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What did you make with the creation kit today

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Ugh, I was able to make two custom npcs from characters I made in skyrim. Now I can't for the life of me remember HOW I generated the npc file >.<. Which I could then go into the CK and import the npc file under the gen part of the npc. Can anyone remind me?




Wow finally figured it out, and I'm sure other people could use this info. Basically you do this IN GAME in console command-


Savepcface "name of file here" - no quotes obviously


In the skyrim main folder, not data, but steam/steamapps/common/skyrim you will find the whatevername.npc. In the CK you can use this file to replace ANY npc face with the one you generated. I can't believe this isn't listed on the Skyrim wikis or on the CK help data base. I simply found this by luck, by looking at the master command list for all TES games - -

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Good find Silvist, I will save this post in my, Could be useful Doc file I make for myself.


There is a lot of new stuff here we can help each other with. I have had to stab at stuff and hope it works. What i hate is the laborious task of saving the esp, then loading the game which on my system does not load that fast, and testing it in game.


I have found that the havok button helps a lot in the editor for some of the less intense game tests.


Play with that some it has many use's. from the simple set a whole bunch of junk up in the air in editor, like bottles and weapons, and bones, and such just placing them in the air, and hit the Havok button, and watch how they randomly fall and scatter across the floor for clutter. to testing trap,s and doors and effects, and many other things.

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Here is something I finally sorted out today, which I use for somewhat static placement of NPC's in my cells.



Okay utlizing the idle animation devices such as chairmarker, BoundCaptiveMarker, is pretty simple to force NPC into these divices. mostly for static usage. in your cells.


first find your device in the warehousefurniture cell. Copy it and past it into your cell where you want it.


now create your new NPC. drop them into your cell near the device.


I am using for this poor help info the "BoundCaptiveMarker"


Now double click or right click the item in cell View window, and click edit.


1. linked Ref tab click it.


2.double click in the keyword refefence white area.


3.click the "select reference in render window button."


4.select the "BoundCaptiveMarker".


5. then in the keyword of that same window use the pull down menu to find the word "BoundCaptive" & select it.


6. now click okay. save your esp and go see if your New NPC is not on there knee's bound and submisive.


this has worked for me for many different items, and is much better than my early efforts with Packages which was not the best way to set them up, for mostly static purpose's.

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Bound captive is easy.


  • Drag the bound captive marker into the level.
  • Drag a victim also.
  • Double click on the victim and go to the linked ref tab
  • Doule click on the empty linked ref list and you get a popup dialog
  • Click "select reference in render window"
  • Double click on the captive marker
  • Make sure the captive marker has a non-zero duration under patrol data
  • That's it!


If you still have problems, make sure your test cell is navmeshed so the victim can reach her bonds, although I don't think that should matter.



Where I'm stuck is getting them to patrol between markers.


I can set up a "ping-pong" patrol with just idle makers no problem. What I'd like to do is add in a kneeling marker and a bedroll marker. Then I'd have a sequence where the slave split her time between kneeling submissively, standing around idle and sleeping.


If I can get that right, the next step is to add a before and after script to the standing idles. That way I can switch race and select a masturbation idle using Fore's Workaround. Re-arrange the idles and we get a slavegirl who spends her waking time kneeling, and part of her her sleep time playing with herself.


Sadly, I can't get the bedroll or kneeler to work as part of the patrol. If I have a four-patrolidle loop, it works. If I replace an PatrolIdle with a bedroll (or even an alchemy station as in the beth tutorial) she just stands there and looks at it from the previous marker location.


I'm also not sure how to to the pre- and post- scripts. I know I can do that as part of a package, but I can't work out how link a package with an idle marker.


Ideas welcome. I'm sure I'm missing something basic, but I can't see it

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I had a little problem with some of my submissive s wandering off, so I added this script to them, which seems to stop the nonsense.


It need stream lining, I just threw it together. This scripting language is tricky for me.


Scriptname AAABEDrunkUseItem01 extends ObjectReference  

Event OnCellLoad() ;probably somethig better can be used
 Debug.Trace("Every object in this cell has loaded its 3d")
if (AAABEDrunkslut02.GetSitState() == 1)
 Debug.Trace("Stay down girl do not get up)!")


Actor Property AAABEDrunkSlut02  Auto  


I just needed something in a hurry while I was testing


The patrolling markers are easy, I get a little time I can try and explain them [but I explain things poorly :(, I have some girls wandering on patrol with a few dogs following them, it was not hard, just placing the idle markers and such, and setting a time for them to stay idle at each one.


right now just using the wander to fire ones where they warm there hands and squat, and warm there hands, which is random, but can be scripted. as can it looks like many of the other ones.


I have not tried yet, but one might be able as in OB to disable the certain idle marker so they would not be seen if they offended the look of the mod, and the scripts might still run. many are invisible by default anyway.


many of them have animations built in that could be cool under the right situation, but the objects them selves might look strange in some instances depending on how they were used.


I find setting the patrol time to 1 sec is best to keep them there 4ever, unless you want them to move on, and have more than one idle marker linked for them to travel to.



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@DocClox and Galgat


No joy. Something is bugged somewhere. I did think of the NavMesh Doc, although I noticed that my inquisitors had no trouble sitting in their thrones that the navmesh neatly avoids. No effect if I extend the Nav under the marker.


The Marker that I have been linking to is the WallShacklesMarker (there is no keyword pulldown for it as far as I can see). I also tried adding a package to the npc that uses the SitTarget (as per the DB torture victims) that points at the marker. Still nowt.


The daft bint stands in front of the shackles for a bit and then wanders around looking at dead inquisitors saying "Oh dear, what happened here". Otherwise not very concerned.


All in all very deflating for a would be rescuer.


I've had no trouble with patrolling, though while playing "dodge the werewolf" I was a bit concerned that it broke off the pursuit at one point to resume its patrolling behaviour. Not sure how consistent that is as usually one or other of us doesn't live that long after the initial encounter.


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The Marker that I have been linking to is the WallShacklesMarker (there is no keyword pulldown for it as far as I can see). I also tried adding a package to the npc that uses the SitTarget (as per the DB torture victims) that points at the marker. Still nowt.


Hmmm... I've been using the BoundCaptiveMarker. Let me test with wall shackles...




Not having any problems with it at this end. Give me a tick and I'll post a minimal esp




OK' date=' there is indeed something weird going on. If I try it in my SSG test cell it works. If I try it in a stand alone 2-tile demo cell, she just stands there...


So what's the difference, I wonder...




Just to prove I'm not making it up, here's a screeny. Can't seem to get it to embed for some reason.




And here's the esp file. The wall shackles are in "ssg_testcaptive". Maybe you can compare against your setup and find what you're doing differently to me.




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Thanks Doc, got the screenie and as soon as mediafire plays nice I'll look at the esp. By pure coincidence the NPC that I'm trying to shackle is called Skunda, (from Secunda) Her colleague in the cage is Ursta, and when I get past the shackles, the Rack is intended for Dritta. All good imaginative nord names ;).



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I have been using both, but I started with the Shackle's.


anyway I have touched up my script a little. It compiles, and it did stop my getting up problem.


Scriptname AAABEDrunkUseItem01 extends ObjectReference  

Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)



Actor Property AAABEDrunkSlut02  Auto


They setting of the key word does not by what I read seem necessary, but if I don't use it everything fails to work. Actually the keyword for the shackles should be "isshacklewall"


So you might try that instead of "boundcaptive" if you are using the shackle wall Idle.


This also should bring up an entry in the Objects "from Ref" tab. Showing the keyword again, and the NPC Reference. Sometimes you have to scroll down in the blank list to see it, but it should be there.

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Dohhh! :blush:


Thanks for all your help Doc and Galgat. Doc, that snippet of SSG looks great.


Guess what. Uninstalled the mod, clean saved and reinstalled. It now works the way we all knew it should. With Oblivion and Fallout it would have been the first thing I tried, don't know why I just didn't think of it here.


The blasted thing had me fooled as all the minor changes I was making seemed to show, but something sticky in the memory was blocking this linking happening.


Research assistant hanging out after a hard day in the lab.





Right. Now for the rack....hey, Dritta, fancy a bit of a lie down?


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something else I noticd, it seems best to give each NPC a REF ID after placing them in your cell. I had some strange things happen before I did this.


such as Deleting the first character I made would make all the other character disappear, and the one I deleted would be the only one left in the cell when I entered game. also the extra Furniture would disappear too. There are many quirks about this CK.


This is why I doubt I download many mods for awhile other than utilities, and some select graphics enhancements ( mainly body mods, I don't care if the trees don't look like the redwoods in the national park, but I do want my Characters to look nice) until we have a better understanding of the bugs. I well remember early morrowind mods that could corrupt your whole game. Now OB was much solider, but still had quirks. I am betting that the swap to havok, and the changes in the object files will bring on some new ones we have not seen before.


But I could be wrong, we all know Beth just never makes a game with bug's.


i am a noob i see it clear' date=' but have done my first haircolor :D next thing to play around will be bodycolor and eyes



Sounds like good learning area, were all noob's I find that people that claim they know everything , normally don't.

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Today I finished the first step of my "Necro passion" mod: it automatically unequips the chest armor from dead bodies anytime you loot them. :)


Then I went on the second step: put bodies on all four (a menu is displayed the second time you loot). Unfortunately, it seems like it's not possible so far, either through a custom animation (did someone find a workaround ?) or through a trick with the "ritualboy" animation (the animation from that kid in Windhelm: I wanted to stop at a certain frame then let physics do the rest but I couldn't find a way to do that).


And finally I subscribed here since I may ask for some help.

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I have been trying to learn just a little about this new script language.


I really hate how the wiki places this line "this is an easy thing to forget in this new and wonderful language." in the examples of this truly hard for me to grasp language, I am really having problems with the syntax, or priorities of this troublesome to use Language of there's I hope I can over come this, but its really ticking me off.


another line they like to throw out in the tutorials "The new scripting language allows you to do a lot more"


This is very true, I get to do a lot more trial, and error, and then I get to do it again, and again, and again. So yes I do get to do a lot more. just not real constructive, but a lot more.


Don't know why I can not set object's, variables, and references in a normal table. I hate it right now, I hope I get over this.


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Alright, thanks to Madderoftime, and his idea of trying to set different body types to npcs, I was able to pull this off. Which is to say make a custom race with a custom body. It was kinda a pain in the ass, but I finally figured it out:


First you need to obviously create the custom race, and i'd suggest making a copy of an existing one.


Before anything else you need to follow madderoftime's instructions here to get the custom body setup:



Make sure your custom nakedfeet, nakedtorose, nakedhands and skinnaked is set to your race (located in the top center while editing each of those files). The reason I suggest setting this to your race, is to save confusion, and its probably not a must.


Then what you need to do inside of your custom race is leave morph race and armor race at none (which is default).


If you go over to the next tab "body data", and go down to "skin" (which is middle left) and selection your "custom skin" you made. If you hit preview you should see the correct custom body with the head of your custom race :D


Now when you hit preview you'll see the proper body with your custom race!




The only problem I had with custom race is no matter what I do I can't have elf ears lol. Any ideas?

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K I also figured out that morph race uses the face you choose there. So if you want you're race to look like a "dark elf" in shape, and ears; choose it. Though I'm going to try and make my own morph race. The only odd thing about using that body method, was how it looked in game. It could just be because I used ADEC.


In the CK preview of the body it looks great, but it doesn't look the same in game for some reason. I'm worried that the game is "still" overriding textures to the body, even though its assigned to the race skin differently. I'll try to see if I use FOMM and make it esm if it helps. Another annoying factor is I'm going to have to go to EVERY SINGLE armor, and add my race to it lol. If I used the "generic method" I would not have the custom body I made for, which sucks.

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sounding really good Silvist, I am sure you will share with us when you have everything like you like it :)


It will be nice if completely new races can be made, with fully no real relationship to any of the default characters.. That would be Kool.

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Today I mostly did optimization, (room markers and portals)......I don't want to talk about it. ok? I just....don't want....to talk..about....it.....


God I'm looking forward to getting into some interesting stuff like you guys. That body mod stuff looks like fun Silvist, and I'm looking forward to finding out how awful papyrus is Galgat, but I'm forcing myself to plough through all the tedious dungeon building step by weary step in the hope that one day it'll bring dividends.


On a lighter note, I upgraded my werewolf to Snork's ready for action version, and gave him a mate, La femme Lycana.



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Yes I am too, My first little trips into there touted Papyrus, have mostly ended in disaster, I have managed to do some very basic stuff, but each one of them for Me was like trying to get the red light special, when i was not even in the store..:(


I think it may be a good thing, but it is very alien to me. But I had the same problem getting use to Oblivion's move to Object oriented scripting from Morrowind's free style.


This one is just making it very hard for me, I just can not grasp the concept's for some reason.


the structure is hard for me to understand. I keep hoping for and epiphany. But it has not come yet..:(

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I think it may be a good thing' date=' but it is very alien to me. But I had the same problem getting use to Oblivion's move to Object oriented scripting from Morrowind's free style.[/quote']

I don't think it is a good thing, I think it's too limited. :(

I could mention the fact that you can only access the game items (armors, spells) through the mappings, which prevent their use from some scripts like "actor" for example. Or the fact that it creates too much contention around some scripts, like "actor" again, rather than being modular and letting every mod add its own hooks, inject event filters or accumulators. Or the limited API (no way to get the equipped items aside of the weapon and shield, no control over the UI or the user inputs, etc).


I think I read that one of the programmers claimed that papyrus would prevent the need for things like skse or dragonscript but if I am right then it's a clear failure. Besides, I still don't understand why games developers do not just put things like user inputs processing, ui and high level game mechanics (ok, that last one may be hard for skyrim) in an open source dll when they want to allow modding. It would just be easier for them and us and I am pretty sure there isn't any code worth to be protected in those parts, it just looks like a cultural problem, probably on the executives' level.


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I think it may be a good thing' date=' but it is very alien to me. But I had the same problem getting use to Oblivion's move to Object oriented scripting from Morrowind's free style.[/quote']

I don't think it is a good thing, I think it's too limited.


I think I read that one of the programmers claimed that papyrus would prevent the need for things like skse or dragonscript but if I am right then it's a clear failure.


I think the language is a tremendous improvement over the gamebryo scripts. The APIs that go with it are sorely lacking however. There's room for improvement in the language, too. Closures, hash tables and mixins would be particularly useful.


On Topic:


I have a test cell where I'm trying to scope out behaviour for my slavegirls. This is what I've done:


  • I've got a generic breton slavegirl.
  • I've given her a script (SSG_TestSlaveScript) with an onInit event
  • I've created a SSG_SlaveSandBoxScriptKeyword keyword
  • I'm using a ref to that keyword to fire off a radiant quest using SendStoryEvent
  • I've set up a node in the story manager under script events, and I've given it a condition specifiying the keyword above
  • I've added a quest SSG_SlaveSandboxQuest and added it to the node
  • The quest has the event type set to ScriptEvent
  • The quest has a script SSG_SlaveSandboxQuestScript
  • The quest script has an onReset and an OnStoryScript event, both of which should show debug methods
  • I also added a button so I could send the SendStoryEvent another way.


What happens:


  • The debug method in the slavegirl script fires. It calls the function to launch the radiant quest from the keyword
  • The radiant quest does not however start. The Debug messages do not show, and SQV shows the quest as not being started or enabled, whatever "enabled" means in the context of radiant quests.


I don't suppose anyone has any ideas?


The reason I'm doing this way is that it will let me give each slave in the game her own little quest with quest aliases so I can specify her master and similar variables; a package stack to override her non-slave behaviour; a quest script to add any additional control; and the prospect of sub-quests for specific tasks. This is all going to be for NPC slaves. PC slaves will probably have something similar in structure, but without the AI.


That's assuming I can ever get the bloody thing to work of course.


Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?




Found it!


I enabled debug for the story manager and it turned out that my script was failing because the aliases couldn't be set. Reason was I was setting the sleep location to the location of the bedroll ref, and I needed to tick the "force" checkbox.


It's a small victory, but the lesson learned is valuable! :)

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Doc,you may do things right,but Radiant quest system may be buggy,I have roamed some French forum and find multiple threads about the basic radiant quest of the game not working,some have to remove all mod,desinstall Skyrim ,do a cleaning of HD,reinstall Skyrim without mods and start a new game to be able to go a little farer,others seem to not have been able to start said quest,thats may be a user problems,but still I have already eared that the radiant quest were bugging in other place...

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