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Need help to edit animations


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I would like to edit the bobbing effect (in first person) during run but i can't open mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx / kf in 3ds max (2009).

When i try to import it, i get the error "improper file format".

How can i do?

And... it should be good to just see the ending of the feet of first camera. What directions should i take to add and show feet and textures in first person?

Thanks for all

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You can't import the animation without a skeleton to attach it to.


1. Import the skeleton.nif.

2. Import the femalebody0.nif (or whichever you want to use).

3. Import the animation (as kf).


I can't help you with the first person stuff, sorry.


Thank you for reply.


I did these steps before, i was able to open almost any animations (1rst person and 3rd person) but not the mt_runforwardcamerabob.kf <- this give me the "improper format" error.

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I got a strange problem with imported animation right now...


I tried this test (no editing, just conversion and re-conversion) to see if problem was the editing in nifscope or just the conversion...


1) hkxcmd exportkf skeletonfirst.hkx mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx mt_runforwardcamerabob.kf


2) hkxcmd convertkf skeletonfirst.hkx mt_runforwardcamerabob.kf mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx


3) copied mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx in skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character/_1person/animations


4) opened Skyrim


5) run forward in first person without weapons


What happens? Everytime i start to run forward, the camera height is going down...


See the screenshots:


normal: https://www.dropbox....90w7/normal.jpg


runforward: https://www.dropbox..../runforward.jpg


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've actually been trying to puzzle out first person animations myself now for nearly a week. I think this may help you somewhat: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/567941-1st-person-first-person-replacement-animations-how-to/

However, I'm still incredibly new to max & nifskope, so I am unsure as to how exactly to do what he says to fix the skeleton, and having read the link in fore's (fore, you are da bomb <3) post, I get the feeling that there is even more fixing/work that's needed to get the whole thing (Skeleton + animation) working in game.

I'm starting to see why there are no first person animation mods out there, lol.

Hopefully it's not something as easy to fix as, for example. renaming Camera3rd [Cam3] -> Camera1st [Cam1] in XP32's (<3 for you too!) XPMS modder's resource skeleton. Cuse if it is and I've not tried it because "it can't possibly be THAT easy..."

Anyway, let me know what you find out/come up with!


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