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Cynical Misanthrope

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"shameless self-promotion"


Some of you know me, and some of you don't. But let me just give you a quick presentation of who I am.

I'm not stupid, just having bad luck when thinking.


Okay, now when we have gotten that out of the way, I would like to share with you, I guess you can call it a "demo teaser"

During the Xmass holiday, one of my bands entered the studio, that our bass player has built, to test it out, for future plans.

We pretty much just locked us up, tossed away the key, got stoned, and then just let the creativity flow wild.


The end results were 12 songs, and shit loads of just jamming. We got so surprised by the quality of the sound, so we decided to share a few songs

with the world and also to get some outside feedback since, a song in general can sound completely different, depending on the audio system.


We are still in the process of discovering our style, and just so you know, we aren't even a full band yet.

Musically, we have no clue what to call it, but Progressive Technical Metal seems to fit best.

We don't really want to just play one type of style. We want to mix stuff as much as possible, to try create something fresh and unique.

When we rehearse we play everything from Blues, to Extreme Death Metal.


At the moment were are only three members, but a fourth is on a way (actually, we are holding an audition this upcoming weekend for the vocals).

So these songs doesn't have any vocals (apart from one, a cover, sang by me :blush: ), But I hope you will enjoy it anyway.


The bands name is "Mitt Egna Personliga Helvete" which in English Translates to "My Own Personal Hell"

The name is not associated with concept of Satan's hell, but more in the way of describing the feelings depression, anxiety, dismal, etc etc.


So, this teaser contains:


1 Intro

2 own songs

1 cover

1 read me


You should at least in some way, be into metal, to get the feeling, but it's not required really.

But if you don't like it, don't be an asshole and say things like "this sucks". Just move along.

Feel free to leave constructive criticism, if you like. You are free to express your thoughts, on what we can improve.

An example can be like this:


"I'm not into this kind of style, but I think you can increase/decrease/improve the sound of the guitars/bass/drums whatever.


Since we don't have a full band yet, it sure is impossible to hear the whole aspect, but that doesn't mean you can still can leave

suggestions when it comes to sounds and such.


Just remember, it's a teaser, and in no way any indication of the final product.


I hope you will enjoy it!


Thank you!



Mitt Egna Personliga Helvete.rar


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I like instrumentals, a -lot-. This sounds pretty cool. I was taken aback by the intro sound at first, wasn't quite what I was expecting.  :lol:

Melancholy was my favorite, Misshapen after that.


(Sorry I can't do death metal so I could only make it through the first 2 minutes of the last song, but the instrumentals sounded good :blush: )


As for constructive criticism, I'd maybe say it was a little bit on the repetitive side, I noticed a lot of similarities in songs 2 and 3. Other than that (please pay not attention to my brains need to go into seizure mode during hard vocals), it's really awesome!


Good luck and I hope your band does great :heart:   :D

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I like instrumentals, a -lot-. This sounds pretty cool. I was taken aback by the intro sound at first, wasn't quite what I was expecting.  :lol:

Melancholy was my favorite, Misshapen after that.


(Sorry I can't do death metal so I could only make it through the first 2 minutes of the last song, but the instrumentals sounded good :blush: )


As for constructive criticism, I'd maybe say it was a little bit on the repetitive side, I noticed a lot of similarities in songs 2 and 3. Other than that (please pay not attention to my brains need to go into seizure mode during hard vocals), it's really awesome!


Good luck and I hope your band does great :heart:   :D


Aww, so my vocals skills are THAT bad ehh? :P:lol: Luckily, you won't hopefully hear it again, LOL! ;)

If things goes as planned, we will have a singer by the next week.


Anyway, thank you for the kind words! And yes, we are aware of the repetitiveness. We haven't really been that active for long. Around 5-6 months or something, and sadly we don't meet that very often. So when we finally decided to get together to do this, we just pretty much just rushed most songs, to stress-test the studio equipment, and try to learn as much as possible in the shortest time. But I hear you, and we will step it up a notch to create more varied songs. Hopefully, when have found a singer and a 2nd guitar player, we can truly shine.


Needs more speed metal.  Not the thrash metal people get it confused with, but true and honest speed metal.  Like on Kill Em All.  Metal Militia's a good example from that album. :-P Fast rhythms and quick pacing are the best things in life xD


Kill Em All, is one of my favorite albums. But we aren't really interested in playing Speed Metal per say, but we do have a few faster songs with the same drum speed, and those typical loop guitar riffs. Our goal is to mix styles yes, but still keep the heavy groove. Our absolute best moment we had, was when we played ZZ-Top like blues, but with our sound.

It sounded so wrong in so many ways, but at the same time, incredible heavy but very bluesy.

When we sometimes accidentally had eye contact during the recording session, we had to stop to just burst out in laugh. :lol: 

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That's really good for only being together 6 months or so. :3 You can only get better from here!


Don't mind me and not liking the vocals. My bf teases me all the time because I can't listen to the death metal scream.  :lol:  :lol: I try all the time for his sake, but I just don't have the ear to appreciate it I guess.  :blush: My musical tastes range from bluegrass to Bach and everything in between. I got to go to a live concert of Trans Siberian Orchestra (Beethoven's 5th).  :heart: Best frickin' concert EVAR! Wasn't long after my car accident, so I had a hard time getting to the seats. You shoulda seen that usher. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when he saw me sitting on the floor behind my balcony seat just listening to the music. (For a little while at the beginning of it my vertigo was acting up; Couldn't look at all the lights and sounds without getting super dizzy)  :lol:  :lol:


You guys keep practicing and you'll find your niche. 

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Sounds good :) Bit of math \ djent vibe in songs 2 and 3. 4 is Meshuggah cover if i'm not mistaken, good one too. :D


Lot of potential for sure, keep up the good work! Cheers! :)


Thanks man! :heart:


Djent is a huge inspiration for us, and so is Meshuggah! :D

So yes, nr 4 is a cover of Mesuggah, like I mentioned in the 1st post. Well, almost anyway.

I just mentioned "a cover" Also, Meshuggah comes from the same country where I live :sleepy:

Haven't heard of Math, so gonna look em up! :)

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No problem! :D

Math is short of mathematical metal i suppose (you know, weird timings and measures), and that term is not used often. Meshuggah is considered to be the first band in math subgenre, but it's just a name really, metal is what it is. :) You just keep working and find your own style, you got a good thing going. ;)

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No problem! :D


Math is short of mathematical metal i suppose (you know, weird timings and measures), and that term is not used often. Meshuggah is considered to be the first band in math subgenre, but it's just a name really, metal is what it is. :) You just keep working and find your own style, you got a good thing going. ;)


Ahh yes, I know what you mean. Whats really cool with "mathematical metal", at first, it just sounds like you play completely drunk.

But after a closer inspection, you will often hear Hi-Hat/Cymbals play in normal pattern. Thus making it really easy to follow.

I am far from an expert, and I need a lot of more practice doing it, but you should have heard me the first time when I decided to try learn it  :lol: 



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I forgot to mention: the sound quality is pretty good, and vocal on Meshuggah cover is great, resembling Jens Kidman's vocal  in a large degree. :)


Now, I suppose I should quit spamming this post lol


We all have fairly high knowledge when it comes to studio work.

I have worked as a studio technician in the past. But our bass player, has superior knowledge when it comes to this stuff.


To me the guitar is always playing the same notes and makes the music dull, the choir is nice I guess.


I get what you're saying, and we are aware of that. But on the other hand, we still miss one guitar player and vocalist. In the future will also have few synth melodies/loops, so that should spice a few things up. What you are basically is hearing is the just the foundation. Thank you anyway!

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We are still in the process of discovering our style, and just so you know, we aren't even a full band yet.

Musically, we have no clue what to call it, but Progressive Technical Metal seems to fit best.

We don't really want to just play one type of style. We want to mix stuff as much as possible, to try create something fresh and unique.

When we rehearse we play everything from Blues, to Extreme Death Metal.


With that statement, I was expecting some variety from the little teaser, but it all sounded like djent to me apart from the intro (the cover is a given since it's Meshuggah). The clean sections of Melancholy were nice, but the distorted parts need some versatility. It seems like everyone who picks up an 8-string guitar only plays djent, and this fails to impress when you mentioned the Blues while rehearsing. There is a lot your guitarist can do with an instrument like that and being a Blues-influenced metal lover (sludge/doom/stoner/thrash), I would love to hear what he can do with it.


Bottom line: the sound quality is excellent, but personally, for your second guitarist I think you can find someone with a different musical background. With him/her, both guitarists can play off each other if you want to 'mix stuff as much as possible, to try to create something fresh and unique'.


I hope you found this constructive and good luck.

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We are still in the process of discovering our style, and just so you know, we aren't even a full band yet.

Musically, we have no clue what to call it, but Progressive Technical Metal seems to fit best.

We don't really want to just play one type of style. We want to mix stuff as much as possible, to try create something fresh and unique.

When we rehearse we play everything from Blues, to Extreme Death Metal.


With that statement, I was expecting some variety from the little teaser, but it all sounded like djent to me apart from the intro (the cover is a given since it's Meshuggah). The clean sections of Melancholy were nice, but the distorted parts need some versatility. It seems like everyone who picks up an 8-string guitar only plays djent, and this fails to impress when you mentioned the Blues while rehearsing. There is a lot your guitarist can do with an instrument like that and being a Blues-influenced metal lover (sludge/doom/stoner/thrash), I would love to hear what he can do with it.


Bottom line: the sound quality is excellent, but personally, for your second guitarist I think you can find someone with a different musical background. With him/her, both guitarists can play off each other if you want to 'mix stuff as much as possible, to try to create something fresh and unique'.


I hope you found this constructive and good luck.



Thank you for your input! It sure will help a lot. I really appreciate it. As I have mentioned earlier in this thread, we haven't existed for that long.

5-6 months tops, but only rehearsed maybe 1-2 times per month. So, with that in the back pack, most of our focus has been just to spit out as much songs as possible, since we wanted to stress test the equipment as much as possible in the studio, that our bass player has built.


Granted, it's no excuse, but that's the truth. On the other hand, it just gives us inspiration to work harder!

We have also received complaints about the drums. Which is something we are aware off, since the microphones we have used, are pure crap.

So we need to get new ones, but they aren't cheap. We have no idea really, when our first demo will come out. the goal is spring 2015, but it could as well be June/July/August. And much can happen in that time!


Again thank you!


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I listened to some samples from different songs on your soundcloud page, I liked the more melodic suff, the progressive rock and the chillout. Couldn't rate the death metal because I can't  tell good death metal from bad. Guess my comment isnt much help, but I love when people do creative stuff, so keep it up

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As a big fan of overly over the top mega ultra complex metal shit


I guess this is a good start. Way too simple for someone like me, but good start. Honest.


Ever thought about adding some guitar solo to these instrumentals? I think they could help make these instrumental to be less simple. I... think?


Thank you for taking the time to listen to our music. Simplicity can be relative I guess. It may sound simple, but it's not. But yeah, some parts are easy to play, so focus can be set on other things. And this "teaser" is not meant to be taken 100% serious, and by that I mean, the recording were made mostly for learning the studio shit, and find somewhat decent sound. The only song we somewhat paid extra attention too, were the Meshuggah cover.


It's strange thou, not so many has said anything about the quality by the sound (just the drums from a few IRL friends) so I guess that is something we have done right :lol:

We need to buy new microphones for the drums and our bass player is not happy with his bass rig, so that is something that will be replaced soon.



I listened to some samples from different songs on your soundcloud page, I liked the more melodic suff, the progressive rock and the chillout. Couldn't rate the death metal because I can't  tell good death metal from bad. Guess my comment isnt much help, but I love when people do creative stuff, so keep it up


I am not sure if you have listen to the stuff that I provided here in the thread, or my own stuff at Soundcloud. But nevertheless, I thank you regardless of what you have listen too.

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To me the guitar is always playing the same notes and makes the music dull, the choir is nice I guess.


I bet you'd hate Oneida :lol:


"shameless self-promotion"




You should at least in some way, be into metal, to get the feeling, but it's not required really.

But if you don't like it, don't be an asshole and say things like "this sucks". Just move along.

Feel free to leave constructive criticism, if you like. You are free to express your thoughts, on what we can improve.


Nice work. I liked them. Of the two songs I preferred Misshapen, but they're both good.

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