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Color changing 3d pubic mesh


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I seem to remember reading in a thread somewhere that there was a way to make the color of a 3d pubic hair mesh change with the color of the hair on your character's head. I'm pretty sure it was in Nifskope, though when I look at Nifskope I'm not sure how to do it. Can anyone help me here? Is such a thing possible?


I seem to remember reading in a thread somewhere that there was a way to make the color of a 3d pubic hair mesh change with the color of the hair on your character's head. I'm pretty sure it was in Nifskope, though when I look at Nifskope I'm not sure how to do it. Can anyone help me here? Is such a thing possible?




You would need to do that in Construction Kit.


I have no idea how to proceed from there.



Ah ok, then does anyone know how to do this in the CK? 


This is a mod that would have been released if someone knew how to make it.


So the chances are no.


That being said there is a mod called Eyebrows match Hair Color


Wild guess but I would pop that open in the CK and try to engineer it to do the same for your Pubic Hair Mesh.


I'm not sure who would have better idea's


All I can say is that I would have a look at say a Hair Nif, grab its color name.

Copy Paste that into the Pubic Hair Meshes BSlightingshaderProperty.


You'll have to design your ESP in CK to take advantage of assigning the color though.


It does work fairly good the trick he used was me made it a head part sometimes to me it doesn't look like it quite matches but that can also depend on the angle/lighting.


Open the file in nifskope and go to the BSLightingShaderProperty of the NiTriShape.








Change the Skyrim Shader Type to hair tint and set in Shader Flags 2 the vertex colour flag.








In the NiTriShapeData change the 'Has vertex colours' to yes.








...I think thats all that needs to be done, been a while since i have done it.

Also you might want to make the diffuse texture very light so it will show the colour better.



^That was the method I was thinking of. I did what you suggested and it worked! Except it changes the color of every other NPC's pubic hair to the same color my own character has, I'm not sure why. Does anyone know how to fix this?




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