools-updated-022116-transformer-v022-converter-v040a-updated-giftwrap-set-for-nyohelena/?p=1460252






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Oh great new control, we can really notice the changes on your screens before-after.

I think this tool will never have a final version haha




And I am still waiting my reduce button option too.. :lol:3bj6.jpg




I feel sad that you want to reduce my  beautifully arranged UI to nothingness :(  (just kidding lol) It's very easy to do, but I think I will need to find ways to scale it too if I enable that functionality.


I made it so it is minimize able but not resizable for now



The same download link has been updated!   (Now people can see my app icon more easily :D)

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Can that be achieved now with your current tool? If so, please say how. :)


aka "I'd really like pregnant characters in my game, please hook a brother up!"



If you already have a preggo model for a character, you can simply transform her to any other character with the tool.   In my example, I started with Marie and used adaptive SF100 to go to Ayane.  She still keeps her belly and big boobs :D

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Just as I was about to relax and play some Witcher 3, I found a bug in the code with the new approximate accessory positions feature.  A fix has been uploaded.  Please verify that the version is now 0.2.3a.



As part of the fix, I've also verified that the auto bone/collision transfer actually works for any user defined models, as long as you have the correct bone and collision (if using my tool's auto transfer to make ref model, they should already have the correct bones).


Change Log
- Fixed an issue where opening user defined files would cause the program to halt
- Added the ability to set bone and collision for user defined files


Updated tool can be found here http://www.loverslab...lena/?p=1460252

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