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Go to SSE version of the belt and read the comment section. I asked the same question couple of days ago and he provided the answer.


Edit: uh... looks like both my question and a reply were removed? Nvm then.

Edited by belegost
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There are 2 parts to every DD. An inventory device that you see in your character's inventory and the render device that's shown on your character (which is invisible in inventory).


I'd imagine basic steps for TesEdit are. 


1. Copy existing similar DD inventory device. (Inventory devices have a 'FULL - Name')

2. Scroll down through it's properties and find it's 'renderDevice' and copy the record it's pointing to as well. (Tip: Hold CTRL + clicking on a record will jump to that record)

3. Scroll down to the 'Armature' and copy the record that's it points to as well. 


You should have 2x ARMO records and 1x ARMA records in your new mod now. 


4. Change the 'renderDevice' Property on your new inventory device to point to the newly copied render device. 

5. Change the 'Armature' on your new render device to point to your new ARMA record you copied. 

6. Change the world model on the inventory device - 'Male world model' & 'Female world model'

7. Change the female model on the new ARMA record - 'Female world model'



Oh. I should have looked at the mods first. Because these models look like belt + 2 plugs and there are no similar devices to my knowledge then you're going to run into technicalities. Ideally, you'd have to split the belt and plugs into individual devices. And also (somehow) make them visually compatible with existing chastity belt devices (alignment etc)


Or you'd have to come up with an entirely new type of DD and script functions to manage it (largely impossible without DD dev help)

Edited by Monoman1
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