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[WIP] SexLab Stories Rumors


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No... this is not a new mod :)


This is a call for ideas of dialogue topics related to SexLab mods, or Skyrim sex in general. 

Like with the dirty comments section of SexLab Hormones, this is also an occasion for anyone to contribute to a mod without any need for coding experience. See it as a community project :)


I am starting a 'Rumors' topic as part of SexLab Stories. Some rumors will be manually started by dialogues and some will come up when you meet people (like guards or inn-keepers).

I am envisioning this as another way to spice up the game and bind mods together. 


Some of these dialogues may be spoilers.

Some may be available under certain conditions of sex, race, location or equipment worn.

I don't mind if some dialogues will add topics about mods people don't have in their load order. They can be considered legends, rumors, stories... not everything you hear has to be real you know :)


In short, I am looking for fun and sexy equivalent to the classic 'Did you see those warriors from Hammerfell, They have curved swords......'.


Some ideas of topics after roaming the Download area:



- Abigail in Solitude
:: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/34746-abigail-the-lusty-imperial-maid/
- Angrim
- Captured Dreams
- Anti DD HQ League
- Devious Devices
- Prostitution/TDF/Radiant
- Creatures/Critters
- Defeat / submit
- Prison overhaul
- SD/Slave trade
- Hormones
- Sisterhood of Dibella
- Alicia
- Mind Control
- Stories Characters
- Standing Stones/Fetish

- Milking
- Succubus
- Pregnancy
- Soul gems pregnancy
- STDs
- Chaurus
- Dragons
:: Sexlab Amorous Adventures
- Vampires
- Werevolves
- Spriggans
- Civil War
- Thalmors
- Nords
- Imperials
- Bretons
- Orcs
- Redguards
- High elves
- Wood elves
- Dark elves
- Companions
- Vigilants
- Priests
- Grey Beards
- Necromancers
- Bandits
- Falmers
- Necrophilia
- Cannibalism
- Potions and poisons



Pretty much anything related to Sex in Skyrim and SexLab mods is fair game.

It doesn't even have to be related to a mod. Any kind of sex related lore would be interesting to add.


I may not select everything but I will try to reuse most of what will be suggested.

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Just to make this clearer for me is this going to be just purely dialog being added to the world where NPCs will speak randomly? So they should be fairly all inclusive.


Or will there be checks for some sort of conditions? similar to say how guards comment on your skill level and type of weapons and armor, and of course naked comments from NPCs.

Will there be expansion on these conditions say unique dialog when devious devices are equipped, pregnancy, tattoos?

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Just to make this clearer for me is this going to be just purely dialog being added to the world where NPCs will speak randomly? So they should be fairly all inclusive.


Or will there be checks for some sort of conditions? similar to say how guards comment on your skill level and type of weapons and armor, and of course naked comments from NPCs.

Will there be expansion on these conditions say unique dialog when devious devices are equipped, pregnancy, tattoos?


Could be both.. some will have conditions as long as I can detect said conditions.


For example, an NPC already wearing a collar (from Devious Devices for the Masses) could see you have a collar (from SD) and tell you 'Psss.. did you know there is a secret haven in Markarth for runaway slaves?'.


Or maybe a hunter could tell you 'If you see a spriggan, run... their roots can take control of your body and make you do unspeakable things'.


Some rumors will be more random.


For example, a farmer could complain about how Stormcloaks and Imperials alike are pillaging and raping their way across Skyrim.

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or comment how the snow-shod farm has much better tasting cheese now with the new "cows" they gotten.


Nice start! 

That's exactly the kind of idea I am after...


To be honest, I miss the old Morrowind rumors dialogues, where you could lose yourself in paragraph after paragraph of hyperlinked lore.


This could emulate the same effect regarding sex oriented lore.

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Well, what about stuff similar to Morrowind's dialog? Not a lot of sex-related stuff, perhaps, but still...

For example:

Hjaalmarch: Heard the rumors about Hjaalmarch? They say that legions of undead patrol the marshes, ever hungry for the scent of living beings.

Pale: Headed through the Pale? It's isolated, with the marshes of Hjaalmarch to the west and the mountains of Winterhold to the east. And the only good routes south are patrolled by bandits and trolls.

Whiterun: Travel through the plains of Whiterun hold is dangerous - there's no real cover, and predators can spot you from a good distance away.

Haafingar: That great stone arch upon which rests the city of Solitude really doesn't look safe to me. Could fall at any time.

Winterhold: Nothing can survive the harsh cold and lack of food in Winterhold but the Horkers.

Eastmarch: They say that the volcanic hot springs of Eastmarch are just the thing to relax in after a hard day's work.

Falkreath: They say that the great cemetery in Falkreath is the largest in Skyrim.

Reach: Silver mines run throughout the entire region of the Reach. Markarth is the only really safe place, though - the Forsworn occupy everywhere else.

Rift: Watch yourself when traveling through the Rift. There are dozens of frostbite spider nests there, hidden amongst the trees.

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Or maybe some sex-related rumors too:


Hjaalmarch: Heard the rumors about Hjaalmarch? They say that legions of undead patrol the marshes, ever hungry for the scent of living females to ravish.

Pale: Headed through the Pale? It's isolated, with the marshes of Hjaalmarsh to the west and the mountains of Winterhold to the east. And the only good routes south are patrolled by bandits. You might get through, but expect to pay a toll... the bandits accept cash, gems, and the use of your body.

Whiterun: Travel through the plains of Whiterun hold is dangerous - there's no real cover, and predators can spot you from a good distance away, sometimes looking for flesh to eat, sometimes looking for flesh to fuck.

Haafingar: That great stone arch upon which rests the city of Solitude looks a lot like a woman's spread legs. Almost anything does, if you've been as long without a woman as me.

Winterhold: Nothing can survive the harsh cold and lack of food in Winterhold without spending a lot of time warming up between the sleeping furs, if you catch my meaning.

Eastmarch: They say that the volcanic hot springs of Eastmarch are home to a small group of exhibitionists, who lounge around all day in the warm water with not a stitch of clothing on.

Falkreath: I heard about some strange shops in Falkreath hold. The rumors vary - some speak of a great house where you can pay to watch someone have sex with animals. Others speak of a place where you can purchase all sorts of bondage and fetish gear. I'm thinking of heading that way, in the spirit of enquiry.

Reach: Stay away from the Reach. If you aren't captured and raped by the Forsworn, it's even odds that you'll fall afoul of the guards of Markarth, get tossed in Cidhna Mine, and spend the rest of your life as a toy to thugs and criminals.

Rift: Watch yourself when traveling through the Rift. There are dozens of frostbite spider nests there, hidden amongst the trees, and the things seem to get hornier and hornier every year.

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Markarth: I was thrown in Cidhna Mine once. Three days, passed from bandit to forsworn renegade to petty criminal. Used like a piece of meat.

Riften: Stay out of the sewers. The Thieves Guild stocks them with vagabonds and lowlifes, who would just love to get their raping hands on the likes of you.

Solitude: Ever hear stories about the debaucheries of Pelagius? Kept out of the official histories, mostly, but we of Solitude still remember. They say that he still roams the Pelagius wing in spirit form, searching for new women to ravish.

Whiterun: The way I heard it, the only way old Olaf One-Eye managed to capture and hold Numinex was to keep offering him virgin females every so often. Some say that Numinex ate them, some say he did... other things... to them.

Windhelm: One of the legends of old Wulfharth of Atmora states that the way he kept managing to come back from the dead was by stealing the souls of women he slept with, which kept him imbued with unnatural energies.

Dawnstar: Skald the Elder was once quite a ladies man in his day. A hundred women a night! They say he can still keep a dozen squealing all night long.

Falkreath: You didn't hear it from me, but apparently the dead buried in Falkreath's graveyard come to life nightly, paralyzing the menfolk of the town, keeping them asleep, and ravishing the women. The women never say anything about it because, well, to be honest, undead don't get tired like living men do. If you see what I'm saying.

Morthal: They say that Falion of Morthal has studied vaginal, oral, and all manner of anal techniques.

Winterhold: They say that one of the mages of Winterhold developed a way to control the minds of women he wanted to sleep with. What do you think of that?


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Dragon Bridge: Horgier trained some wild wolves to guard his stash of alcohol by slaughtering any man who comes near. I hear he trained them to rape women, though, in case his wife went after it instead.

Helgen: The way I hear it, Alduin didn't burn Helgen to the ground, he drowned them all in cum. Filled the walls right up. Supposedly some sort of magical residue remains, and anyone who walks through the burnt-out husk will get impregnated with a dragon egg.

Ivarstead: You want to know the real reason Temba hates bears? It ain't because they damage her trees, nossir. Nope, I hear one day when she went gathering wood she came across a pack of 'em, they plowed her for eight hours straight before she managed to get away. Don't know if it's true, but she's been walking funny lately.

Karthwasten: I heard Lash got kicked out of Dushnikh Yal because she kept sleeping with all the men there. And the local wildlife. Apparently she'll sleep with anything that has a cock.

Riverwood: Sigrid puts up a standoffish front, but really there's nothing she likes more than a good threesome.

Rorikstead: They say the reason this place grows food so well is that Rorik's seed is so potent and nutrient-rich. They say he plows the fields nightly. Hope he never gets a wife, the farms will wither up and die.

Shor's Stone: The red mist in the mine does strange things to people's heads. A sort of madness comes over them if they spend too much time breathing it in. They just tear off their clothes and start humping. Don't believe Sylgja when she says she took a bad fall and that's how she hurt her leg - she really just strained it taking Filnjar, Grogmar, and Odfel on all at the same time.


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Rift: You didn't hear it from me, but up at Cragslane Cavern they're looking for some women to operate in their pit-dog fighting ring. Not as bartenders, bookmakers, or dealers, you understand, but as contestants. They say if you lose a fight, you end up a prize of the winner, and the only other contenders are sex-starved wolves.

Rift: A priest of Kynareth went out to Crystaldrift Cave last month. Said he'd found a magical staff that would force wild beasts to pleasure him. Wonder if it worked out.

Rift: They say that old Froki, that crazy old man living in a shack in the hills, keeps tricking travelers into completing his "tests of Kyne." He's in league with the wild beasts, keeps sending them sacrifices. Stay away from that madman.

Haafingar: Woman came crawling up the path yesterday. Said she'd been raped by dozens of horkers in that old cave. Brinewater Grotto's its name. Best steer clear.

Haafingar: The road to Whiterun's not safe these days. Lots of travelers just... disappear, south of Dragon Bridge. We sometimes later find the corpses of men piled on the roadway, but we've never found a woman's body yet. Don't know what happens to them.

Haafingar: We've lost a dozen patrols passing by Shadowgreen Cavern in the last year alone. All we ever find of them are their armor and weapons. Strange, though; we usually find the armor wrapped around misshapen trees, as if the soldiers themselves took root in the ground. The only patrols to ever suffer this are female ones. We've stopped sending out women that way.

Whiterun: Stay away from that Ritual doomstone. They say that the necromancers there have found a way to raise dead bodies as sex toys, and they're always looking for fresh meat to add to their collection.

Whiterun: Keep yourself safe, stay away from Broken Fang Cave. The vampires there that apparently prefer the taste of menstrual blood, and they'll keep a woman as slave for years, draining her monthly.

Whiterun: Don't go out to Bleakwind Basin. There's a randy giant there who rapes all women who go near the camp.

Reach: Don't let old Raerek fool you. He doesn't actually drink those potions he orders. Bothela and him cooked up a scheme to drug female couriers, use them for a night, then drop their unconscious bodies just outside the keep.

Reach: Don't let old Calcelo fool you. It wasn't the big spiders that killed the miners of his excavation. See, they didn't actually die; at least, not all of them. Some of the men made it out. Said there were things, creatures further in that swarmed out and took the women deeper in, slaughtering any man who resisted. Nobody knows what happened to the women.

Reach: Stay away from Bind Cliff Cave. There's a hagraven lives in the towers up there that fucks men to death if they dare enter her lair.

Pale: You might be interested in trading with that giant down in Blizzard Rest. He makes good cheese. At least, we assume it's cheese. It comes from mammoths, but nobody's ever been able to determine the gender of a mammoth under all that hair. Could be something other than cheese. All I know for sure is that women love the stuff.

Pale: The Windward Ruins just southwest of here are overrun with skeevers. Giant ones, though, that can easily bite a man in two. That's not what they do to the women, though... no, I'd best say no more.

Pale: The Vigilants have been excavating a cave just west of their hall. One of them told me they'd found references to some ancient goddess of sex entombed within, called "Eld'arr Skrohl" or something like that.

Hjaalmarch: Bryling, one of the Jarl's Thanes, owns a mine just east of Morthal. The mine's foreman's been asking around for someone to come by and "entertain" the miners.

Hjaalmarch: Don't tell anyone I told you this, but that Falion is evil, unnatural. He performs ghastly experiments on innocent women, out in the marshes.

Hjaalmarch: Stay away from that old nordic barrow to the southeast. The last adventurer we had come through here was obviously traumatized by her terrible experience there; her eyes were unfocused, she couldn't walk straight, and she kept muttering something about boners. Must be guarded by a fearsome, monstrous undead skeleton creature.

Eastmarch: Irkngthand. Old dwarven ruin, just south of Lake Yorgrim. Overrun with bandits. Slavers, really, who capture women for sale in the sex trade. Best stay away.

Eastmarch: They say those two sisters who started up that disastrous mill in Kynesgrove are so desperate for money to pay off their debts, they'll do anything for a little coin.

Eastmarch: They say that the Orc Chieftain down at Narzulbur has been looking for a new wife.

Falkreath: Best keep clear of the Ancient's Ascent. The only way up to the old nord ruin there is through Bonechill Passage, and it's inhabited by evil trolls who crave the feel of helpless women's flesh.

Falkreath: Stay away from the old Pinewatch homestead. They say any woman who goes up there gets captured and passed around to the bandits for weeks, abused unto death. Any man who goes up there likewise gets captured, and handed off to their leader, a fearsomly ugly woman. He too gets raped and abused for weeks, unto death.

Falkreath: There have been whispers of a new guild opening up in Skyrim. Some sort of woman's-only guild, situated in some hidden dwarven ruin nestled in the hills south of the town.

Winterhold: The way I hear it, the only way to rise in the ranks of the College is to sleep your way to the top.

Winterhold: There's an old nordic ruin south of here. Yorgrim Overlook. Nothing much there, but they say if any woman sleeps the night there, the next day she's bruised and sore all over, and nine months later gives birth to an evil child, twisted and dead-looking but still animate.

Winterhold: Stay away from Urag, the librarian up at the college. He's a devious one. So's Sergius the enchanting instructor.

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Some of those I've already posted reference other mods, but here's a short list of possibilities on top of that:

TheSC Sexlab guild: "Everybody knows about those renegade priestesses of Dibella somewhere in Falkreath. But nobody really wants to do anything about it. Oh, we all make a big deal about how prostitution is wrong, but really, everyone's looking forward to their growth."

TheSC sexlab guild: "I know exactly where that new so-called 'guild' is operating out of in Falkreath. I'd go up there and arrest the lot of them, but it's quite a hike... maybe tomorrow."

Gameplayer Aradia devious integrated into DD: "They say that the master craftsman Aradia has come up with a new way to bind prisoners on their way to jails. I'd like to see that."

Kimy deviously cursed loot: "Be careful looting dungeons, poking around in old treasure chests. They say that there's a better than even chance an ancient trap will spring and you'll end up bound and gagged, helpless in a hostile ruin."

stobor Sacrificial Sprigan or your own (jbezorg's) flowering spriggan: "Spriggans. Nature's guardians, they call them. Infesting parasites, I call them."

sacrificial spriggan or flowering spriggan: "Be careful fighting Spriggans. They can do worse to you than just kill you, if you're a woman."

iamtheonewhoknocks Slave Town: "They say there's someone in Whiterun, a fellow named Gideon Scarrow. He's looking for women for an opportunity of their lifetime." (caveat: I haven't actually played this one, so I'm not sure how it works... I'm waiting until the next update and then BANG it goes in my load order... this can also be modified to apply to the slaverun mod.)

iamtheonewhoknocks bandit slut: "They say that there's someone in Markarth, a fellow named Runjorn. Apparently, he's got some pull with bandits all across Skyrim, and by paying a simple insurance fee or something you can walk right by their camps without being attacked. Worth looking into."

a2b sexlab STD's: "Be careful who you sleep with. You never know what you might catch."

a2b sexlab STD's: "Best craft a few condoms, or be ready with some sexual disease cures, if you sleep around indiscriminately."

Malicience girlcatch: "Be wary fighting bandits, my friend. It's said that they can do worse than just kill you." (I also haven't played this one yet - waiting for a finished version - but this can also apply to sexlab defeat or submit)

guffel Dangerous Nights: "Be careful where you sleep. Stick to towns and inns. Anywhere else, a lone woman like yourself makes easy prey for rapists."

bromm83 dangerously nude: "Mind you always keep clothed. Skyrim's more freewheeling than other places, and walking around nude is equivalent to offering yourself for anyone who wants what you've got."

srende deviously helpless: "Watch out around bandits if you're wearing binders, gags, or bonds of any kind. They've been known to skip the whole 'kill you on sight' thing and go straight for your womanly charms."

veladarius devious interactions: "Got a problem with your spouse? Lock 'em up. There are lots of ways to keep them in line." (this can really apply to any DD mod...)

srende devious regulations: "Join the army? Me? Not on your life. There's no way I'd voluntarily seal myself away like that." (female)

srende devious regulations: "Join the army? Me? Not on your life. I like sex, and they keep their women sealed away." (male)

ms leeches devious captures: "Don't get too comfortable with your chances of surviving a bandit attack. Sure, they might just rape you instead of killing you, but many have been known to put... things... on women after they're done with them. Make them more helpless in future battles."

murfk dibellan defender: "They say that there are secret ways of marking the skin that grant mystical powers to those women willing to devote their lives to the teachings of Dibella."

darkconsole pony pack: "They say that the craftsman-mage Dar'konsul has learned how to craft a set of boots and a bit that fits a bridle. They say he can turn any woman into a pony."

bromm83 solutions: "What with the war and all, Skyrim's gotten a whole lot looser lately. Women can get away with almost anything if you offer the right price... or your body."

xaz prison overhaul: "You really don't want to break the law in this hold. Our jailer abuses women, and has been known to parade female prisoners through the streets, locking them up in public and letting anyone have their way with them for a few gold."

stobor devious cidhna: "You really don't want to break the law in this hold. The Forsworn down in Cidhna Mine have been known to completely use up a pretty woman like you in a matter of days."

stobor devious cidhna: "There's Forsworn renegades down in Cidhna Mine. A woman like you wouldn't last one day down that hole with those raping scoundrels."

docclox quick as you like: "They say there's some man, maybe even a group of men, who are organizing sprint races across Skyrim. You might consider looking into that."

docclox quick as you like: "You look like the athletic sort. Maybe you should go see old Cursus in Solitude. He's running a cross-country race, with prizes at the end for the winner."

jfraser college days winterhold: "They're offering tutoring at the College of Winterhold in the magical arts. The instructors will accept payemnt of gold or soul gems. For someone like you, they might just accept... other... forms of payment." (maybe wait until jfraser adds in the "sleeping your way to xp" part of the mod)

korialstraszbob radiant prostitution: "Think I'll head down to the inn. Find me some companionship for the night." (really this can apply to any prostitution mod)

veladarius captured dreams: "They say there's a new shop opened up in Falkreath. Sells all sorts of gear for the... discerning client."

veladarius captured dreams: "Ever done any bondage play? You look like you might enjoy it. Head on to that shop in Falkreath by the mill. The owner will set you right up."

sky_mds animal mansion: "They say there's a new establishment just outside Falkreath. They offer a variety of what they call 'animal entertainment' shows. Probably a dancing bear show, maybe some dogs trained to play tricks for the amusement of a crowd. Maybe I'll look into it."

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Any sort of pregnancy mod:

"Be wary of sleeping around. You're young, you look fertile... you might end up with more than you'd bargained for."

"Enjoy yourself, girl! Sleep around! And in nine months you'll end up with a prize!"


Any sort of soul gem pregnancy mod:

"Those damn mages up there in their college. Someone's cast some crazy spell that makes women give birth to soul gems instead of children! A few decades, and this land will be empty of life, but full of magic rocks!"

"They say that even though those Dragonborn who were male could sire children, female Dragonborn were incapable for some reason. Never lacked for enchanted items, though..."

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Now that's a great idea! Arranged by mod:


Angrim's Apprentice

General rumor: "I heard a wizard was expelled from the College recently for making indecent proposals to female students."

General rumor: "Word has it many female wizards seek the blessing of Dibella recently."

Court Mages: "An adventurer tried selling me a spell book a few days ago, said that it contained 'sexual spells' and that he keeps finding them all over Skyrim. Sexual spells? In my days, mages had more dignity than that!"

Whiterun: "An old wizard came to town a few months ago. The way he looked at young women gave everyone the creeps, so we chased him away."

Markarth: "You wouldn't happen to be a wizard? Here to visit the temple of Dibella, huh? Quite a few of you do these days..."


Devious Cidhna

Markarth: "A fine lass like you should be careful not to mess with the law around here. The prisoners in Cidhna Mine are real fiends!"

Markarth: "A guard was drinking in the Silver-Blood Inn yesterday. Said his squad raided a Forsworn camp, and found Nord girls tied and blindfolded."

Markarth: "Some say the Silver-Bloods tried to recruit young girls for some ploy against the Forsworn. I'd like to think Nord girls aren't stupid enough to be a part of it..."

Markarth: "There was this girl that spoke against the Silver-Bloods. Now she's gone without a trace. Some say she was sold to the pirates."

Markarth: "I heard the Forsworn are seeking to ally with the Orcs, and gifts are being exchanged. Pray that you don't become such a 'gift' yourself, traveler!"


Devious Devices

General: "I heard that not all people who enroll in the College are after arcane power. Some just want access to their library, no idea why."

General: "The mages say the College is a place of knowledge, but they're actually a lecherous bunch. I heard it's gotten so bad, female students must be locked in chastity belts to be able to focus on their studies!"

Shopkeepers: "It seems mages aren't as interested in buying filled soulgems recently, especially the women. I asked one of them if they have a new source, and she blushed!"

Innkeepers: "A man named Curio stopped here recently, said he was after the Dwemer ruins. Hired a girl for the night, she said he was the weirdest client she ever had."

Winterhold: "You're a student of the College, right? Steer clear of their librarian, rumor has it he's very... creative with disciplining female students."


Radiant Prostitution

General: "Why would a fine girl like you chase after treasures in those horrible tombs? With that ass of yours, you would make a fortune working at an inn!"

General: "Many girls come to cities looking for their fortune. Most of them end up selling their bodies in inns and taverns for a few septims."

General: "With so many soldiers out in the field, crafty girls can make a fortune."

General: "Travelers say the Orc Strongholds are getting more and more aggressive. I'd be aggressive too if I had to compete for these ugly women of theirs!"

General: "You'd think whoring is the easiest job in Skyrim, but you'd be surprised how many dangerous clients you can meet."

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Prison Overhaul

"A friend of mine was arrested for lollygagging. It really changed him."

"In these troubled times, simply serving time in jail is hardly a punishment, so the jailers have to get creative to keep people on the right side of the law."

"You're a troublemaker, huh? I look forward to seeing that fine ass of yours locked in stocks for people's amusement."

"With the war and the dragons around, nobody has any patience left for petty criminals. Even the nicest people here will gladly take their frustrations out on a prisoner."

"This city is a whole lot safer ever since the Jarl issued these new laws. And a lot happier..."

"I heard some people actually relish the new punishments and provoke guards on purpose. Who in their right mind would do that?"

"Two girls were arrested for public indecency recently. The jailer made quite a spectacle out of them down at the city square."

Markarth: "I heard the criminals in other holds are publicly shamed and whipped. Sounds harsh, but I'd take that over doing time in a bloody mine."

Winterhold: "Being thrown in a freezing cage sure is harsh, but at least no guard will think of raping you in this damn cold!"


Devious Regulations

"Have you ever wondered why all these soldiers pay so much for whores when they got so many fine girls in the army? Wonder what's stopping them..."

"A friend of mine tried hitting on a Stormcloak girl. She gave him quite a beating - he said he's never seen a woman this frustrated before."

"Before the war, the Empire used to give paid leaves to pregnant legionnaires. I don't think they can afford to lose soldiers like that with the Stormcloaks about."

"These soldiers are a strange bunch. Just yesterday, my cousin saw a Stormcloak girl wearing a metal collar around her neck. Why would anyone wear that?"


Dibella Cult

"Aren't you the one who returned the new Sybil? Poor girl must be traumatized, my friends living near the temple say she screams every night..."

"Do you know the difference between a priestess of Dibella and a common whore? Right now, neither do I..."



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Hey, I got an idea! How about a crazy NPC that spoofs various shortcomings of Skyrim and it's sex mods in the vein of M'aiq the Liar? I think this community is self-aware enough to have a laugh at itself :)



"Some say working at an inn can lead to slavery. I've worked various inns for years and nothing like that happened."

"I was enslaved once. It was pretty boring, just sex and whippings. And sometimes dancing." 

"So many people have slaves these days. I tried having a few of my own, but it never quite worked out."

"I heard there was a whole guild of slavers somewhere in Skyrim, but I could never find them."

"Romance is overrated. If you want to have sex with someone, you just tell him so. Or maybe wait until he rapes you..."

"Many people threaten to enslave me. I submitted to some of them, but they always say they need more time to figure things out first."

"Want to look young? Cover as much skin as you can! All these old people in the cities still look eighteen years old under their clothes. Must be something in the air..."

"You'd think having sex is simple, but you'd be surprised how hard it is for some men to put their cock in the right place..."


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Some ideas for Lover's Comfort and Spouses Enhanced:


"Make sure you treat your lover right.  You'd be surprised at how rewarding it can be... and you wouldn't like it if you neglected them."


"You married?  If you are, you best spend lots of time with your spouse.  You wouldn't want to find a strange letter on them, would you?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Some ideas for Lover's Comfort and Spouses Enhanced:


"Make sure you treat your lover right.  You'd be surprised at how rewarding it can be... and you wouldn't like it if you neglected them."


"You married?  If you are, you best spend lots of time with your spouse.  You wouldn't want to find a strange letter on them, would you?"


I would love to see more neglected spouse stuff for Lover's Comfort and Spouses Enhances.  It's one of my favorite mods, but I always wanted it more raunchy and less the poetic path that he took it.

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Redneck fully admits that the dialogue he has for his mod is terrible.  He also welcomes anyone and everyone to suggest better lines for the scenes, but he's also missing right now, and Spouses Enhanced author is inactive and no longer supports the mod.  He also said it was unlikely he'd add a cheating aspect to the mod anyway.

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