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dogs of skyrim into sexlab


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So im just wondering if its possible to add them to the sexlab animal list somehow? they have no penis meshes and the spells just fizzle off them.

im a bit tired of either wolf or that annoying looking dog. so is there a mod that ive missed or a way to get this to work?


do you have More Nasty Critters installed ?


::EDIT:: and remember to under sexlab mcm to click "allow creature" animations to work.

yes i have it installed :)


MNC works only with the creatures included in it. There are some animal mods that use different model/skeleton/AI in order to allow a more flexible control system. This does mean however that the game doesnt see them as dogs even if they look like them and would at best use the wrong animation an most likely not animate at all.


which mean atleast from what I can understand from what you say Justoutthere is that a custom plugin is needed to edit them in a way sexlab recondnizes them.


Which mean there might not be anything that can be done  sorry spike4379


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