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Need help identifying a lovers plugin


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Hey guys, as the title suggests, there's a LPK plugin I'm running that's causing a lot of annoyance for me, however I do not know which one it is.


Basically, what happens is, if my char is raped, random NPCs nearby will come up to me and say things like "heh, I'll just take you up the ass then" or something similar. I can use EscapeRaperVPlayer to end the sequence early, and afterwards they will be angry at me for resisting. I've already rooted out Joburg and StalkerM, as disabling StalkerM and setting joburg settings to zero doesn't do anything to fix this.


The reason why this is a problem is that it interferes with scripted events in certain LPK plugins, such as DarkBloodline, where if this occurs the sequence will never continue. Also, if I'm confronted by two or more NPCs, I'll potentially be stuck in a perpetual gangbang which does get boring and annoying over time.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Yep, I'm running WappyOne's version. I looked at the settings menu again and I don't see there that would cause it. To make sure I completely disallowed my character from being raped through raperS and nothing changed.


I'm not quite sure it's Immoral Sister/Guards, I've ran both of them in previous installs and have never experienced this issue.

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 best thing to do is disable one at a time, until you find the culprit, just reducing the setting is not enough in some case's it is a use of a resource that is causing the trouble.


  also raising or lowering in Load order could help. but until you find the actual problem, or conflict disabling is your best bet.


  It is not like you are knee deep in a quest with any of those that you named, and will lose much.



Edited, OH, and i did have a few problems with Immoral Sister or Guards. I for get  which one, and what it was, I seem to remember I managed to edit or fix a scipt some where to get over it. and fix . But I have not messed with it in awhile. so I forget what it was.

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I think so too. The exact line is 'He he he, ok I'll just take you in the ass.' (lifted from the dialog via the CS). There are two other possible random lines for male assailants ('I'm not going to miss out on a chance like this!' and 'My cock is so going to enjoy being stuck deep inside you.') and another three for females.


ImmoralGuards on its own won't leave you in a perpetua-gangbang though, that must be unforeseen interactions with other mods. IG won't give nearby actors who've already had a go at you another rape token for, 5 minutes, from memory.





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You guys are right, it is indeed Immoral Guards. Shame too, since I really enjoy using it. Is there any way to disable this feature? I've never really touched the CS (or some other tool) but I'd be willing to if it meant  fixing this. I'll also try adjusting my load order.

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Changing your load order won't stop this interaction.


LIG is on my list for some small changes after I've finished with PayBandit and TrueCrime (I'm trying to 'harmonise' the crime mods). I'll see if there's a reasonably straightforward way of toggling this behaviour on/off.


In the meantime, it depends on how thoroughly you need to stop this happening. If you don't mind them talking to you, but don't want the rape, easiest way is to open LIG in the CS, characters->Quests->kzsQuestLoversImmoralGuards->Topics->kzsLIG08Rape (last topic in list)


Delete the line 'Call kzsFuncReact GetSelf 70 0' from the result script pane for the first 3 and last 3 entries in the main pane.


Save (you'll need the Extended CS or there's a good chance this will strip the masters from the mod and break things. Won't need to be the latest iteration, though).


They'll still initiate the conversation, but you can just exit the dialog and nothing else will happen. If the conversation happening is breaking the sequence in DarkBloodlines, that's harder. Let me know if you want suggestions for preventing that.





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