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Trouble defining a specific animation to use.

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I am having some trouble getting sexlab to play a specific animation, specifically the script won't compile. I have been looking over the github documentation as well as documentation in the SexLab and ZAP scripts and it looks correct but it won't compile.


This is what I have:


Function StartSpanking()

debug.notification("Start Encounter Sex")
anims = SexLab.findAnimationByName("spanking01")
actor[] sexActors = new actor[2]
sslBaseAnimation[] anims
sexactors[1] = Playerref
sexactors[0] = xxxx
sexlab.startsex(sexactors, anims, allowBed = false, centeron = spankPos, hook = "Spanking")
RegisterforModEvent("HookAnimationend_Spanking", "xxxxSpanks")


This is the error I am getting:


CDxSlavery_Property.psc(1355,1): type mismatch while assigning to a sslbaseanimation[] (cast missing or types unrelated)

The error line # is for the line in orange


I have also tried GetAnimationByName as well as different names but I get the same error. Other than the Find/GetAnimationByName use the script is pretty much the same as all the other places I have a sex scene so I know it works overall.


Several things:

  • You are trying to set anims before you even define it.
  • The 2nd argument of StartSex() is an array of animations, not a single animation object.
  • FindAnimationByName() returns the index of an animation, not the actual animation. Use GetAnimationByName() instead
  • Going by "spanking01" I'm assuming that's probably the registry name and not the actual animation name, in which case it should be GetAnimationByRegistry() instead.
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = new sslBaseAnimation[1]
anims[0] = SexLab.GetAnimationByName("spanking01") ; // Or GetAnimationByRegistry("spanking01")

Thanks Ashal, I was able to get it working. I ended up using GetAnimationByName as the GetAnimationByRegistry gave me errors and was an invalid command.



This is what I ended up with that worked:


Function StartSpanking()

debug.notification("Start Encounter Sex")
actor[] sexActors = new actor[2]
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = new sslbaseanimation[1]
sexactors[0] = Playerref
sexactors[1] = xxxx
anims[0] = SexLab.GetAnimationByName("zaz otk spanking")
sexlab.startsex(sexactors, anims, allowBed = false, centeron = spankPos, hook = "Spanking")
RegisterforModEvent("HookAnimationend_Spanking", "xxxxSpanks")




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