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Tale of Two Wastelands and Custom Races.


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I've had some experience in Vanilla/Lightly-Modded Fallout 3 GOTY Edition with Custom Races in that whenever a flashback/strangeness happens and you have to be a child, once it's over you revert to a default race and have to basically re-create your character via the console and continue.


I was wondering if there was a workaround for this issue that anyone has found. I tend to stick with Mojave Delight for my characters. In the TTW FAQ they linked a forum post where people suggested attaching a "child race" to it in FNVEdit but no real instructions.


Is that the answer and how would I go about this? Not real experienced with FNVEdit. Read: No Experience. I just don't want to have to remake my character every time I switch to a child race in-game. :(

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 There are some warnings on the TTW site about custom race support pertaining

to Vault 101 and Tranquility Lane; basically if your race has no children it can cause

problems. I had problems with it when using - ironically - my COTW character, who was listed

as the Redhead Child race, but replaced with the vanilla Caucasian child race upon leaving

Vault 101. I used showracemenu after leaving 101 to set my character back to the desired

race, and FaceGenExchange to load her face back in, and got my character (with her custom

freckles that I created) back just the way she was supposed to be... so maybe you could do a

similar workaround? Oh, and FaceGenExchange is incredibly easy to use; it was so easy I thought

there must be something wrong with it :lol:

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I'll look into that. I mean it's more of an annoyance than anything else. Will I lose anything by using showracemenu such as Perks/Traits and such or is it totally seperate? The only custom race I use rarely with Special Perks just for them is Daughters of Ares.


Mojave Delight/Delighted are basically base races that look cuter and are easier to modify, so would showracemenu be safe? x.x



A little aside: This install is super long. :P Hehe

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There's a pretty long thread over on the tale of two wastelands site about this.

Some people have had success in keeping their custom race as long as it has an older and younger version to it.


Or in some cases an older and older version if you're a child race.

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Even when you set the custom race's child race it reverts to a vanilla race, specifically the causation race. Or at least it happened to me when I did tranquility Lane.

It might break a little immersion but set BOTH the child race and the adult race to the custom race and you'll never get a problem.


Also you'll need to grab this or Broken Steel / Anchorage endings will be broken.



sets the default to Caucasian endings.

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Is there a Tutorial on copying say the default Caucasian Race, editing the name just bit and saving it as a new Race to link with Mojave Delight?


I tried the quick method of just setting the "Older" race to the Bombshell #1 (Just tested) but that made no difference. The default Caucasian Child Race still points to the default adult Caucasian. :(


I wish I could get the default races to look good so I wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense but alas. I mention Mojave Delight/Delighted because those are the races I'm trying to "fix" with TTW.


PS: This is the most I've ever typed "Caucasian" in my life!



Even when you set the custom race's child race it reverts to a vanilla race, specifically the causation race. Or at least it happened to me when I did tranquility Lane.

It might break a little immersion but set BOTH the child race and the adult race to the custom race and you'll never get a problem.


Also you'll need to grab this or Broken Steel / Anchorage endings will be broken.



sets the default to Caucasian endings.


So basically I'd be an Adult through the B-day party? That might actually be kinda funny. Giantism strikes Vault 101!


Edit: Blah, I can't figure out the whole cloning child race/adding to custom race stuff. I'm probably just gonna give up and try to find ways of beautifying the default races... seems like a whole lot easier than this headache. :(


Is it safe to add hairstyles to default races via the GECK, by the way? I know how to do it, I'm just wondering if it's safe.

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