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Stop Sleeping traveling and waiting (Papyrus Script)


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Sorry can you clarify what you mean by i stop sleep, travel and waiting?


Your saying the game force you not to sleep and you need to travel and you can't wait?


Chair i also don't understand you glued to chair and can't stand up?


Also you want someone make you mod or you making a mod but want some info if there already is a mod like that?


Im not english so not my native language,maybe its my fould and miss understood what your saying here, my excuses if thats the case.

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Yes i'm on to continue an already existing mod. It's a pregnacy mod. At now, you can wait... and wait.... and wait even when "Birth" Event is called. That's why i want to Abort "waiting" , and sleeping, and traveling when the birth event is called.


And birth wheel sitting on a chair isn't a good idea :)

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