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 The Skyrim always on top thing drove me nearly crazy the last day till I recognized it came from this tool. As I never had problems with your last versions I thought a way to disable/enable the feature would be nice.


At the moment I stay at the last version without this on top script. As the text positioning was much easier with 0.5 there is something to miss.


But don't get me wrong, it's very useful and well made tool.

Ok, tried to make a fix, but I'm not entirely sure how skyrim becomes 'always on top'. As I could only find a, ´reactivation of tesv.exe´ after each line has faded out. and this also restacks the windows so tesv.exe is on top (so not alwaysontop), so actually there shouldn't be any permanent 'ontopping' of skyrim here, unless i missed something ;) 

Anyway as I wasn't quite sure what to disable so, I put some possible toggles in there. (one of which might still leave the fps fix active)
To update just download this file, copy it to the same dir as the 0.5 version and add these lines to your settings.ini file. (under the [settings] heading)
;set to 1 to disable the FPS optimizer which keeps skyrim active and on top (fps fix might still work if you set disableontopscript2=0)


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I am a real noob with this, and for some reason the text for me comes up before Apropos and disappears before Apropos disappears... and I don't know how to get it to start after and stay longer.  I will try anything you suggest.  I just don't understand the settings part very well.


Is there something here I could change?


; time multiple to show text, in milliseconds, calculated as,  (# characters * showtime) + 1000
showtime = 60
; check for changes in logfile every x ms.
updatespeed = 15
;show the text overlay (needs fullscreen windowed mode)
textoverlay =1
;fade in/out the text overlay
;fading speed (must be>0, >1000 is instant)
I tried making showtime a bigger number, but it seems to have the effect of making it show for a shorter time.  I think the main problem is that the text this mod generates is coming up faster than Apropos, and Apropos is making it go away...  Just a guess.
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I am a real noob with this, and for some reason the text for me comes up before Apropos and disappears before Apropos disappears... and I don't know how to get it to start after and stay longer.  I will try anything you suggest.  I just don't understand the settings part very well.


Is there something here I could change?


I tried making showtime a bigger number, but it seems to have the effect of making it show for a shorter time.  I think the main problem is that the text this mod generates is coming up faster than Apropos, and Apropos is making it go away...  Just a guess.


Did you do both?

2. enable 'enable debug messages' in the Apropos MCM.

3. enable 'enable detailed trace messages' in the Apropos MCM.

sound to me like you might have skipped #3.

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I ended up stopping the use of your mod because I noticed that the overlay's message area lagged in updating the game screen display for some reason.  It was really apparent that there was a large rectangular area on my screen that wasn't getting the frame at the same time when I was running along a road or fighting.  I'll watch for an update, in case you are able to fix it


I dont think I can fix this at my end, looks like a video card driver issue. try updating your drivers, or possibly try some different settings for onetweak.ini changing the video hook option might help. I also saw theres a recent beta version maybe that fixes it.



I'll try your new version.  I have updated my video card drivers several times since I last tried your mod.  I must say that Apropos just isn't as good without your mod because reading those messages is hard, and they should really appear in reverse order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

v0.5 is working well for me.  Thanks!


There is a slight delay in text popping up, as others have reported, but I tend to think that it's a product of resource usage by the Papyrus VM and Skyrim using CPU cycles and also settings like fadeinspeed.  The delay is quite bearable.  I think I can improve it more for myself by tweaking settings, as you have suggested.


Great job on the mod!

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  • 1 month later...

So since Apropos added it's widget the utility no longer works (the output to logfile has changed formatting), will there be an update or workaround for this? I miss my voiceovers! ;)

unless new Apropos has TTS i will not upgrade, reading text is not fun period. 

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I keep getting "Can't find synonym array for *"


This won't let me upload my .ini so i'll copy and paste below


;run as admin
runasadmin = 1
showquickmenu = 0
; path to Apropos.0.log
logpath = C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\User\Apropos.0.log
;allow searching the files in th db folder to create a history file for easy editting of last used lines. (0 = off, 1 = on)
searchfiles = 1
;notepad location ( use np++ for line lookup)
notepad_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
;apropos database path
apropos_db = C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Apropos\db
;enable femaleFemale?
enableFF = 1
;perspective for FF messages
perspective = 1
;PC name
playername =Dibella 
;apropos log entries to be filtered (regex) 
blacklist=Values|Synonyms|Initializing|Arousal|Token|Initializing|Apropos|^----|nimation|Actors|]:|Tear =|wear and tear|reduction amount :|Found|Log closed|lost .* virginity|^[123] .+\w$|^1|tracking now|NPC W|^Stage: \d|^DisplayWearTear|listed as unique|WT changed|Actor|[Dd]ebuff|Argonian|Nord|High Elf|Dark Elf|Bosmer|Khajiit|Orsimer|Orc|Imperial|Dunmer|Altmer|Wood Elf|Breton|SexLab|^-\s|apropos|actorAlias|IMPERIAL|Redguard|actor|slot :
;unnamed npcs
unnamednpcs=[tT]halmor|[bB]andit|[hH]agra|[cC]ourier|\w*?\s[hH]old [gG]uard|\w*?\s[gG]uard|[hH]unter|[fF]isher|[nN]oble|[sS]tormcloak|[vV]igilant|[iI]mperial|[aA]fflicted|[dD]remora|[fF]orsworn|[hH]ired|[lL]owlife|[sS]ellsword|[vV]agrant|\w*?\s[vV]ampire |\w*?\s[cC]onjurer|\w*?\s[nN]ecromancer|\w*?\s[wW]arlock|[dD]ragon|[dD]awnguard|[cC]ultist|[aA]rgonian|[jJ]ailer|[sS]lave|[cC]ustomer
; time multiple to show text, in milliseconds, calculated as,  (# characters * showtime) + 1000
showtime = 60
; check for changes in logfile every x ms.
updatespeed = 20
;show the text overlay (needs fullscreen windowed mode)
textoverlay =1
;fade in/out the text overlay
;fading speed (must be>0, >1000 is instant)
;default voice setting
voiceon =1
voicevolume =27
femalevoiceboost = 0
femalevoicerate = 0
femalevoicepitch = 0
malevoiceboost = 0
malevoicerate = 0
malevoicepitch = 0
narratorvoiceboost = 0
narratorvoicerate = 0
narratorvoicepitch = 0
;override voice selection, overridetype 0=narrator 1=male 2=female
override =0
overridetype = 0
; speak xxx Says in narrator voice? 
Xsays = 0
; voice selections
voicenarrator =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicefemale =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicemale =Microsoft David Desktop
narratorvoiceposition =1
femvoiceposition =6
malevoiceposition =7
; text settings
textopacity = 215
textsize = 22
textcolor = ffffff
shadowcolor = 000000
; text settings
font = Futura
fontweight = 400
shadowdistance = 2
; text alignment
text_align = center
; position of textfield
x_pos =210
y_pos =770
; width of text field (will wordwrap after)
; to center: text_width  = horizontal screen resolution -(30 + 2*x_pos)
text_width = 1170
;change shortcuts, ctrl = ^, shift = +, alt = !, windows = #, dont block native function = ~.
voice = ~^+v
toggleoverlay = ~^+t
;reload after ini changes
reload = ~^+r
;do test
runtest = ~^!t
;to open the line history
openinnotepad = ~^+o
;to edit the last line in notepad
editlastline = ~^+e
; voice volume up down
volumeup = ~^+=
volumedown = ~^+-
;position text overlay >> Ctrl+Shift+ {up / down / left / right}
;change font size >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {up / down }
;change opacity >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {left / right}
And here is my Appropos.log





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I keep getting "Can't find synonym array for *"


This won't let me upload my .ini so i'll copy and paste below


;run as admin
runasadmin = 1
showquickmenu = 0
; path to Apropos.0.log
logpath = C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\User\Apropos.0.log
;allow searching the files in th db folder to create a history file for easy editting of last used lines. (0 = off, 1 = on)
searchfiles = 1
;notepad location ( use np++ for line lookup)
notepad_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
;apropos database path
apropos_db = C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Apropos\db
;enable femaleFemale?
enableFF = 1
;perspective for FF messages
perspective = 1
;PC name
playername =Dibella 
;apropos log entries to be filtered (regex) 
blacklist=Values|Synonyms|Initializing|Arousal|Token|Initializing|Apropos|^----|nimation|Actors|]:|Tear =|wear and tear|reduction amount :|Found|Log closed|lost .* virginity|^[123] .+\w$|^1|tracking now|NPC W|^Stage: \d|^DisplayWearTear|listed as unique|WT changed|Actor|[Dd]ebuff|Argonian|Nord|High Elf|Dark Elf|Bosmer|Khajiit|Orsimer|Orc|Imperial|Dunmer|Altmer|Wood Elf|Breton|SexLab|^-\s|apropos|actorAlias|IMPERIAL|Redguard|actor|slot :
;unnamed npcs
unnamednpcs=[tT]halmor|[bB]andit|[hH]agra|[cC]ourier|\w*?\s[hH]old [gG]uard|\w*?\s[gG]uard|[hH]unter|[fF]isher|[nN]oble|[sS]tormcloak|[vV]igilant|[iI]mperial|[aA]fflicted|[dD]remora|[fF]orsworn|[hH]ired|[lL]owlife|[sS]ellsword|[vV]agrant|\w*?\s[vV]ampire |\w*?\s[cC]onjurer|\w*?\s[nN]ecromancer|\w*?\s[wW]arlock|[dD]ragon|[dD]awnguard|[cC]ultist|[aA]rgonian|[jJ]ailer|[sS]lave|[cC]ustomer
; time multiple to show text, in milliseconds, calculated as,  (# characters * showtime) + 1000
showtime = 60
; check for changes in logfile every x ms.
updatespeed = 20
;show the text overlay (needs fullscreen windowed mode)
textoverlay =1
;fade in/out the text overlay
;fading speed (must be>0, >1000 is instant)
;default voice setting
voiceon =1
voicevolume =27
femalevoiceboost = 0
femalevoicerate = 0
femalevoicepitch = 0
malevoiceboost = 0
malevoicerate = 0
malevoicepitch = 0
narratorvoiceboost = 0
narratorvoicerate = 0
narratorvoicepitch = 0
;override voice selection, overridetype 0=narrator 1=male 2=female
override =0
overridetype = 0
; speak xxx Says in narrator voice? 
Xsays = 0
; voice selections
voicenarrator =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicefemale =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicemale =Microsoft David Desktop
narratorvoiceposition =1
femvoiceposition =6
malevoiceposition =7
; text settings
textopacity = 215
textsize = 22
textcolor = ffffff
shadowcolor = 000000
; text settings
font = Futura
fontweight = 400
shadowdistance = 2
; text alignment
text_align = center
; position of textfield
x_pos =210
y_pos =770
; width of text field (will wordwrap after)
; to center: text_width  = horizontal screen resolution -(30 + 2*x_pos)
text_width = 1170
;change shortcuts, ctrl = ^, shift = +, alt = !, windows = #, dont block native function = ~.
voice = ~^+v
toggleoverlay = ~^+t
;reload after ini changes
reload = ~^+r
;do test
runtest = ~^!t
;to open the line history
openinnotepad = ~^+o
;to edit the last line in notepad
editlastline = ~^+e
; voice volume up down
volumeup = ~^+=
volumedown = ~^+-
;position text overlay >> Ctrl+Shift+ {up / down / left / right}
;change font size >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {up / down }
;change opacity >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {left / right}
And here is my Appropos.log



I use to get that. on apropos menu / message preference, click on refresh from database, and boom it works....... at least in my case


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I keep getting "Can't find synonym array for *"


This won't let me upload my .ini so i'll copy and paste below


;run as admin
runasadmin = 1
showquickmenu = 0
; path to Apropos.0.log
logpath = C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\User\Apropos.0.log
;allow searching the files in th db folder to create a history file for easy editting of last used lines. (0 = off, 1 = on)
searchfiles = 1
;notepad location ( use np++ for line lookup)
notepad_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
;apropos database path
apropos_db = C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Apropos\db
;enable femaleFemale?
enableFF = 1
;perspective for FF messages
perspective = 1
;PC name
playername =Dibella 
;apropos log entries to be filtered (regex) 
blacklist=Values|Synonyms|Initializing|Arousal|Token|Initializing|Apropos|^----|nimation|Actors|]:|Tear =|wear and tear|reduction amount :|Found|Log closed|lost .* virginity|^[123] .+\w$|^1|tracking now|NPC W|^Stage: \d|^DisplayWearTear|listed as unique|WT changed|Actor|[Dd]ebuff|Argonian|Nord|High Elf|Dark Elf|Bosmer|Khajiit|Orsimer|Orc|Imperial|Dunmer|Altmer|Wood Elf|Breton|SexLab|^-\s|apropos|actorAlias|IMPERIAL|Redguard|actor|slot :
;unnamed npcs
unnamednpcs=[tT]halmor|[bB]andit|[hH]agra|[cC]ourier|\w*?\s[hH]old [gG]uard|\w*?\s[gG]uard|[hH]unter|[fF]isher|[nN]oble|[sS]tormcloak|[vV]igilant|[iI]mperial|[aA]fflicted|[dD]remora|[fF]orsworn|[hH]ired|[lL]owlife|[sS]ellsword|[vV]agrant|\w*?\s[vV]ampire |\w*?\s[cC]onjurer|\w*?\s[nN]ecromancer|\w*?\s[wW]arlock|[dD]ragon|[dD]awnguard|[cC]ultist|[aA]rgonian|[jJ]ailer|[sS]lave|[cC]ustomer
; time multiple to show text, in milliseconds, calculated as,  (# characters * showtime) + 1000
showtime = 60
; check for changes in logfile every x ms.
updatespeed = 20
;show the text overlay (needs fullscreen windowed mode)
textoverlay =1
;fade in/out the text overlay
;fading speed (must be>0, >1000 is instant)
;default voice setting
voiceon =1
voicevolume =27
femalevoiceboost = 0
femalevoicerate = 0
femalevoicepitch = 0
malevoiceboost = 0
malevoicerate = 0
malevoicepitch = 0
narratorvoiceboost = 0
narratorvoicerate = 0
narratorvoicepitch = 0
;override voice selection, overridetype 0=narrator 1=male 2=female
override =0
overridetype = 0
; speak xxx Says in narrator voice? 
Xsays = 0
; voice selections
voicenarrator =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicefemale =Microsoft Hazel Desktop
voicemale =Microsoft David Desktop
narratorvoiceposition =1
femvoiceposition =6
malevoiceposition =7
; text settings
textopacity = 215
textsize = 22
textcolor = ffffff
shadowcolor = 000000
; text settings
font = Futura
fontweight = 400
shadowdistance = 2
; text alignment
text_align = center
; position of textfield
x_pos =210
y_pos =770
; width of text field (will wordwrap after)
; to center: text_width  = horizontal screen resolution -(30 + 2*x_pos)
text_width = 1170
;change shortcuts, ctrl = ^, shift = +, alt = !, windows = #, dont block native function = ~.
voice = ~^+v
toggleoverlay = ~^+t
;reload after ini changes
reload = ~^+r
;do test
runtest = ~^!t
;to open the line history
openinnotepad = ~^+o
;to edit the last line in notepad
editlastline = ~^+e
; voice volume up down
volumeup = ~^+=
volumedown = ~^+-
;position text overlay >> Ctrl+Shift+ {up / down / left / right}
;change font size >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {up / down }
;change opacity >> Ctrl+Shift+Alt {left / right}
And here is my Appropos.log



I use to get that. on apropos menu / message preference, click on refresh from database, and boom it works....... at least in my case





Okay that helped with that but now it says " Could not find or read file'' " It also doesn't display the text that it is supposed to read. Apropos displays it's text but the overlay doesn't display, it just shows that error message. I am also using the patch for this file and have the settings set to what the install section says.


Please help. I had this working before but had to reset my computer since then


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"Could not find or read file" never have that message before, try to double check the destination of db and file, copy and paste from address bar of windows explorer,do not try to type it, it takes me 1 day to realize i type wrong folder when i started using this mod/program,


and use the 2014 Apropos, since this mod/program will not work with the 2015 version no mater what you do,


also if you manage to make it work try to use ivona TTS, they are killer 

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, looks like you're using the wrong version of apropos, and also that your database files seem to be out of place/ or missing.

I will not support the new (2015) version of apropos, It's quite a lot of work and, I'm not actually playing skyrim anymore.
The source code is in the download, so if some autohotkey experienced person wants to try fixing it they're welcome. (but some warning. it's code is pretty messy and undocumented, :) ) best way to go about it would be to rewrite the whole logfile-parsing part of the program.. and remove the female-female scene part because thats in the new version anyway.

So that's it, I probably will not be back on LL for some time. It was fun maintaining the mod and I'm glad lots of people liked it.

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hi Estelles thanks for a good mod, ashamed the mod will not be updated, i hope someone take over the mod, or apropos added TTS, since listening much better than reading. once again thanks, and also can you please added the permission to update your mod in the main page, so people will see.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all, 


I cannot get TTS working at all. I have Ivona voices, they are working fine under windows, I unzipped all the mod into a separate folder, setup in Mo, the program is running in the background, voices are set correctly, yet ingame there is no voice.

Do I need to install the mod to specific space, do I need anything else than the voice packs and the Narrator?

Is the Narrator needs to run or is it conflicting with EAU?


Do I need to register or enable logging, database etc. for TTS?


Help, please...I would really want to make it work.

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Hello all, 


I cannot get TTS working at all. I have Ivona voices, they are working fine under windows, I unzipped all the mod into a separate folder, setup in Mo, the program is running in the background, voices are set correctly, yet ingame there is no voice.

Do I need to install the mod to specific space, do I need anything else than the voice packs and the Narrator?

Is the Narrator needs to run or is it conflicting with EAU?


Do I need to register or enable logging, database etc. for TTS?


Help, please...I would really want to make it work.


makesure the apropos the 2014 one not 2015,and also sometimes in program tray near your computer date, right click it and turn on voice,

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Hello all,


I cannot get TTS working at all. I have Ivona voices, they are working fine under windows, I unzipped all the mod into a separate folder, setup in Mo, the program is running in the background, voices are set correctly, yet ingame there is no voice.

Do I need to install the mod to specific space, do I need anything else than the voice packs and the Narrator?

Is the Narrator needs to run or is it conflicting with EAU?


Do I need to register or enable logging, database etc. for TTS?


Help, please...I would really want to make it work.

makesure the apropos the 2014 one not 2015,and also sometimes in program tray near your computer date, right click it and turn on voice,
Sorry what is on the tray what I need to turn on?

I am using the 2014 version.


I could make the voices work for fus ro bork (another program for voiceless dialogues, so I think the voices has been set up correctly.)


In the Eau I set all the voices on the right side. Do I need to do anything else?

(Where I need to install the program? It needs to start up trough MO?)


Yet whenever apropos text showing there is no voice(s).

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hello all,


I cannot get TTS working at all. I have Ivona voices, they are working fine under windows, I unzipped all the mod into a separate folder, setup in Mo, the program is running in the background, voices are set correctly, yet ingame there is no voice.

Do I need to install the mod to specific space, do I need anything else than the voice packs and the Narrator?

Is the Narrator needs to run or is it conflicting with EAU?


Do I need to register or enable logging, database etc. for TTS?


Help, please...I would really want to make it work.

makesure the apropos the 2014 one not 2015,and also sometimes in program tray near your computer date, right click it and turn on voice,
Sorry what is on the tray what I need to turn on?

I am using the 2014 version.


I could make the voices work for fus ro bork (another program for voiceless dialogues, so I think the voices has been set up correctly.)


In the Eau I set all the voices on the right side. Do I need to do anything else?

(Where I need to install the program? It needs to start up trough MO?)


Yet whenever apropos text showing there is no voice(s).



in your program tray there is a symbol right click on it and tick voice


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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi! I need some help with this part:

Text History:

To get the sentence history to work check these lines in settings.ini:

1. enable the setting, 'searchfiles', it should be, searchfiles= 1;

2. add the path to your text editor .exe file, notepad_path=

3. specify the directory of your apropos db, its in *skyrimpath*/data/apropos/db. apropos_db=

(or when using MO, just, *MOfolder*/mods/*aproposfolder*/db

I found the settings.ini, but where do I find the text editor.exe file?


Also... my apropos MCM window looks different than the ones shown in the screen shots.  I dont have the same options

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