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CHSBHC v3-T to UNP/7B Body Switch - Flat Breasts / Belly Pancaking

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Eyo LL folks, been scratching my head for a bit in regards to some body distortion, and am wondering if I could get some help sorting it out!


I've been running with the CHSBHC v3-T body and armor replacers (via Leocid2) for a long while now, but recently I've decided to switch over to a more realistic body type; I had my eyes on either the SevenBase or UNP bodies, and any pregnancy bodies (with belly node) that come along with it. However, upon installing everything in the same fashion and load order as CHSBHC v3-T's setup, I'm getting some noticeable distortion issues; namely a the belly / breasts seem to grow, but not in an outward fashion (what I define as pancaking).


Here's a few examples:










My first thought was 'Well, I guess maybe the body is handled differently', but I've come across certain UNP bodies that don't share this pancaking distortion (example blog pic here). Now, obviously CHSBHC v3-T is a 'tad' more exaggerated in the feminine shape, but this really looks like some sort of skeleton/node issue to me. I still have bounce behavior in the breasts and butt. 


I believe I'm following Monsto's load order instruction correctly (MO load order screenshot below).






  • HDT Minou 14.28 [HDT Behavior]
  • UNPB Body Main & Armor Files [body]
  • [skeleton] - Load Order Top to bottom (bottom-most overrides previous)

Does anyone have any ideas? Is there some sort of Bodyslide work I have to put into the models to have the belly/breasts scale outward a bit more?

Thanks in advance!

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When you are a Bodyslide user, you might consider trying out UUNP, found in the Bodyslide standalone version, among other things.

At least the nude version doesn't have issues like that, and while you can do dynamic morphing, you can also build a static body in it.

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