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Hi everybody,

I was wodering if there is somehow a possibility to use blender to create mods for skyrim....i mamaged to export a basic cbbe body with 3ds max as a simple .obj but is there a way of using blender to create some mods, for example i createt a detailed vagina,I implementet it in de cbbe bodymesh, actually i know how to use blender i a quite good with modelling and stuff but i litarly have no idea how to create a mod for skyrim but i would love to learn it and create my own mods and share them with you all... i wamt to createa body mod, a complete new one, like caliente, but again i have no idea how to make one using blemder....

Maybe someone can teach me or are there any good tutorials in the www to create mods with blender

... i am using the latest build of blender




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there is a lot of tutorials and guide to do what you want    i just type in google   - 'blender for skyrim'-    and found  this : http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/4457-exporting-models-from-blender-to-skyrim-because-all-the-other-tutorials-are-missing-something/   and this : http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3658-skyrim-skyrim-meshes-and-blender-importingexporting/


and there is more of them  just need to see if it suits you.


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And I personally suggest using my own tutorial I wrote here at LL some years ago :). It was originally based on a tutorial written by someone else on the skyrim wiki, but I noticed some discrepancies I needed to fix before I was actually able to successfully port stuff into Skyrim.




You can always count on the help of me and other people on our forums :D.

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