Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Hello there everyone, it's my first post here, even though I've been lurking around the forums for a while, I never actually posted anything relevant, but now I come to you seeking help of a technical nature.So, ever since maybe a couple weeks ago, Skyrim has been acting funky. It's always been kinda buggy and kinda crashy, but never too crazily so. Normally it would crash like maybe a couple hours in, forcing a game restart and I'd pick up then. But lately, it's been doing two things it's never done before:1. It crashes, without fail, 15 minutes in after I boot up the game. It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing, it WILL crash exactly fifteen minutes in. I know, I've timed it. Sometimes it's off by a couple of minutes, but not much. I know that at the 15 minute mark I can expect either a crash, or...2. Skyrim does some graphical shenanigans the kind I had never seen it do before: it will first freeze up the video of the game, but the game itself keeps going as normal, ie.: I can still run around, attack and even open up the menu to save. After that, it will flash and flicker, showing a black screen, or a yellow or even a pink screen. I can see the game between the flashes, I could open up the menu and see the menu enough to make a save, but the text is all garbled and the menu itself all weird. Sometimes, I can save the game by guessing how to access the save menu, exit the game and pick up where I left off, but other times, the game will minimize and restore itself, sometimes it'll fix itself after that, other times it will crash to desktop with no message. I could fix it a couple of times by alt-tabbing out of the game and back in, but not all the time.I managed to get a screen grab of the game while it was spazzing out, somehow: I'm a at a loss here. I've tried a lot of things, memory fixes, INI tweaks, SSME, updating and disabling mods, using BOSS for the load orders, cleaning everything with TESVEdit, getting a new hard drive and reinstalling Windows, Steam and Skyrim, stuff like Game Booster and what not... Nothing works.The only thing I haven't tried yet, is rolling back my video drivers, but a) I don't know which ones would work best with Skyrim and I don't know how that would affect my other, more recent games. And also, nothing is overheating. Speccy says that my GPU only gets to around 62C°, which I would think is hardly too hot at all for a video card.My specs are:Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti (driver version 347.52)AMD Phenom 9850 Quad Core8 Gigs RAMWindows 7 x64My actives mods are these: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmRaceCompatibility.esmSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esmhdtHighHeel.esmSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmdaymoyl.esmImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.espAMatterOfTime.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espchesko_wearablelantern.esppotions renamed.espRadiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.espsmithingextended.espMart's Savegame DeBloatifier.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espskyui.espCustomizable Camera.espArmoredCircletsQuickFox.espDPnTrielekMix.espDrSKnapsacks.espEbonySkullArmor.espfieldlab.espGun Blade.espHentai_mixed_Armor.espHentaiVoidArmor.espHentaisJamellaArmor.espNicoroshi Creations.espPauldrons.espring of change.espTeraHeavy4.espDeadlyDragons.espfckagrenacsinstantfortress.espmore_smelters.esplighter_mining_smithing_materials.espfemale mannequins.espfemale mannequins in homes.espHeavyMetal.esplevelingmerchantswallets.espProper Aiming.esprespec.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espSOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espSOS - Smurf Average Addon.espSOS - Dawnguard Armors.espSOS - Dragonborn Armors.espSOS - Revealing Armors.espSOSRaceMenu.espShadow Remover.espdd - enhanced blood main.espdD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espTanningSmeltingExp.espBetter Vampires.espWerewolves.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espboundtools.espboundscalingdb.espshorter dragon shout cooldown.espDual Wield Parrying_SKSE.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esparmoredsprint.espdd-no spinning death animation.espAnyHairAllRaces.espGlowing Eyes.espGlowing Vampire Eyes.espOhmesRaht.espFollowersAlwaysEquipFromInventory.espskyrim unbound.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.espPCEA - 0 - DG and DB DLC - All Races.espbarenziahquestmarkers.espJiubQuestMarkers.espBashed Patch, 0.espDark Agent.espdeclutter_footsteps.espDragonSongArmor.espEbon Shroud.espfast skill leveling.espFeather Bikini.espingot recovery.espMamoth Lord.esprrhair.esprrhair2.espSOS - Male Vanila Armor Cloths Conversion Custom.espsower of discord - thegreylight.espCharmingHighHeels.espimp_helm_legend.espApocalypse - More Apocalypse.espFast Respawn 72 Hours 1.2.espAnimated Dragon Wings.espEoGeom.espGauntlet Armor - Vanilla.espWintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp I can post Papyrus logs as well if you guys think them useful. I don't know what other info to give, but if you think you know what's going on, please don't hesitate to post. I'm at the end of my rope here, I've been trying to fix this for more than a week now and it's starting to stress me out! Thanks a lot in advance
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp (I am going to take a shot in the dark and say its this mod)Please get rid of this don't download mods like this. SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp, SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp, SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp Don't quote me on this but aren't you supposed to just use one addon? FollowersAlwaysEquipFromInventory.esp I heard it is buggy It is skyrim it is not your system that is causing this, don't use gamebooster causes problems at least for me with skyrim and also do you use Mod Organizer? I can teamviewer you and check out your issue if you need hands on help if all else fails just message me i'll give you my steam.
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp (I am going to take a shot in the dark and say its this mod) Please get rid of this don't download mods like this. SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp, SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp, SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp Don't quote me on this but aren't you supposed to just use one addon? FollowersAlwaysEquipFromInventory.esp I heard it is buggy It is skyrim it is not your system that is causing this, don't use gamebooster causes problems at least for me with skyrim and also do you use Mod Organizer? Thank you for the reply! A friend told me that stuff like ashes and nirnroot spawns and what not cause problems, which is why I got Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier. It supposedly cleans up after stuff like that. Can I ask why I'm not supposed to use mods like it? Also I think that the SOS plugins are optional, at least while installing with the NMM it let me click all three, I'll reinstall it and just choose one. Roger on the third mod, I'll remove it if it's buggy, I don't even keep followers around for long anyways. I used to use Game Booster back when it started doing it, I don't use it anymore. And also I use BOSS to organize mods, is Mod Organizer the same thing as BOSS? Or is it more like NMM?
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Thank you for the reply! A friend told me that stuff like ashes and nirnroot spawns and what not cause problems, which is why I got Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier. It supposedly cleans up after stuff like that. Can I ask why I'm not supposed to use mods like it? Also I think that the SOS plugins are optional, at least while installing with the NMM it let me click all three, I'll reinstall it and just choose one. Roger on the third mod, I'll remove it if it's buggy, I don't even keep followers around for long anyways. I used to use Game Booster back when it started doing it, I don't use it anymore. And also I use BOSS to organize mods, is Mod Organizer the same thing as BOSS? Or is it more like NMM? Any game save used with that mod is most likely ruined, the reason you don't use mods like that because they promise something they can't deliver in most cases if you want to get rid of bloating in your skse.ini you need to put clearinvalidregistrations. Are you ok with starting a new game? NMM is a mod program so is MO but Mod Organizer is way better please let me help you learn that program. Use LOOT not BOSS it is its successor
gm207 Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Hello everyone, I've been encountering a strange bug and that is, my shape changes by itself when ever a notice pups up, please could someone help, its very ennoying to have to edit my shape over and over. Thanks in advance
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Any game save used with that mod is most likely ruined, the reason you don't use mods like that because they promise something they can't deliver in most cases if you want to get rid of bloating in your skse.ini you need to put clearinvalidregistrations. Are you ok with starting a new game? NMM is a mod program so is MO but Mod Organizer is way better please let me help you learn that program. Use LOOT not BOSS it is its successor Okay, I already had ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 in my SKSE.ini, too. And yes I am okay with new games, I have been doing new games ever since this whole situation started so I could try to isolate the problem, so no worries! Sure, I can try Mod Organizer. I'll download it and have a look at it, and I didn't know that BOSS was obsolete! I will Google LOOT and have a look at it as well.
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Any game save used with that mod is most likely ruined, the reason you don't use mods like that because they promise something they can't deliver in most cases if you want to get rid of bloating in your skse.ini you need to put clearinvalidregistrations. Are you ok with starting a new game? NMM is a mod program so is MO but Mod Organizer is way better please let me help you learn that program. Use LOOT not BOSS it is its successor Okay, I already had ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 in my SKSE.ini, too. And yes I am okay with new games, I have been doing new games ever since this whole situation started so I could try to isolate the problem, so no worries! Sure, I can try Mod Organizer. I'll download it and have a look at it, and I didn't know that BOSS was obsolete! I will Google LOOT and have a look at it as well. Read tutorials and understand how it works start with a clean skyrim nothing in it Hello everyone, I've been encountering a strange bug and that is, my shape changes by itself when ever a notice pups up, please could someone help, its very ennoying to have to edit my shape over and over. Thanks in advance don't hijack forums and specify at least.
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Okay, LOOT says that Dawnguard.esm has 6 ITM records, and that I should clean it with TES5Edit. It also says that The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp contains 1 ITM. I'll clean those two and see if that helps.
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Okay, LOOT says that Dawnguard.esm has 6 ITM records, and that I should clean it with TES5Edit. It also says that The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp contains 1 ITM. I'll clean those two and see if that helps. You can clean them if you want but it wont make that much of a difference.
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Okay, LOOT says that Dawnguard.esm has 6 ITM records, and that I should clean it with TES5Edit. It also says that The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp contains 1 ITM. I'll clean those two and see if that helps. You can clean them if you want but it wont make that much of a difference. Oh, okay. What else would you suggest?
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Well start on a clean slate like I said learn Mod organizer thats alot to take in.
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 Okay, progress report. I managed to play for more than 15 minutes by using LOOT instead of BOSS and letting it sort my mods, and cleaning up Dawnguard.esm and the dance of death ultimate.esp with TES5Edit. I have been using BOSS for a long time now and it never told me those two had ITM edits, so thanks for that, aareyn. What I didn't do was use MO for managing my mods, it is indeed a lot to take in so I decided to see if the load order and the dirty edits were the guilty parties first, before I got into MO. I was able to play with no crashes for about an hour and ten minutes, no graphical glitches either, but then the game audio cut off and it was replaced with a really painful and loud buzzing sound. It was very loud and it scared me since I was wearing headphones and I had never heard something like that before. I quit the game after that but I still have normal sound outside the game.
Zeozark Posted March 4, 2015 Author Posted March 4, 2015 And, we're back to square one. Back to the 15 minutes crashes, no graphical glitches this time. I decided that I was on the road to fixing the problem, so I went ahead and added a couple of mods that I thought would be pretty inoffensive, bumped my game's graphic quality to High and the sound from 24 bit, 44100 Hz up to 24 bit, 48000 Hz. Ran around for a while, and crashed, I didn't time it but it must have been around 20 minutes, tops. So now I've gone back to the same mods, the same load order and the same graphical and audio settings from before, and this time I couldn't get past 13 minutes, nowhere near the 1 hours and 10 minutes that I could earlier today. I'm at a complete loss here, so there's a 1 in 5 chance that the game will run properly with no problems? I don't think I like random elements in games, much less if the RNG dictates if I can play my game or not. Anyone's got any ideas? Please? I'm at the end of my rope here...
Meteox Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Are you crashing on a new save file or are you still using the same old file? If it was your old save file, you may want to clean your save file. You see, when you take out a mod, it does not always go away, the "clean save" method is not enough. A mod will leave its script in your save file which to cause issues such as crashing (Depending on the script and the mod). Use this tool to remove these nasty scripts and be sure before you do so, make a backup of your save file! ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?). The videos will not include the additional steps which include using the buttons "Clean Other", "Delete Broken Actives" and "Advanced". I, for one, tend to try things out when I know I can go back if something gone wrong (Backup), so yeah you can do the same IF you want. All what I said would be useless if you are crashing on a new save file...I guess, but it is still useful info.
demack Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 It may be hardware related and the GPU is getting hot. Not saying there are not problems. OK Did you by chance upgrade any mods recently or install any DLC stuff?
WraithSlayer Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 Going by the screenshot, this has hardware issue written all over it. Graphics card is likely overheating and causing instability, which leads to your crashes and display artifacts. Use a program like GPU-Z or similar to check if your GPU temperatures are running below the manufacturer's listed operating temperature. If it's running hotter than what the manufacturer specifies, then you risk damaging the card and shorten its lifespan. Most common causes for overheating are dust accumulation in the fans and heat sinks, improper air flow in the case, or faulty GPU fans / thermal paste.
Guest Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 I can show you how to use the program we can meet on teamviewer you'll thank me later.
Zeozark Posted March 5, 2015 Author Posted March 5, 2015 Going by the screenshot, this has hardware issue written all over it. Graphics card is likely overheating and causing instability, which leads to your crashes and display artifacts. Use a program like GPU-Z or similar to check if your GPU temperatures are running below the manufacturer's listed operating temperature. If it's running hotter than what the manufacturer specifies, then you risk damaging the card and shorten its lifespan. Most common causes for overheating are dust accumulation in the fans and heat sinks, improper air flow in the case, or faulty GPU fans / thermal paste. Thanks, but I already stated that the GPU barely goes above 60 degrees celsius, so I really don't think that overheating is the problem. It may be hardware related and the GPU is getting hot. Not saying there are not problems. OK Did you by chance upgrade any mods recently or install any DLC stuff? Thank you, but again, I've already specified that it's not getting too hot at all, barely around sixty degrees. I did upgrade mods, but only after it started crashing. It's still crashing even with updated mods, though. Are you crashing on a new save file or are you still using the same old file? If it was your old save file, you may want to clean your save file. You see, when you take out a mod, it does not always go away, the "clean save" method is not enough. A mod will leave its script in your save file which to cause issues such as crashing (Depending on the script and the mod). Use this tool to remove these nasty scripts and be sure before you do so, make a backup of your save file! ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?). The videos will not include the additional steps which include using the buttons "Clean Other", "Delete Broken Actives" and "Advanced". I, for one, tend to try things out when I know I can go back if something gone wrong (Backup), so yeah you can do the same IF you want. All what I said would be useless if you are crashing on a new save file...I guess, but it is still useful info. I was crashing on my old save, which is why every time I boot up the game I am starting a new game, without fail until I can isolate the problem. New games are crashing just the same, as well.
Guest Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Alright i'll explain why you should use Mod Organizer (MO) For one It uses a virtual file system meaning it doesn't put any mods in you data folder like NMM does. EXAMPLE Now in the above image when you stall mods all files get installed in their separate folders (far left) no mixing of files this way; In MO you see where it says "open in explorer" that takes you to the folder of the mod for instance race menu (top right) and you may wonder then how does mod files overwrite eachother? Well it works the same way esp priority works the one on the bottom will keep its changes. Also if you notice the tabs in MO where the plugins (esp's) are you'll see the "data" tab what this does is simulates what it would be like if all the files where put together so if you have trouble finding something you can look here. You'll notice this is my skyrim directory completely untouched by MO so no more reinstalling when you fuck something up There are no drawbacks to this program MO is better than NMM it is a fact. Not only that but you can download with manager with MO just like NMM have separate profiles which now is a feature of NMM, easy accessible programs Via dropdown (look above plugins where it shows skse) I am insistent because the program saved me so much time and the regret of not using it since the beginning is strong and I wanna save people from the pain, ask anyone on this site who knows anything they'll tell you the same. Check out video's by Gopher here he has a playlist http://youtu.be/j4ZQpzf_iAE?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK
Zeozark Posted March 5, 2015 Author Posted March 5, 2015 Alright i'll explain why you should use Mod Organizer (MO) For one It uses a virtual file system meaning it doesn't put any mods in you data folder like NMM does. EXAMPLE Now in the above image when you stall mods all files get installed in their separate folders (far left) no mixing of files this way; In MO you see where it says "open in explorer" that takes you to the folder of the mod for instance race menu (top right) and you may wonder then how does mod files overwrite eachother? Well it works the same way esp priority works the one on the bottom will keep its changes. Also if you notice the tabs in MO where the plugins (esp's) are you'll see the "data" tab what this does is simulates what it would be like if all the files where put together so if you have trouble finding something you can look here. You'll notice this is my skyrim directory completely untouched by MO so no more reinstalling when you fuck something up There are no drawbacks to this program MO is better than NMM it is a fact. Not only that but you can download with manager with MO just like NMM have separate profiles which now is a feature of NMM, easy accessible programs Via dropdown (look above plugins where it shows skse) I am insistent because the program saved me so much time and the regret of not using it since the beginning is strong and I wanna save people from the pain, ask anyone on this site who knows anything they'll tell you the same. Check out video's by Gopher here he has a playlist http://youtu.be/j4ZQpzf_iAE?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK Okay, thank you very much for your insistense, I will download it again and try it out on a fresh Skyrim install, even though I'm pretty sure at this point that mods are not the problem, you praise the program so much that I will try it out.
Guest Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Okay, thank you very much for your insistense, I will download it again and try it out on a fresh Skyrim install, even though I'm pretty sure at this point that mods are not the problem, you praise the program so much that I will try it out. Yes you wont regret it if you have problems or don't understand let me know. Also there is a folder in MO (By the mod folders) at the very bottom called overwrite what this does is catch things your game or programs try to add to the main folder for instance FNIS you'll find the files in the overwrite folder after you run it and if you right click on that folder you can select create mod to put those files in a separate folder.
Zeozark Posted March 6, 2015 Author Posted March 6, 2015 Okay, update time, I guess. I have been following your advice, and have been using LOOT and MO and keeping my eye on the temperature and power of my GPU, but I still am getting crashed around 15-20 minutes every time I play. I even got a BSOD once, lemme post the WhoCrashed log: On Thu 3/5/2015 7:58:10 PM GMT your computer crashedcrash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\030515-9812-01.dmpThis was probably caused by the following module: dxgmms1.sys (0xFFFFF88004952D84)Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFF84F0CC43E20, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88004952D84, 0x5)Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAfile path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms1.sysproduct: Microsoft® Windows® Operating Systemcompany: Microsoft Corporationdescription: DirectX Graphics MMSBug check description: This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced.This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time. I have tried removing and updating drivers, and even removing hardware like RAM sticks and my sound card, but to no avail.
Guest Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 Okay, update time, I guess. I have been following your advice, and have been using LOOT and MO and keeping my eye on the temperature and power of my GPU, but I still am getting crashed around 15-20 minutes every time I play. I even got a BSOD once, lemme post the WhoCrashed log: On Thu 3/5/2015 7:58:10 PM GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\030515-9812-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: dxgmms1.sys (0xFFFFF88004952D84) Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFF84F0CC43E20, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88004952D84, 0x5) Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System company: Microsoft Corporation description: DirectX Graphics MMS Bug check description: This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced. This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time. I have tried removing and updating drivers, and even removing hardware like RAM sticks and my sound card, but to no avail. You still get crashes with no mods installed? Just start a complete new game with alternate start only and the unofficial Patches, also your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini reset to default....OH by the way in MO you find your ini files it your ModOrganizer\profiles\(Profile Name) folder. Then see if it crashes turn off anti-viruses, change your desktop to windows basic, turn off shadow play if you have it... Just occurred for me to ask did you buy and pay for skyrim and do you have the dlc's? Tell the truth because your problem sounds similar to one i've heard
Zeozark Posted March 6, 2015 Author Posted March 6, 2015 Okay, update time, I guess. I have been following your advice, and have been using LOOT and MO and keeping my eye on the temperature and power of my GPU, but I still am getting crashed around 15-20 minutes every time I play. I even got a BSOD once, lemme post the WhoCrashed log: On Thu 3/5/2015 7:58:10 PM GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\030515-9812-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: dxgmms1.sys (0xFFFFF88004952D84) Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFF84F0CC43E20, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88004952D84, 0x5) Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System company: Microsoft Corporation description: DirectX Graphics MMS Bug check description: This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced. This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time. I have tried removing and updating drivers, and even removing hardware like RAM sticks and my sound card, but to no avail. You still get crashes with no mods installed? Just start a complete new game with alternate start only and the unofficial Patches, also your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini reset to default....OH by the way in MO you find your ini files it your ModOrganizer\profiles\(Profile Name) folder. Then see if it crashes turn off anti-viruses, change your desktop to windows basic, turn off shadow play if you have it... Just occurred for me to ask did you buy and pay for skyrim and do you have the dlc's? Tell the truth because your problem sounds similar to one i've heard Yes, I have Skyrim and the DLCs legally, right there on my Stream profile. Also, I don't have Shadow play, what is that? I am beginning to think that my problem might be hardware related, because I have been trying everything for both Windows and Skyrim including clean reinstalls, and I am still having problems... maybe my video card is dying or maybe my RAM. I will see about borrowing someone else's and trying those out and will update then
Zeozark Posted March 6, 2015 Author Posted March 6, 2015 Okay, I think I'm close to fixing it. I used an old video card to test out the game, an nVidia 9800, and the game ran just fine in the two sessions that I tried, I played normally for 30 minutes and then for 45 minutes, no crashes or graphical glitches, though I had to turn down the graphic settings to Low, so the poor old card wouldn't melt... It reached temperatures of around 80C-89C, but it didn't fail at all, which indeed proves that the problem is my video card. After that, I switched back to my current card, and didn't turn my settings back up, I stayed on Low settings and I just played for around 35 minutes just fine, again no problems to speak off, but I noticed that an error message popped up in Windows, saying that the Desktop Window Manager had stopped working and had to restart, but aside from that, no problems at all. It would seem that maybe I was wrong, and the card is probably working too hard and getting too hot, I have never changed the thermal paste on it, and maybe I was wrong to assume that it was fine reaching temperatures of around 79C. I will take it apart and clean it up tomorrow, change the past on it, and try again. Thanks to everyone who suggested that I check for overheating, you might be right after all... We'll see, and I'll post the results when I got em
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