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MegaUpload shut down by the FBI

The Matrix Prime

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I would put this up in Announcements, but that's not possible for general members. But as of today (January 19th) the FBI (yes, the FBI) shut down MegaUpload, the online data storage site, for violating anti-piracy laws. What does this mean for Lovers? It means any files or links to MegaUpload will no longer work. No mods, no games, nothing.


So if you have a mod or game that was on MegaUpload, you might want to think about putting it up somewhere else. And if you are trying to download a file or game and its not coming in, check to make sure it wasn't on MegaUpload!

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this is just random shit cause the copyright idiots are failing yet again so they start throwing around cash and try to shut down what they can no matter what the sad issue is that copyright laws aren't adapted for this day and age leaving the copyright company's with tons of loopholes to abuse

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This new anti-piracy thing is complete bullshit. What percentage of content on those hosting sites are "pirated" content? Wiki's protest did absolutely nothing? What about the fact that piracy actually generates revenue in a lot of cases, such as games? It's been proven that piracy has actually HELPED generate more sales in lots of iOS games. This is where the tax dollars are going to, bunch of corrupt douchebags tracking down interweb porn and saying to the world "hurray we did mankind some good".

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this is just random shit cause the copyright idiots are failing yet again so they start throwing around cash and try to shut down what they can no matter what the sad issue is that copyright laws aren't adapted for this day and age leaving the copyright company's with tons of loopholes to abuse


Don't kid yourself or let anyone else fool you. They aren't hurting for money. They are spending tens of millions of lobby money for one simple thing "control". And as we all know control = power. By shutting down all competition they can then become the exclusive distribution conduit and rake in billions if not trillions.


Hell, the game industry just had a record year in 2011. And all of the hype about Bentley's and crap that government seized from the megaupload exec's.......all of that added up isn't equal to what one record label or one movie studio has for their exec's.


This is strictly a power grabs kids, nothing more and nothing less. :(

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wikileaks should bring out more dirt about these scumbags. That should get them to back off.. :P btw when obama was elected wasn't the head of FBI fired, why was that ??

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newly elected presidents normally replace the Attorney General, Director of the FBI and anyone else that they can possibly replace. No party can afford nor wants another J Edgar.


I do not predict this going any where this is a last ditch effort to revitalize two dead bills that Obama has vowed to veto any way. In the long run it will cost the tax payers millions to prosecute and then millions again after the Feds are sued for damages, by not only megaupload but potentially hundreds of legitimate business enterprises as well


not to mention that should the feds lose as I believe they will international authorities are going to be far less likely to get involved. Cop's no matter where they are from do not like to made to look like fools

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oh i know grega i meant with my statement that they again hurt legal customers who use megaupload and others to share legal works, my gf works in the television industry as a camera woman and most of them (except the bosses ofc) are against this bullshit going on, with throwing money around i meant that in that way they can influence the law that isn't updated to creative works in the 21st century and we got it all to thank to walt disney thanks to him rules for getting files lose their copyright went from 20years after death to over 60 years after death and it's worse in some other countries


I'm glad as a music artist that i can still share some of my dj work under a free share license so people can actually enjoy my work and same goes for all the coding work i did for projects on freelancer and all my models for it which have countless hours of work but i made them for other people to enjoy not to make money of, if i did i still would back the stance that legal customers shouldn't have to deal with drm that hurts them and leaves the pirates at large you can't force people and there's many things that actually got recognized thanks to being out in the wild.

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@ Triratna damn, that is right... what do you plan to do? I would say re up to media fire or rapidshare, but I fear with what happened to mega... I am sure those freaks are going to muscle their way on those sites too.


Well at least not for a while, seem they have been shelved "for now".

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Copy of my post in the other thread


Alright folks, if you are a US Citizen (or are friends with one), stop complaining about the situation and do something about it! The bills going through Congress are the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. Here is an EASY way through a Google sponsored online petition to let your Senators and Representative know that you are against these bills.




If you really want to make to make a difference then CALL and WRITE your congressmen and let their staff know what you think!






Above all research! Don't just listen to panic and rumor, read up on the subject and see if there are alternative solutions to the problem. Offer feedback to Congress, they DO listen to their voters. Its just a matter of influence of big money (Hollywood, Game Companies, Music Labels, etc..) vs. influence of the people that actually VOTE and if there is enough of the later, then it won't matter how much money is thrown at Congress, it won't matter.


Already the pressure has born fruit, it needs to be kept up!




Don't bitch, ACT!!

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Taking it down is complete bullshit. Supreme Court case of Sony vs. Universal. The creator of a technology is NOT liable if some of the users use it for copyright infringement, so long as it possesses significant legal use. Another Supreme Court case, MGM vs. Grokster. A P2P service can be taken down for copyright infringement, but ONLY if it actively promotes copyright infringement as its primary use. Megaupload recently released a video with movie stars endorsing the site for it's many, perfectly legal, uses.


Even if many on Megaupload used it for pirated stuff, it can't be shut down. Because many also use it for perfectly legal reasons.


They should not have been able to take this site down due to infringement. My bet is it's the racketeering charges that got it. Of course, it remains to be seen if that has any merit to it. A more cynical person would think they just slapped that on in order to get the site taken down, since they couldn't do that for infringement.


And yes I copy/pasted from the other thread. What of it?

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Magnets will be the way to go. They're hash encrypted along with the bit tables, there's no way to tell what a magnet is unless you know how it's formed. If anything this will actually kill torrents. They're also tiny in size. An example, it would take several dozen 2TB drives right now to back up all of the .torrents stored on TPB, and cache them onto new servers. With magnets, you can fit all of that data onto a 1-2GB flash drive. Mass copy them, dead drop them, and have 100 mirrors or more up in a few hours.

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nuu triatna... umm, i'm glad i downloaded a bunch of your mods and slapped them into a portable HD, if i have any of them you can use for something else i'll upload them to my 4shared with a fake name :3, no "TES4" marked but something like "crumbledcookies", i'm suddenly getting angry with mah country, i already signed the petition to say that law is just a way to inflate even more the inflated salary of the congress guys... well, at least we have less useless politicians than mexico and that's a plus

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i notcied the damn FBI or something similar scanning icmp etc.. when uploading to mediafire. Anyway if we can get them on tape we might have fuell to get thet to back off for doing illegal activity.. So what do you say ??:D

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