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modding out pronouns/rainbow group stuff

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9 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

i'm a bi furry that makes gay dragon and werewolf porn, so stop projecting your insecurities onto others. if you are seeing nazis everywhere then perhaps it's actually you that are in fact the fucking nazi. and no one here has even said anything about African Americans so why the fuck are you going off about them, are you a fucking white supremacist or something?

I'm seeing nazis everywhere because there are quite literally nazis everywhere. As in people straight up waving the Nazi German political flag or the Confederate battle flag at political rallies, openly displaying white nationalist iconography, and generally expressing support for fascist ideology. Try reading... quite literally any news source, even the ones trying to downplay the scope and scale of the issue have more or less given up on doing so because at this point it's just too widespread.


Anyway, the race issue and the gender issue go hand-in-hand, it's all identity politics in the end. The same people making the mods to remove pronouns are the same people making the mods to remove nonwhite skin tones. It's all part of a larger effort to portray non-cis, non-white people as some sort of bug, glitch, or oversight that needs "fixing" in a way that will reach an on-average younger target audience. 


If you couldn't care less about what is or isn't identity politics, or what right-wingers may or may not be doing, then fine. Just don't get in the way of those of us actually trying to do something about the problem. And if you're going to aid and abet what they're doing, then don't act so surprised when people call you a nazi because you've been helping nazis. 

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31 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

i assume that's how the no pronoun patch was made, they probably looked at the non English version of the game.

i'm a bi furry that makes gay dragon and werewolf porn, so stop projecting your insecurities onto others. if you are seeing nazis everywhere then perhaps it's actually you that are in fact the fucking nazi. and no one here has even said anything about African Americans so why the fuck are you going off about them, are you a fucking white supremacist or something?


This made me laugh pretty hard! Kudos.


And the rest of you, this isn't the Nexus. This is LoversLab. We all tailor our games to our individual sexual preferences, whether you like it or not.

Both the people making a big deal out of removing pronouns (it's a single player game, people can do that without harming anybody!) as well as the people acting as if having representation in a AAA game was bad (grow up!), get lost. You don't have a standing here. We add just the right amount of big futa cock, or remove every last female and replace them with gay furry sluts, or make our games straight as hell by removing anything we don't like to see in the bed room and there is nothing you can do about it.


That is the way of LoversLab, and no deranged shouting of any kind will change it.

There is almost all kinds of content on this website and you won't like half of it. Be quiet about it and click away. That's how it's always worked, that's how it always will work.

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44 minutes ago, Decèdere said:

Funny how inclusion of LGBTQ is always considered a political agenda to a certain type of person. As if they're not actually real people who exist in the world so we shouldn't give them representation in games.


Like you don't have a trans folder in your porn collection.


You mean when megacorps make barely characters without character or personality and tag them as gay? It's political , it's moral it's a publicity stunt in the end I don't care because it's shit art that leads to shit products the most egregious example I can recall was Biocringe, a now irrelevant company, going from Zevran an interesting well written character to an irrelevant gay pilot nobody cared about for some twitter feel good cookie points, "LOOK WE MADE THE GAY GUYS!"


By all means keep eating this garbage I'll take my money somewhere else.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte MadMansGun:

Das Akronym „Nazi“ wurde so oft missbraucht, dass es keine Beleidigung mehr ist. Die Bedeutung hat sich so sehr geändert, dass die Bezeichnung „Nazi“ zu einem Ehrenzeichen geworden ist.

„Normen gegen Zeloten-Idioten“, das ist es, was „Nazi“ jetzt bedeutet.


Nach US-amerikanischem Recht könnte ein Mod, der Pronomen entfernt/ersetzt, als erstes Verfassungszusatzrecht auf freie Meinungsäußerung angesehen werden, wenn man sagt, dass männlich weiblich statt sie/sie er/er nicht das Gleiche ist wie die Leugnung der verdammten Schrecken des Holocaust.


Die heutige US-Verfassung erlaubt ja nicht nur das tragen von Waffen in aller Öffentlichkeit - vom bezug und Besitz gar nicht zu reden.


Aber diese Verfassung hat da ein ganz anderes Kaliber -> die legalisierte Sklaverei.

Sicherlich ist der private Besitz von Sklaven und der Handel damit verboten ... aber wenn der Staat dies macht im Rahmen des Straf-Vollzuges ... ist dies komplett legal.


bei der letzten Kongress-Wahl stimmten 4 Bundesstaaten darüber ab - ob diese staatlich legalisierte Sklaven-Haltung in ihren Gebieten abgeschafft wird.

drei haben sich dafür ausgesprochen diese menschenverachtende Praxis zu beenden ... aber in dem 4. Bundesstaat stimmte eine 2/3 Mehrheit FÜR die Beibehaltung der Sklaverei.


Das sind auch die gleichen Leute die so ihre Probleme mit mehr als zwei verschiedene Pronomen für die Menschen haben ... aber das nur am Rande.


Und natürlich gibt es in den USA eine Faschisten-Kultur - hatte es schon lange vor Hitler in D-land gegeben ... die "weißen Zipfel-Mützen" wurden noch vor 1870 gegründet - da gab es noch nicht einmal das Deutsche Kaiserreich

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7 minutes ago, Angrybird said:


You mean when megacorps make barely characters without character or personality and tag them as gay? It's political , it's moral it's a publicity stunt in the end I don't care because it's shit art that leads to shit products the most egregious example I can recall was Biocringe, a now irrelevant company, going from Zevran an interesting well written character to an irrelevant gay pilot nobody cared about for some twitter feel good cookie points, "LOOK WE MADE THE GAY GUYS!"


By all means keep eating this garbage I'll take my money somewhere else.

No, I mean when Starfield has Body Type 1 & 2 instead of "Male" and "Female" and includes optional pronouns. By all means mod it out, but letting everyone know how staunchly opposed you are to it just comes across as annoying and infantile. And it makes one think maybe you don't like gay or trans people. If you want to talk about how watered down and neutered a lot of popular media is these days, I agree with that.

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12 hours ago, Travestea said:

Relevant post from a few years ago.


As far as why it's not equally applied, who knows. Maybe nobody reports the pro- mods. Maybe they've decided it's more advantageous to be pro than against. I'd also say there's a difference between mods adding pride flags and mods that effectively say "trans people don't exist". In all honesty, I'd hazard a guess that mod would get yanked from here as well if it got posted.


Also have to keep in mind those anti- mods are very often in bad faith and specifically done to get people talking, which seems to be the case here. They make and post them specifically knowing what will happen shortly after they post it. Their whole goal is to get people asking the same question you are in hopes that they get enough outrage to get pro- stuff taken down too (and it's not limited to online modding sites) and gain supporters for their "help, I'm being persecuted" crusade.


Personally, I fine with the unevenness. Trans people are being attacked daily and somebody's gotta stand up for them. Pro- mods aren't harmful. Anti- ones very often are, if for no other reason than the subtext behind them being made and published. The bigots need to find something else to do with their time.


A piss poor attempt to be nice while gaslightng + demonizing. Do me a favor and don't pretend to be nice. Especially because at the end the mask came off.


Have you ever considered that we are not that much different from you? From my perspective you are eliminating the existence of men & women. I want to play a biological woman. Not a "body type 2" with "feminine pronouns."


Would you be willing to accept picking biological sex + gender pronouns? If not at least don't strawman us into being trolls. I don't believe the gender spectrum theory. Sorry. 


39 minutes ago, trees said:




You know, I've always wondered what it's like to live your kind of life. Like I just cannot fathom the experience of being in constant fear of everything around you. Of waking up in a cold sweat every morning because somewhere, two men might be enjoying each others' company. Of sprinting to the other side of the street when you notice a dark-skinned person walking towards you. Of being constantly on-guard around certain bartenders and cashiers because one of them might actually have a penis. I just can't conceive of what it must be like to be such a plainly weak and pathetic individual.


Now to be fair - I have a strong feeling that a lot of the people doing this aren't actually part of the crazy right wing of politics that doesn't seem to realize that they have quite literally never in recorded history actually succeeded. Cyberpunk2077 did the same things, and was much more explicit about trans issues. BG3 didn't address the topic during gameplay, but did let you choose pronouns, and also included an actual full-on gay orgy. Starfield having a pronoun picker in the character creator and maybe a few passing mentions of... not even Trans issues, just the basic concept of Trans people existing; it's only an issue because certain people have made their entire personality just "Starfield is bad and Bethesda deserves to fail" and were betting everything on Starfield launching the same way Cyberpunk did, and since that didn't end up happening are now grasping at literally anything they can.


We should appropriate John Lenin's "Imagine." You genuinely have no idea how we think and have just been brainwashed by the woke capitalist system. If you literally "cannot fathom" how another human being thinks then you simply do not understand them.

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Simple fact of the matter is that this is just political activism invading our hobby. I feel people should be able to enjoy the games they buy (and play in private) in any way they  choose, and should be free to share the mods they create with any other people who might enjoy them in the same way. It's up to the individual to decide for themselves if they want the mods in their games, and they should be free not to install them if they choose.


The problem comes when other people decide that they should be able to decide what everyone else should be able to do. Said best by Marge Simpson: "Call me a killjoy, but I think that because this is not to my taste, no one else should be able to enjoy it."


In this case, I feel it's a bit beyond that, as it's a political movement; and one where it seems every aspect of a person's life must involve their politics. I'm immediately reminded of Benito Mussolini's quote: "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State." In this case, "the State" is the political ideology. You're not allowed to have entertainment even in the privacy of your own home that opposes their political view.


I play Bethesda games to spend time living in an alternate world, where I don't have to worry about the BS and politics of reality, but, sadly, politics are being forced into my entertainment. I'll try to refrain from further discussion on it, other than to say that I sincerely hope LoversLab takes steps to defend against ideological censorship, and continue to allow mods here that sites like Nexus and ModDB have been banning.


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5 hours ago, vallixas said:

It's obvious why. It's against TOS, and those sorts of mods do nothing but attract the worst of people from 4chan who just sit in the comments saying racist, homophobic shit. The comment sections literally go from 0 to 100+ comments in mere minutes. It's obvious that there are entire discords out there who just organize this crap just to incite people. Admins don't have time to sit there in comment sections policing all day for obvious troll bait mods. They are literally only uploaded to harass and provoke arguements and berate people. Don't act obtuse.


This sums it up pretty well. If only such mods could be quietly made without them being trumpeted as the expected deliverer from the 'alphabet soup people' and their nefarious nazi 'agenda'.


A simple rule check:



LoversLab is first and foremost a gaming community. As such, we wish to be welcoming and friendly to all genders, orientations, nationalities, religions, and beliefs.

Those who are not conducive to that environment will be dealt with in whatever reasonable manner we deem appropriate.


Like, shutting this down.

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