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What? .... oh my God the bloody defult shop is still in there .... 


I can't win ...... uuuug leave the stupid penguin alone, its leftovers from the defult blank race mod.


I'll delete him later.... can't believe the @%#&* penguin is still in there....

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1 hour ago, doctorpotato said:

What? .... oh my God the bloody defult shop is still in there .... 


I can't win ...... uuuug leave the stupid penguin alone, its leftovers from the defult blank race mod.


I'll delete him later.... can't believe the @%#&* penguin is still in there....

Oh! Ok! Thx!

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9 hours ago, NTSM said:

I get this error, if i try to buy this weird Cat Hat from the Penguin Merchant. >_>' idk why?


Hi ok so I looked into the whole penguin merchant and it seems for some reason the "Lustlingeffect1" does not exist. Which is expected for I never made one or touched much of the items the Penguin Merchant sells, this is due to him being auto generated by the blank race mod I used.


However further poking reveled how to fix this error (I simply removed the Lustlingeffect1 from the hat). I also then tested out all of the Merchants functions and found them to be in working order including the Lustling spawner. So instead of removing the Penguin, Ill leave him intact and working, and perhaps at a later date ill make some custom furniture and other stuff for him to sell.


Ill post an update later today with the changes, I want to poke at the spawner for a bit and see if I can get the NPC to say more erotic things.

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On 2/5/2024 at 10:31 AM, doctorpotato said:

ok ok ok lol ok, I was going to do this whole fix right up, but I always follow my own steps to see if the results will happen, and I think I know the issue.


Ok lol so  I also have "Lustbound Aphrodite's Bow Addon.pak" you get it here, or take the file I provided here. All it does is give a better quest to get a gun in Lustia.


I'm terribly sorry for this, but I did have quite the long night trying to figure out how to get my weapons to hook into SRB, I never realized how depended my mod became on SBR and All addons. I will defiantly fix this so its more flexible.



Lustbound Aphrodite's Bow Addon.pak 164.96 kB · 5 downloads

Hey there and sorry for the late reply! I keep wondering what the issue has been, since I actually already had Aphrodites Bow installed, but it was the Sexbound 6.2.0.pak-Version found here under this name: [SxB] Aphrodite's Bow 6.2.0. Installing the file provided by you additionally resolved the issue and the bow still seems to be working.


I am amazed about how quick your reaction was and the solution with it, thank you very much!



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1 hour ago, TheFakingFox said:

Hey there and sorry for the late reply! I keep wondering what the issue has been, since I actually already had Aphrodites Bow installed, but it was the Sexbound 6.2.0.pak-Version found here under this name: [SxB] Aphrodite's Bow 6.2.0. Installing the file provided by you additionally resolved the issue and the bow still seems to be working.


I am amazed about how quick your reaction was and the solution with it, thank you very much!


sexbound-aphrodites-bow-6.2.0.pak 5.66 MB · 0 downloads

Thank you, I am trying to stay on top of issues, most of them caused by me forgetting stuff .... the new update now no longer requires anything but SBR and I tested it with just my mod, SBR, and a character extender... other than the cat hat it's fully working.

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For unknown reasons, I have a few small Data Loading problems. Some elements of SBR don't seem to load properly? Hence the question: WHAT do you need for files to load your mod (and SBR) properly?





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7 hours ago, NTSM said:

For unknown reasons, I have a few small Data Loading problems. Some elements of SBR don't seem to load properly? Hence the question: WHAT do you need for files to load your mod (and SBR) properly?





Hi there, ok so this is going to be ummm .... interesting to try to convey.


you only need SRB, Lustlings.pak OR Lustlings No Lustia NPCs.pak, and some kind of character extender to have my mod work in its current form fully.


BUT with that said most people have massive mod lists, I myself am sporting 198 mods.


So first your screenshots seem to show me your running the normal Lustling.pak but not with the Kawalii Cloathing Edit.pak.


And just so I know I did not make a mistake, I redownloaded both Kawalii+.pak from steam and its needed pack from here Sexbound_KawaiiStuff+ Supports.pak

along with sexbound-reborn-1.1_r2.pak, Lustlings.pak, and Kawalii Cloathing Edit.pak. and tested all combinations to make sure my mod is indeed running correctly and I did not (Again..sigh) forget something. I had not, things are working as they should. So in my mod folder at one time all I had in it was these files in one combination or another (and my character extender but that's a given).


So to be clear:

If one has sexbound-reborn-1.1_r2.pak and nothing else, no other sex mod related paraphilia, you can use ether Lustlings.pak, OR Lustlings No Lustia NPCs.pak

and everything will work fine.


If one has sexbound-reborn-1.1_r2.pak, Sexbound_KawaiiStuff+ Supports.pak, Kawalii+.pak, you will need to have my Lustlings.pak and Kawalii Cloathing Edit.pak to have the NPCs in Lustia be dressed correctly.


If one has  sexbound-reborn-1.1_r2.pak, Sexbound_KawaiiStuff+ Supports.pak, Kawalii+.pak, you will need to have my Lustlings No Lustia NPCs.pak to have no edits done to the NPCs of Lustia it will be as if my mod was not installed, no effect no changes.


Now to help you fix your issue:


you have Lustbound installed .. and a few others ... these have been integrated into SRB


excerpt from SRB site:


Supported Mods

A list of mods that have official support to be compatible with Sexbound Reborn. For an occasionally updated list of all known mods to be working or not working with SBR, check here.


> Omnibrowser

> Teratophilia

> Aphrodite's Bow (WITH PATCH)

> Lustbound (ADDONS ONLY)         <------- No Lustbound

> POV Redux (V4.2.0+)

> Teratophilia Scenes (V0.21+)


> Most Race Compatibility Patches

> Every other mod that does not alter Sexbound Scripts


⁉️ Naturally Horny, Extended Dialogues and Lustbound Base are integrated into this mod. Do not try to use them!

⁉️ Why a "compatibility" list and not an "incompatibility" list? Check the FAQ.


It is suggested to use StarExtensions to fix the look of kid NPCs. Learn more.



This by no means is this told in anger or frustration, I am saying this in the tone of an educator, trying to be precise and accurate to help you with your issues, installing mods is something of a ... journey, we all need help now and then with it. Hell you could do all I say and it still wont work and my money at that moment is to ask if you still have some mods subscribed to steam.


I hope I covered everything you should need to work out your issues, sorry for the late reply .... took a bit to make sure I'm not talking out of my ass.


And just for your reference I included my mod list in this reply, So far this has been a error free list.




Your jessie tells me the story of "whos on first"

(jessie is the baldheaded rabbit girl you got going on)


Because of her..look, it tells me something in your mod list (money on Lustbound) is overriding SRB.


Mod list.txt

Edited by doctorpotato
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3 minutes ago, Stygian_Warg said:

I love this race, Massive tits, C'est Tres TRES Magnifique! awesome stuff, keep them coming heh heh but i have a small drama.. when i open the crafting menu, the game crashes, but only when i'm playing a lustling. any ideas?

I will need your crash log ... 


Edit... I am very interested in crash logs, you see I tested this mod like beyond testing... I just tested it now to see if I fucked up the crafting while I was poking around in the shop stuff....


I test this mod on a empty new install ... I test with no steam mods installed ... and I test on a mod list of little over 200 with 20 SBR ready races.


So yes I am VERY interested in crash logs.

Edited by doctorpotato
just more detal
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Oooh boy.... ok wow ummm


lets first start off with the answer to your question, Lustlings has never been tested with Frackin Universe. It is to my understanding that a race needs to be set up for FU to even work in that kind of environment.


So as to why it crashed when you opened up my vanilla crafting table, It would seem it was looking for buttons that have been moved or name changed due to the nature of FU.


But ... dear friend your game has some serous issues, ill lay them out here in short form:


- your steam mods are overriding much of your mods folder.

- countless .patch files are failing

- tails seems to have much of his clothing failing to be found

- you have countless image assets that fail so placeholders are being used

- this error [17:27:15.355] [Error] Exception caught loading asset: /species/omenrace.raceeffect, (AssetException) Could not read JSON asset /species/omenrace.raceeffect

  would crash my game due to the fact the JSON cannot be read, but for you it happens just before FU seems to boot up.

- some mod from steam (F:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\1683606374\contents.pak) is overriding my Kawalii Cloathing Edit.pak so that cant even be working.


I am very curious on how your game runs for you. because your log says its a mess. 

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1 minute ago, Stygian_Warg said:

well bugger, i did wonder why some of the items from time to time rock up as little green squares haha, oh well no lusty little fellas for me then. Thanks !

Well ill poke at FU and see what kind of requirements are needed for a race to become FU compatible, but if you just cant open up the crafting table and everything else works your not missing much, its just a whip that is a half decent weapon and starts a sexnode, A really big dildo hammer, and buttplug throwing darts... your not missing much to be honest.


if you want I can just tell you the item codes and you can just spawn them in to look at what they are and do.

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Unfortunately with FU, you need to refer back to basic crafting "c" quite a lot mainly FU Specific crafting tables :( I appreciate your help though. I just went though and dropped a heap of mods i dont use in the hopes that my log will look a little better and found that "Tails" mod i had removed a while back but not the SxB stuff, so bam thats gone hahah.

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3 minutes ago, Stygian_Warg said:

Unfortunately with FU, you need to refer back to basic crafting "c" quite a lot mainly FU Specific crafting tables :( I appreciate your help though. I just went though and dropped a heap of mods i dont use in the hopes that my log will look a little better and found that "Tails" mod i had removed a while back but not the SxB stuff, so bam thats gone hahah.

ok well im going to poke FU a bit and see all the errors it causes if i install it in my mod environment. I personally hope I can get everyone to enjoy my mod regardless of what they installed.

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3 minutes ago, Stygian_Warg said:

Would you believe me if after uninstalling a metric shit tonne of mods, i can now craft ? :P

yes because I just installed FU with just the basic sexbound stuff and the Lustlings works fine.


but wow does FU throw some errors up

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word of warning, 


[01:18:19.293] [Error] Exception caught loading asset: /species/lustling.raceeffect, (AssetException) Could not read JSON asset /species/lustling.raceeffect


I think FU is trying to put race effects on Lustlings but cant


I do not know what that will do in the long run

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You wrote that Lustbound Base is included in the mod, but when I remove 'Lusbound_Base_TentacleTweak' from my Mod List, the Vending machine with the Lustia Ticket is no longer in the Game. What do i wrong? 🤨

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27 minutes ago, NTSM said:

You wrote that Lustbound Base is included in the mod, but when I remove 'Lusbound_Base_TentacleTweak' from my Mod List, the Vending machine with the Lustia Ticket is no longer in the Game. What do i wrong? 🤨


ok here... this file contains the very minimum you need to get the sex stuff working. you can download them from other places on this site ... but im lazy and this is faster.


I don't know what Lustbound_Base_TentacleTweak is .. but it sound like something that should not be there. you have a few .pak's that look redundant. and if memory serves me you also have a actor 1 and actor 2 folders just sitting in your mods folder. I do not believe they are doing anything.


So first lets just clean house a bit, rename your mods folder to like mods2 .. that way you can always undo what we are going to do, second put the contents of the zip file from this post into the new mods folder, then thow in my lustlings and that kawaii edit I provided from my mod page, also put in your favorite character extender.


now what you have made should be a mods folder that will have a fully working SBR and Lustlings....... but you have some favorite mods I am sure thats why you have mods2, you can now see what works and have a base to build back from.


or remove the mods from mods2 that are not to be there, or find out why its there.




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59 minutes ago, Stygian_Warg said:

well heres something else to work on in the mean time, A mech body with giant tits! Whadda yeckon about that?! :P A lustlings mecha in the makings or what!



Ooooooh a mech update .... Mmmmmm sexy mech parts?...... can I make gigantic bouncing robot mech tits? .... a massive floppy robo-dick? or Pussy that shoots from the crotch....... 


you good sir have peaked my interest.

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