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How to convert clothes to DMRA?

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Thanks for the info.


Unfortunately I was unable to follow the instructions in the post - they were a bit too chaotic for me.  After a couple hours of tinkering around, I couldn't get anything launching.



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Did you install the 'scripts only version (64 bit compatible)'
or 'portable version upgrade (32 bit)'
Win/Mac/or Linux? and did you try the guide in post #495?
It can truly be a bit confusing to get it all set up but can be worth it once you
have it going.


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Did you install the 'scripts only version (64 bit compatible)'

or 'portable version upgrade (32 bit)'

Win/Mac/or Linux? and did you try the guide in post #495?

It can truly be a bit confusing to get it all set up but can be worth it once you

have it going.




I am running Windows 7 64-bit Windows.  I was not sure which version of the convertor to install, and the install section had 3 different ways to install.  I wasn't sure if you did them all in order, or just one of them, etc.


I did not realize there was a guide in post 495 - I can look at that too.


Edit: The instructions in post 495 were further than I got.  I still had not gotten it installed right!



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Unless you have some experience with python, use the 32-bit stand alone version. That contains everything needed to run the program.


Which one is that?  There are mutliple versions.  Several scripts only versions (all 64 bit), A portable version, and several portable version upgrapes 9all 32 bit).  But no "stand alone" version.



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You two have been a huge help...and I am ALMOST there!


I converted the Ambassador Of Darkness armor (which uses both upper and lower body in 1 lattice).  It turned out perfect...except for the breasts.  They were a little deformed and kind of pointed up.


Ambassador of Darkness is HGEC and I am converting to DMRA.  I am guessing that due to the several different versions of HGEC out there, I have to experiment with the different meshes until I get the right one?



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When you make your lattice try turning on two-pass or 2-pass, I forget what it is labeled. That will in some cases improve conversion of especially the breast area. I am only doing HGEC to HGEC conversions, so no idea how good or bad results can be going to DMRA. I recall there being a tutorial somewhere on HGEC to DMRA or visa versa, in one of those modder's threads.


Deformed breasts are a real pain in the arse; those that are pushed up or squeezed together. I typically shelve those for later.


I do know from having run quite a few HGEC conversions, the closer you are in body shape and size, the better the end results. So stepping it up from a smaller cup size to a larger using a series of lattices has given me the best results; IF C-cup, make D, then E, then F. Jumping to H-cup has had mostly clipping issues.


I am using the stand-alone Tools RC_89_e_Upgraded_To_k, along with SetBody_Reloaded_Blockhead_Edition_1_42_Data as my source for body templates, as that is what I use for my default female body in-game.


The body meshes in clothes and armor will in some cases be significantly different than you core or source meshes. This is why I decided to 'standardize' my core or source meshes and convert to only those. 

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I was correct - I was using the H-Cup version of the HGEC body for my lattice.  I made another lattice using the D cup, and the armor turned out perfect!!!  I can now convert me some DMRA.


But, I am not done yet - time to get to the advanced class.  How do I make my converted armor and clothing BBB enabled?



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Take you newly converted armor and use Mesh Rigger to add the OP1, OP2 & OP3 nodes (if not already present) plus the actual bounce. It is possible to have an OP3 set that are not BBfied in the original mesh. The level of 'bounce' is dependent in part on the source BBfied meshes you decide to use. Newer Setbody meshes IMO are more bouncy, older ones are less bouncy. The various animation choices for walk, run, etc also play into bounce levels too.


You would use an existing upper and lower body (your core or source templates) that have the BBB in it. There's a button in Mesh Rigger to select just the BBB bones. Experiment with that first before trying to replace all nodes and Scene Root, which in most cases is not necessary.


I like to use the In and Out folders, then I created sub folders under those for various purposes; by MOD author, OP1 & OP2 ONLY, B4, etc.


I also do a final NIF cleanup and optimization with NifSkope and PyFFI.


Other Notes

When making your lattices, gerra6 always recommended making full body templates and then using those to make your lattices. A full body template for example would be head, hands, upper, lower and feet. So you will eventually have a conversion library; templates and lattices for each of the upper and lower body combos.


When saving a lattice I typical add the MOD author's name to it as often times those meshes are uniques to that author, depending on which core meshes they used and if it was at all customized form core. Reason I do this is in many cases that lattice is unique enough that it won't work with other MOD author conversions. It may, but typically you'll end up with tons of clipping.



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Got it working.


I used the mesh rigger, selected my BBB enabled skeleton and body mesh, then selected the armor in question.  Used the BBB bones button, and after a lengthy conversion...it came out fine!



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And you may already know but there is an option with BBfying the butt; OP3s (old crappy way) and the newer L & R Buttock nodes. It will depend on your source lowerbody mesh.


Since the only one using the newer Buttock bones is LAPF I'm still using OP3s for now.


And yeah, Mesh Rigger does take quite a while to run through and complete. 

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I am working on converting the Bodysuit and Garter mod found here...




The mod itself states it uses the C cup HGEC upper body and LL lower body - so I used those in making my lattice.  This is what I ended up with...






I figure the issue is due to the clothing item being skin tight.  I tried again using a another lattice made from the B cup HGEC body, hoping the larger size difference between DMRA and B cup would fix the problem.  Unfortunately the larger breasts on the clothes expanded upwards, and did not help the issue along the bottom of the breasts.


Any ideas?

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I am working on converting the Bodysuit and Garter mod found here...




The mod itself states it uses the C cup HGEC upper body and LL lower body - so I used those in making my lattice.  This is what I ended up with...





I figure the issue is due to the clothing item being skin tight.  I tried again using a another lattice made from the B cup HGEC body, hoping the larger size difference between DMRA and B cup would fix the problem.  Unfortunately the larger breasts on the clothes expanded upwards, and did not help the issue along the bottom of the breasts.


Any ideas?


Yes, it is in these cases you need to try stepping up your breast cup size to what is as close as possible to DMRA. Maybe an H-cup, maybe an F. Other than than that it's a Blender thing. Skin tight conversions simply don't work out well. That and an armor/clothing mesh, that is not near identical (polygon-wise) to the skin mesh is going to have clipping.


And Nailflan uses a custom HGEC, some are custom per each of their MODs; not a 'standard' HGEC.


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Custom HGEC body - well then I guess I am out of luck.  I have already tried your suggestion of stepping up cup sizes to no avail.


Thanks for the info - there are plenty of other outfits to work on.



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Yeah, the tools were intended as an option for those not into learning Blender or another high-end 3D tool. They do still have some limits, IMO.


You can read up, in between doing actual conversions how others have addressed this custom body issue.


My steps are as follows:

1. Find the closest possible matching standard body, by copying and pasting armor/clothing items from the original to what is a possible size match. (I recall myuhinny posting on this a while back and their process is very similar if not identical to mine.)


2. Use that for my first lattice, convert and review output in NifSkope. If it looks good proceed to next size conversion. If not shelve it for Blender.


There is also a Customize Mesh button on the Convert Clothing, but I have yet to read up on what that does or its intended purpose. Possible someone else using these tools can.


Another suggestion is to post your personal settings for both Make Lattice and Convert Clothing for others to review. Sometimes it can be an ever so slight tweak to one or more of these; Vertex Targets, Search Distance for Make Lattice and the group of Vertex Search Settings for Convert Clothing.


And yeah, totally agree. There are so many possible sets to work on its easier to shelve problematic ones for later review and just crank out the easier ones, while learning more about the tools.

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The body in the outfit is HGEC C body the one from set body reloaded is not a 100% match as there are some discrepancies between the 2 bodies the C body in the mesh does match the old C body though. The mesh I believe is very messed up either in clothing or the body I used. I tried to convert it from C to D and E both come out looking like someone sneezed the outfit out.






E cup from set body reloaded. As you can see there is clipping under the breast belly distortion and a spot just below the breast and a spot on the one breast that also has distortion. So I think the problem is probably a mesh problem.







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Yes, and that is because the very original HGEC was not designed to have the breasts bounce or move; they were designed as a static and not dynamic mesh and set of polygons. (This is further evident with the texture light/reflection distortion as well.)


For any of these or future tools to be successful, what is really required is a new core HGEC, DMRA etc. that is designed with the intent to have movement of certain areas of the mesh.

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