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Anyone else notice the Skyrim mini patches?


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I got another mini patch for Skyrim, I did a week ago too but I didn't actually see it. Only seen Skyrim listed in the updates section like it had. Today i seen the 1.1mb update. I was curious and looked it up. Apparently they are changing how mods are done with Steam which will now update Skyrim if you use the workshop instead of the Skyrim launcher and that the creation kit got a update to allow for mods bigger than 100mb. I have no clue if this means anything to places like this or the nexus since we all use NMM or MO to mod our games.


Just thought it was interesting Beth after all this time is making changes, sounds like what ever their next project is. Uses the same engine as Skyrim and while working on it decided to make those changes for it and went back to do the same for Skyrim.

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This kind of crap is EXACTLY why I stopped modding skyrim for a while. I had hopes that this was the year the urge to update would be totally and completely DEAD for bugfesta but nooooooooooo! they had to go and make another dam update!


I am not happy to think that maybe it is true they are gonna use the same old gambryo gamebro whatever shit in their next game and decided to update old rickety ass skyrim just for the hell of it. I really can't stand the buggy mess they call creation kit and scripting and so on.


From what I understand it actually cost some serious money to make each and every update for a game and has something to do with the publisher and some legal stuff which says that after a while they just can't update the game anymore legally?


Every time skyrim is updated all mods have to be updated by their creators or the mods won't work correctly, the unofficial patches have to be updated too all over again. Can you imagine what arthmoor and those other guys have to go through to make their unofficial patches completely compatible with the latest updates? Why they even spend the time is beyond my understanding unless they really want a job at bugfesta or they secretly work there and just keep their game making skills sharp by modding stuff all the time.


Going from v1.8 to v1.9 killed any house mods mostly because of hearthfire scripting and that indian giver steward in whiterun lol hate that guy. Having to completely redo all my player house mods and figure out how to play nice with hearthfire and also have the kids rooms AND the alchemy labs because I made room for all of them in my player house mods just sucks the life out of the game for me. I can't stand the default houses and the new house in dragonborn dlc is a huge bug fest with mannequins that move around randomly to things disappearing on weapon racks and mannequins etc. I was almost ready to jump into that dam furball again and sort it all out one player house at a time but after more little updates here and there... fuck it I will just stay in oblivion for a while. Let them pretend to release fallout 4 and really release another shitty doom or rage game and piss everyone off lol.


The updates for skyrim are for the creation kit and the skyrim launcher to work with the creation kit update and steam properly. There is no reason to update skyrim if they are not legally able to without making a huge lawyer bill out of it. Sure they could fix some major bugs but every time they fix one it creates more bugs. Just leave skyrim alone already and RELEASE FALLOUT 4!!!!!!! lmao I can't stand waiting for their games but I hate the bugs in their games to the point where I wait a year or more just to play them:-(

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The patches was just for the creation kit and the skyrim launcher not the game it's self. Basically they are changing the way mods are handled and done on the steamworkshop, how they are updated, loaded, and limits etc. It use to be handled by the Skyrim launcher now it will be handled by steam.

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Already slowly abandon steam DRM is slowly worse it also become more and more social hub and they try find out more more about you so they can make more money out of you.


Soon all games are pure console played with controller keyboard/mouse is for most developers something of the past and steam just follow the idiots.


I got maybe steam 1 day in 2 weeks online rest of time offline buy no games any more for past 6 months.


Not interested in a social network where privacy is gone and how i should play is dictated by steam don't think so hehe.


Fuck steam.

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I've been getting Skyrim mods off of Steam lately. It's still confusing as fuck though. Seems to be the place to go if you wants mods ripped from other games with 0 permission lol. A lot of those games are hosted on Steam though, so It's probably not as much a problem for them as the Nexus or us at LL. Though 99% of the mods on Workshop are either on the Nexus or Dukie. Stupid workshop... just give me a damn zip file so I know what I'm installing.

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