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Animation problems with Lovers Animations

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Uhm, I seem to have various problems with the sexual animations at the moment, especially the blow job animations, its WAY off mark - its positioning that is, and I mean WAY - like the male will be 5-6 if not 7 feet away from the girl as the animation plays out.




Any idea what could be the cause? I've disabled if not removed an abundance of pose mods, specifically my CTAddPose mods - and otherwise reinstalled all my lovers mods, yet its weird.

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I've had a look inside the .ini file for the blowjob, but I really have no idea what to change really x.x; anyone able to help, or correct me on what ini it is, I think its ( blowjob_xx_Motion ) - but even then, I still have no idea what values to change.

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hey buddy has it always been like that or just after you removed files?


Try just taking the .ini folder from ashals lovers resource pack and overwriting your current one. if that fails lovers has a built in positioning editor that will enable you to re-adjust poses on the fly, its a pain in the ass getting it right but then lovers will save the settings for you.


much love 

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xD I enjoy the jokes, but a shy imperial guard, how interesting! and now as to that of I overwriting the .ini - I've done so, to no avail, and so - if its possible whats this position adjuster? never seen it or used it before, if one could explain about such; would be grateful ^^

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xD I enjoy the jokes' date=' but a shy imperial guard, how interesting! and now as to that of I overwriting the .ini - I've done so, to no avail, and so - if its possible whats this position adjuster? never seen it or used it before, if one could explain about such; would be grateful ^^


The keys 1 through 4 adjust the horizontal (1, 2) and vertical (3, 4) position of the active person (eg. the 'male' in the relationship  :P ), and 9 and 0 adjust vertical position of the passive person.

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  • 4 months later...

It would be far easier to just reinstall your ini files (as that is what has you messed up). Use the latest Lovers with pk and pull out only the ini files and just overwrite your ini's with the new ones. http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=7



I have problem with only one animation. I've tried out to refresh ini-s but unfortunately it didn't worked, they are still facing away from each other, i have a feeling that will be an error inside the 8 .kf files, animation #84 from the lastest resources. Can you check those files please? Maybe they are bugged, must be repaired somehow cauz it is very nice :huh: When i open these files with Nifskope it tells me some error messages, but i don't really get it.


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Tom21, is there something in particular that is wrong? :(


There are a couple of animations that are glitched but on the whole there are quite a few that work quite well!


If there is something I can help you with just holler and post what specific problems you have with your load order. :)

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I have problems with bodies which facing to the opposing direction' date=' i need to rotate one of them with 180°, how can i manage that? Can i use Nifskope for it?



What version of lovers with pk are you using ?? if it is rev 89 or higher. Crack open the ini that belongs to that animation then scroll all the way down, and see if there is a line added that looks like this


set XLoversPKrQuest.XmeRotate 1


If this line is not present paste this in and it will make the animation to rotate 180 degrees. That should fix it.


Or if this line is like this and it is still facing the wrong direction.


set XLoversPKrQuest.XmeRotate 0 to use the regular rotation.



Is There Enybody Out There THAT doss not have a problem with Lovers Animations????


Well i never had any trouble with any lovers animation.


The real problems with these animations there are too many packs around, some have problems others don't if you start mixing them up. and add broken animation to working pack you will break that pack too.


And what if working for you, could actually not even work for someone else, because they aren't using the same mods you do. like say using different body packs, if you use small boobs and base your animations on it, it will look totally weird if someone is playing with huge boobs.

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I have problems with bodies which facing to the opposing direction' date=' i need to rotate one of them with 180°, how can i manage that? Can i use Nifskope for it?



What version of lovers with pk are you using ?? if it is rev 89 or higher. Crack open the ini that belongs to that animation then scroll all the way down, and see if there is a line added that looks like this


set XLoversPKrQuest.XmeRotate 1


If this line is not present paste this in and it will make the animation to rotate 180 degrees. That should fix it.


Or if this line is like this and it is still facing the wrong direction.


set XLoversPKrQuest.XmeRotate 0 to use the regular rotation.



There was no XmeRotate line in the .ini, so i've copypasted to the bottom and tried both 0,1 you mentioned but nothing changed. Im using rev91. I only have problem with a new anim (#84) that originally doesn't work with it's own .ini so, im using another number for it (renamed the .kf files) with his original .ini the animation doesn't appear ingame. Discovered it through nifskope when i checked the newest base pack. Its a shame my actors are humping the air :s

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i have tried looking for anime 84, but no such animation exist for me. do you have a picture of how it looks like in game ? from 83 it jumps to 93 between 84 and 93 is no animation number for me. This is just the fixed ini no movie clip

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Lvers PK, Adult Play Plusfor, Anime Objects, BCM Sound (which I'm missing the sound files), Bed, Creature, FSE, Group, Idle Anims Priorit, Pay Bandit (which doesn't work either) RaperS, RapeSlave, Self, Sperm Splash (need an english version of this one), Tachi Cat 2, Voice SSP, Loveshack. Not in that order... I was having the issue before I started adding on to it, so doubt it's got anything to do with the order. All the creatures play perfectly fine... sort of, goblins and Scamps don't go through the animations... this may just be a bug of when your PC is attacking though. I'm missing a meshe somewhere just no idea where... animations play. So far I've had no conflicts with any other mods that also add animations... sex works for all mods but for the humans in xlovers. IOW Sexlivion works fine and so does Goranga Prostitution.

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Ok maybe I wasn't specific enough. Open OBMM and click the import/export button and select view load order. Copy it and paste it here. Please use a spoiler - to use a spoiler just do this:



paste load order here



Now use [] instead of {} above and you have a spoiler :)

The reason for needing to do this is oblivion mods can and do overwrite one another. If there is a conflict the one that is lowest in the load order "wins"


To properly install lovers you should have either gotten one of the all in omod files or done the following:


1. Download\install the resource pack: http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=29

2. Download\install the minor mod pack: http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=27

3. Download\install the lovers with pk base pack: http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=7


If anything asks to overwrite say yes.

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