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im trying to cobble together a good texture beyond usingg what a mod comes with. only problem is that i have no idewa what program to use that will help me keep from havign to swap 1 part of the texture then go ingame and see.


ive seen all these awsome textures people comblied together from varous texture packs. i want to make my own like that but i dont know the programs to use.  i remember there being a few thats good to help u peice togehter skin texutres from differnt ones.


Use GIMP (www.gimp.org) as a tool to create the DDS (you need to download and install also the DDS plugin.)

And then use NifSkope to have a real-time preview of the textures applied to the meshes.


You may need to setup a little the folders and to configure NifSkope to look in the correct directories for textures.


Use GIMP (www.gimp.org) as a tool to create the DDS (you need to download and install also the DDS plugin.)

And then use NifSkope to have a real-time preview of the textures applied to the meshes.


You may need to setup a little the folders and to configure NifSkope to look in the correct directories for textures.



thanks il try all that. setting it up should be easy enough hell only took me 60 hours to transfer all my mods from NMM to MO and have a stable running game lol.


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