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[Beta] SexLab Dirty Diary

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Note: This is my first mod, and although some users have tested it, and it has been working well for me for a month, I am nonetheless considering it a beta release for the time being.




A fairly simple mod in practice, SexLab Dirty Diary keeps a detailed account of the sexual history of your character or other tracked actors. Every time a sex event ends with a tracked actor, an entry of the event is added to the mod's MCM menu. The data from this event can then be viewed in a few different ways (please see screenshots).




  • Skyrim SE / AE
  • SexLab and its requirements
  • Wider MCM Menu (Soft requirement. Longer entries may be cut off without this)



Extra Features

  • There are a few different filters at the top of most pages.
  • Clicking an event in the "Chronological" view will allow you to delete it.
  • Clicking on a row in most other views will take you to the Chronological view with a specific filter applied. For example, clicking on a row in the "Location" menu will show you all events that took place in that location. Click on the filter again to clear it.
  • Sex events under a certain configurable duration can be automatically excluded. This can be handy if animations bug out or are quickly interrupted by combat.
  • The data can be exported as JSON in case you wish to do something with it without the limitations of an MCM-menu-based UI. The precise X, Y, and Z coordinates of where an event took place within a cell are currently only available in this format.



Additional Actors and Data Limits

This mod allows you to track a technically unlimited number of actors, though the UI for it isn't paginated at this time. Add too many (probably around 60?) and you may start to run into issues with not being able to select the actor you want. I didn't anticipate users tracking huge numbers of actors, but let me know if you are such a user and it may eventually be added.


This mod was written with an SKSE plugin because of the speed limitations of Papyrus. My own save has over 1000 events and the UI continues to be highly responsive. I'm not sure what the practical limit of data is, but hopefully you don't reach it. The data is stored in your SKSE co-save, and on my machine the 1000 events take only around 150 milliseconds of additional time to save and load.



Misc Notes

Actor data is stored using their Ref ID. If an actor is killed and the game or mod respawns them using the same Ref ID, they will track as the same actor even though they died.


Generic actors have an auto-generated suffix appended to their name when multiple of the same type have been recorded. For example, the first "Whiterun Guard" tracked will show up as "Whiterun Guard", but the next one will show up as "Whiterun Guard 2". However, each actor is still stored uniquely. If "Whiterun Guard 2" has another event, it will track them still as "Whiterun Guard 2" rather than make "Whiterun Guard 3".


Renaming actors using something like Jaxonz Renamer is supported, but the renamed actor will need to participate in another event in order for the name change to be detected. Once detected, all prior events will use the new name.


Mod Authors

I am putting this mod into the public domain. Any aspect of this mod can be freely used by anyone for any reason. If you wish to upload this mod to another website, claim you wrote it, and charge money for my work, you are within your right to do so. I will, however, be disappointed in you.


The source code for the mod is available on BitBucket (GitHub did not like my usage of a disposable email account and I don't intend to use my professional one).


If you wish to use the data stored within this mod for a mod of your own, please get in touch. The functions I have written were made specifically to display data on the MCM menu screens and would likely be a major pain for another mod to consume. However, I am open to adding such functions if there is a desire. I also would welcome pull requests if you are feeling particularly adventurous and want to rummage around in my subpar "first mod ever" code!

  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • Requires
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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Came here to say the same - that would be great if you could esl it if possible. I really like the idea of the mod but i only have so many precious esp slots in my bloated load order.

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Wow, really excited to see a mod like this for Skyrim finally be created - it's a feature I really longed for from h-jrpgs in general.  I'm excited to add this to my set up and give it a try.


Reading through the beta thread - I saw you ask, what could a better/easier way to display this data?  I think one option, that's probably a huge leap in complexity, would be a custom SWF interface, like https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56069?tab=description&BH=0


I've thought about trying to build something like this for a long time, but SWF modding has always been a bugbear.  Just dropping as an idea for the future, if you're ever interested in it.

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