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req: merging skeletons


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i use the model's skel w/ 1h on back, and i also use the double scaled bust skel. unfortunately it is impossible to use both at the same time so i either have to choose between smokin long legs, a great body, and better looking sheathed weapons, or a massive bust... nobody should have to make that decision! please, help the weeping children.

also a quick tutorial on how to do the necessaRY cut/paste in nifskope works. otherwise a file is all i need... thanks in advance guys:heart:

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You dont really have to cut and paste anything. You can open the skeleton nif in nifskope and find the respective points for modification, THen right click the entry and select transform/edit. With in that new popup you can modify locations of weapons, and change scaling to say increase the bust bone sizes. I also figured something else out with it that allows the Breasts to be pushed together to increase cleavage, by modifying the breast bone locations. I recommend you just load up the skeleton and just start editing stuff, BUT MAKE A BACKUP FIRST.

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