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XCOM 2 is confirmed November Release

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God that makes me wish for apocalypse remake - modable remake that is. I always wanted to play diablo or psycho organizations.



That would be sweet.

I remember when I first started playing apocalypse... it took me months to decide to finally test out that whole "real time combat" thing. I was very against the idea when I first saw it.

After trying it out? It was awesome!

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God that makes me wish for apocalypse remake - modable remake that is. I always wanted to play diablo or psycho organizations.



That would be sweet.

I remember when I first started playing apocalypse... it took me months to decide to finally test out that whole "real time combat" thing. I was very against the idea when I first saw it.

After trying it out? It was awesome!



Apoc was and is still the best of them for me and the real time combat was brilliant


With the earlier games you can see the attention to detail with the R&D and actually giving a bit of psuedo science behind the tech rather than just its a laser etc


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I like where this was going! I was leery about the whole "class-with-a-pet-robot" thing, but this looks pretty good.


I do so hope that they take learn a lot from the Long War mod...


God, I hope not, they should do it better. As short as previous game was, x mission in row was annoying and boring - they should add possibility to skip generic missions, without penalty but also without gain.

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I'm not a big fan of how difficult Long War can be.


I liked a lot of the stuff it adds but I always felt that the enemies got a little overpowered and the maps felt small with so many extra mobs on them.  Never completed a Long War either.

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Well, I'm not suggesting they take everything from Long War.

I agree, it's too difficult in spots (particularly the very early game for me... and maybe the middle game. And the late game. Hmm...), and I would love to see some larger maps. I'm hoping that the procedural-generation on the maps can lead to some big ones (I'm reminded of a couple multi-level missions in TFTD that were truly cool to play).


Aside from that, I guess here's my wishlist:


More classes would be pretty nice. I'm not thinking that 8 classes +8 mec classes is a good thing, though, since many of them (mecs especially) get pretty samey or are straight upgrades of the base class, but a little more differentiation or specific-role classes would be good for me.


More perks (or whatever) that take advantage of the mechanics already present in the engine. I'm not talking about bigger and bigger stuff (enemies with more HP, etc), but there are things Long War did that just weren't in the base game at all.


More perk or class interaction - that is, strategies that use different classes or abilities to better effect than just straight up damage.


A longer or more varied game from the base game. Long war is a bit too long, with too many missions (if you, like me, have a compulsion to raid every crashed UFO for example, no matter how fatigued or understrength your soldiers are).


I'm not a fan of the varying number of soldiers on missions in Long War (anywhere from 4 to 12 depending on the mission). I understand the reasons for it, but I make better strategies when I know what I'm in for... i.e. knowing an EXALT mission is coming up and saving six high-level soldiers for it and only being able to use four is a pain.


More technologies, weapons, equipment. :)


Mutually-exclusive choices and paths (for technological advancement). For example, I can appreciate the tiered structure to soldier weapons, but I believe that the theme of "XCOM is woefully underfunded and provisioned" in the new game would lend itself well to making decisions along the lines of "we can research Gauss or Laser weapons but not both." On the flip side, though, starting the game with various psionics, genetic, or mechanical soldier modifications would be fine (and would make thematic sense).


A better interception game, aircraft, and aircraft weapons and equipment. I loved the original X-Com's setup where you could research and produce multiple different types of aircraft, some of which could both fight and carry troops. However, I'm not sure XCOM 2 will lend itself well to that sort of thing, considering the nature of the game. Just judging from what's been released so far (unless I've missed something), it seems like this is going to be primarily a ground-based game. I'm cool with that too.


Give and take. I like how in Long War the aliens could take over a country and then you could retake it, only to lose it next turn to a goddamn panic attack (okay, so it's irritating, but what's the point of playing a game without any sort of challenge?).


NO FATIGUE. At this point in this list, I'm not even sure what game I'm talking about any more... XCOM, X-Com, XCOM 2, Long War, whatever... I just know I don't like LW's fatigue system.



I'm sure I can think of a bunch more if I sit down and try, but it's kind of pointless, really, because the game is going to be what the game is going to be whether I spout off or not.  :P

I'm jazzed, man. So excited. I haven't felt this way about a new game coming out since... well, since XCOM EU came out.  :D

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I really like idea of scarce resources managment on begin. Well at last I assume that they are. On one of gameplay trailers one of soldiers got down, other went and picked him up then went with him to rescue zone - but gun that wounded soldier had was left behind and they say that what is left behind stays behind, I really like it. But I hope that at some point you can compete with aliens in open engagement.

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I really like idea of scarce resources managment on begin. Well at last I assume that they are. On one of gameplay trailers one of soldiers got down, other went and picked him up then went with him to rescue zone - but gun that wounded soldier had was left behind and they say that what is left behind stays behind, I really like it. But I hope that at some point you can compete with aliens in open engagement.


I thought he said that the weapons wouldn't get left behind?

Yep: around 21:50, he says that the gun was left behind, but that you do get the gear, the armor, the body. The "gun was left behind" I took to mean merely a graphical thing, not a mechanical thing.

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The wish list continues:



More classes would be pretty nice. I'm not thinking that 8 classes +8 mec classes is a good thing, though, since many of them (mecs especially) get pretty samey or are straight upgrades of the base class, but a little more differentiation or specific-role classes would be good for me.



Here's the lineup of classes I'd like to see. I'm using Long War names, because I really do think the LW classes are pretty good, for the most part.
A class dedicated to reaction tactics. He's a sentinel, a guard, an overwatch master. He might not be as fast or as tough as others, or carry the heaviest weapons, but by the Gods he can rain down fire on an enemy.
Alien Response: When you're running through the battlefield, dodging dozens of shots and making some close saves, watching your allies get massacred all around you in a hail of bullets, you know you're in trouble... and when you realize that it's all being done by one guy standing behind a rock, you know you're in REAL trouble.
Front-line shock troops. Their speed and close-order firepower will make any alien unwise enough to stand their ground very, very unhappy.
Alien Response: First you see a soldier about a mile off, well out of range, especially for that puny scattergun he's carrying. You laugh at the temerity of these human scum. Ten seconds later he's sprinted up into your face and rearranged your features into what the coroner can only describe as "kind of like a lacework pizza." Then you cry.
This class sits well back from the lines. It may take several turns to find a high point with good vision, carefully line up your shot, and spend another turn aiming, but then when you get six ITZ kills in a row with one guy you know you've made the right decision.
Alien Response: I just don't know, man. We were, like, under cover. I mean seriously under cover... we had bushes and high grass and trees and rocks and everything between us and them. We couldn't have been more secure inside the ship, man. Bob turned to me and said we'd be fine, keeping safe in this cover... at least, that's what I always tell myself he was about to say. I'm not actually sure, because just as he opened his mouth, a bullet came out of nowhere and aerated his cranium. We hunkered down, of course, but that didn't seem to matter... one by one, we were picked off until only I was left. I legged it, man, there's no way I was gonna try to even find what was killing us, much less take 'em on, man.
Sneaking through the shadows, silently observing the enemy position, waiting for just the right moment to strike... a well-timed surprise attack can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Alien Response: How the hell did they do it? We were ready! I sent Johnson... or was it Frank? Hard to know with these clones... anyway, I sent one of the little ones out to unmask and develop the enemy position, but he never even got close. I have no idea what happened to him, he just sort of dropped off the radar. So I sent another. And another. After maybe a dozen Sectoids didn't come back, I decided to go myself. I found a little clearing full of corpses, and decided right there that I wasn't gonna dick around, I and the rest of my troops were outta there.
When you need to do one hell of a lot of damage to an enemy in a short amount of time, the Gunner is your friend. Armed with the latest in Big Fucking Weapon technologies, he's slow to get into position but once he does not a damn thing can stop him from leaving little bits of even the toughest aliens laying about.
Alien Response: Give a hoot, don't pollute. They should listen to their own giant-ass owls, you know. A pack of those big-gun bastards came down on our pair of sectopods... we thought we were golden! Six puny humans against the mechanical might of a pair of big-ass mobile particle beam cannons with a side of MIRV rockets... how could we lose? I'll tell you how. Three humans to a sectopod, that's how. A pair of "boom" noises later, and they'll be picking up bits of metal off the ground for months.
Normally when your soldiers see a big cluster of aliens all in one spot, they get a little nervous. Not so the Rocketeers. They don't get nervous, they get giddy. "Here's an opportunity to kill eight enemies with a single shot," they say. "I like listening to the sound of crumbling granite," they remark. "If you can't find a door into the alien spaceship, I'll just go ahead and make one for you," they opine. When you need a section of city building turned into a parking lot with an inexplicably standing roof, call 'em in, they'll get the job done.
Alien Response: We were part of an elite terror group, sent in to kill a load of civilians in a top-priority mission, on which hung the future of our invasion. You know, a typical Monday morning. So there we were, me and my Muton buddies, making trick shots and dropping the little 3-HP monkeys like we were on a target range or something. Suddenly I hear a bunch of booms from the other side of the battlefield, where squads two through six were stationed. I figured they were blowing up some more of those hydrocarbon refueling stations or something. Nope. By the time we got there, all we saw were craters, surrounded by bits of Muton and the occasional Mechtoid. We all just kinda looked at each other, and backed away slowly. Never did figure out what happened to the others.
Got an injured soldier? Fine. Got a panicked one? No problem. Got a dead one? All in a day's work. These little bastards may not be as heavily armed or armored as any other soldier, but they're all-important on the battlefield. You don't get to Commander rank without taking a couple of hits, and these guys are there to make sure those hits don't matter in the slightest.
Alien Response: I just don't understand it! We had 'em on the ropes! Three of their squad down, two heavily injured... they had to retreat, they just had to! And then comes in one dude all in white. Next thing I know, I'm looking at six fully-healed guys, each one with a smug grin. I never subscribed to the idea of resurrection, but I'm fast becoming a believer...
Hacker, grenadier, mechanic, support unit, and in a pinch, a good shot. The Engineer is the jack of all trades, but specializes in blasting enemy cover and repairing mechanical units.
Alien Response: Enemy unit analysis: Grenadier. Subject appears to be a standard human with powerful biceps and forearms. Carries small explosive devices called "grenades." Capable of destroying large amounts of defensive cover and killing groups of smaller units outright. Generally equipped with small multi-purpose devices capable of hacking drones, stunning troops, and repairing enemy mechanized infantry. Occasionally equipped with rocket-propelled grenade launchers. For more information, see the topic on "baseball."
Mec Trooper
When you want to deal a large amount of damage in a short amount of time, and when you want to take a large amount of damage over a long period of time, the Mec Trooper is your friend.
Alien Response: "You gotta be fucking kidding me..." (quote attributed to Iago Van Doorn immediately preceeding death)
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