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Weird eye bug.


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I created a new race that is a duplicate of a vanilla race.  I start the game and create a character just fine using the new race, but when I try to re-edit the already created character either by the 'showracemenu' or the face changer in riften.  I cannot change the eyes, the slider stays stuck on the far left.


Can someone help me with this problem?

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Well I will tell you. I made my own race mod, it is now rather large and has been downloaded a LOT. 


Only one person has ever told me they had the issue you have, and they STILL have it. Who is it?




Yup she has this problem as well. I've had her disable every other mod she has, and even had her delete a lot of loose files to, but I can not for the life of me figure out why SHE has this problem. I don't.


Now an early version of Celestials had seen a LOT of people having this issue. I had to rebuild the race when I discovered it was a simple thing I did that was causing it.


When you make a duplicate, as you said, it will ask 2 questions. Now as a reflex most of us modders when asked if we want to replace something we say YES, HOWEVER, with races, ONE of those 2 questions you have to say no to. The first question is " You changed the name of this so now it is new, do you want to make something new? " and you say yes, BUT, the second is something like " We noticed you changed this to something new, do you want to create a new FormList? ". This you say NO to! The race still needs to keep all FormList entries of the race your basing it off, otherwise, well, no one in the game ( npc's ) will even know what race you are.


After you have done this, I suggest looking at RaceCompatiblity and how to use it with your new race. It will basically tell the game " Oh your a race based on this race, ya we will add a proxy that makes all quests / scripts / etc treat you like the race you based it off ( I always use Nord ) ". If you want to make the new race usable in Dawnguard, your gonna need a different RaceCompatibility, so a different ESP, since Dawnguard RaceCompatibility has Dawnguard as a dependency.


Even after ALL that, you may very well still have the issue, but other users of the mod probably won't. Don't ask me why it happens to my wife and not my thousands of other users, it just does. I've tried to figure it out, FOR HER, and even as a modder who knows the ins and outs of it all, I can't fix it for her.


There IS a workaround however. If you want to change your eyes say but can't :


Open console. Type Player.setrace NordRace.

Type ShowRaceMenu

Close console


Make eye changes you want.


Open Console





Hope this helped.

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