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Issue with armor cleavage 7B bombshell


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First, I apologize if this is in the wrong area.


I've scoured the site for about a week but haven't managed to find anyone who had the same issue.


I'm seeming to have issues with cleavage on armors with using sevenbase bombshell, and then armor conversions. For example, here is an image provided in Stevierage's wonderful conversions post:







And then here is a screenshot of my character wearing TC Tavern Wench:





Steps I took to install:

1. ) Grab Troublemakers Cloth - UNPB UNP BBP BBPx TBBP MTM HDT-PE Female Body Replacer - Troublemakers Cloth Craftable UNPB - BBP

2.) Install it.

3.) Grab the TroubleMakers Barkeeper-Chef-With-Alt-Skirt-Replacers UNPB - BBP as described in Stevierage's description.

4.) Install it, allow over writes as requested by NMM.

5.) Install the conversion from Stevierage.

6.) Allow over writes as requested by NMM.


From what I understand, from here the clothing should now have that cleavage effect I'm looking for from the Sevenbase Cleavage (For Modders mod), as that's what appears to be used for that clothing in the screenshot. Unfortunately, I'm just missing something (likely simple).



Answered my own question!


In case others are having the same problem - The conversion has to be MANUALLY added (or the 7z file adjusted.) As it is, it will place the files in a subfolder in your skyrim directory that has nothing to do with the actual meshes. Instead, open up the 7z and manually extract them to their desired locations (Data\meshes\clothes\<chef or barkeep>\f\<DROP FILES HERE>



Oh, and use the IN GAME "tavern clothes" rather than the TC Clothes when trying to look them up in-game.





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