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SevenBase Conversions - Bombshell/Cleavage with BBP

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Would anyone of you talented converters be interested in creating a 7B compatible version of this mod?


I realize B3lisario (UNPB converter) created a UNPB version some time ago. The author of the original mod has been away for a while.


Should any of you find the time to do so, I'd love a version for both finger/toe nails as the design is quite unique and spells a more feral, animalistic design as compared to more simple nail shapes.


Being able to equip/unequip them is also a nice advantage.


I tried them a while back, shouldn't it work just fine? It's not like the mesh positions are different from what I saw, but I'm most likely wrong or there's something I'm not getting. But yes, a toenails-included version would be cool. :)



The latter. The original conversion was offset due to the original intent for the chosen body model, but this one was adjusted to fit UNP models, which as a result will work with even 7B, albeit I notice some strange morphs when unequipped. Its negligible so I use them anyway. Still, a version to match for lower body nails would be amazing.


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I mainly convert to Bombshell since it is the body type I prefer. Not to say the other variants are bad, but that is the one I currently prefer the most. 


Is bombshells boobs area the thing that you actually prefer or something else?


I for one like bombshells general body line, but with exception of boobs. If there was bombshell body with cleavage edition to use with tighter armors, yeah, thats what I'm talking about!


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I mainly convert to Bombshell since it is the body type I prefer. Not to say the other variants are bad, but that is the one I currently prefer the most. 


Is bombshells boobs area the thing that you actually prefer or something else?


I for one like bombshells general body line, but with exception of boobs. If there was bombshell body with cleavage edition to use with tighter armors, yeah, thats what I'm talking about!




Both the breasts shape and the calves.


Some outfits look good with some crazy manipulation, like what Melodic did with the Rocco outfit 0/1 weights.

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Furious this is what i done for sinblood in ahh... sort of 3ds.... :sleepy:



  Mighty fine work if you ask me


But serious and all, would be amazing if someone could do it.



Looks amazing. Will you upload on nexus when it's done?

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I thought those renderosity mods require payment. I know there are several people who have bought these outfits and converted them for use in Skyrim, and (quite understandably) they generally keep those mods to themselves.


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Is there a full vanilla armor 7base conversion mod that is not skimpy?

I was thinking about doing one...



That would be spiffy. CBBE Has one, UNP has one, UNPB doesnt.. but at least unp convert gives the shape for everything but the chest. So 7Base needs one. Very likely among reasons why more people may not use it is because with the other bodies they can wear all the games stuff. They could be thinking that if they used 7Base they couldn't wear the vanilla armors, they could it just wouldnt look the way it should, but they might not know that. Who knows what their thinkin, maybe they think if they put on un-converted armor it crashes. Some of us users are pretty dumb. Besides that theres also the adding of more variety, which thus far the 7base peoples have already made a large variety of stuff. Some of it doesn't mesh so much into ES lore, which brings another point. A straight conversion for 7base body shape would add whats missing, since there are already skimpy vanillas along with entirely new stuff. Like Raven Witch Armor, spectacular creation, and now in a 7base flavor! But as far as myself, I like to have vanilla as vanilla (converted to the body im using) and if I want something showy, flashy, or fleshy there are plenty of great creations and conversions of those creations.

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I thought those renderosity mods require payment. I know there are several people who have bought these outfits and converted them for use in Skyrim, and (quite understandably) they generally keep those mods to themselves.



Suckers like me yeah, but unfortunately there's a lot of people warezing them too

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Is there a full vanilla armor 7base conversion mod that is not skimpy?

I was thinking about doing one...




That would be spiffy. CBBE Has one, UNP has one, UNPB doesnt.. but at least unp convert gives the shape for everything but the chest. So 7Base needs one. Very likely among reasons why more people may not use it is because with the other bodies they can wear all the games stuff. They could be thinking that if they used 7Base they couldn't wear the vanilla armors, they could it just wouldnt look the way it should, but they might not know that. Who knows what their thinkin, maybe they think if they put on un-converted armor it crashes. Some of us users are pretty dumb. Besides that theres also the adding of more variety, which thus far the 7base peoples have already made a large variety of stuff. Some of it doesn't mesh so much into ES lore, which brings another point. A straight conversion for 7base body shape would add whats missing, since there are already skimpy vanillas along with entirely new stuff. Like Raven Witch Armor, spectacular creation, and now in a 7base flavor! But as far as myself, I like to have vanilla as vanilla (converted to the body im using) and if I want something showy, flashy, or fleshy there are plenty of great creations and conversions of those creations.



It's currently a WIP by FastestDog; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37946/?


His goal is to do all of Vanilla, and i guess DLC, but his updates aren't the fastest in the west.  Can't complain though, they look pretty darn good; he could probably use some help to bang it out.

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It's currently a WIP by FastestDog; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37946/?


His goal is to do all of Vanilla, and i guess DLC, but his updates aren't the fastest in the west.  Can't complain though, they look pretty darn good; he could probably use some help to bang it out.



Really? WTF? How did I miss that? I was looking and all. -_-

Thanks Vash! I'll have to track that.


@lordofthedread Look at that Blade's Armor convert and tell me that's a vanilla body.

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I have been having an issue with with unpb and 7base bodies, maybe someone here has an idea on the causes. I dont remember if the crouch issue is also on unpb, but the walking hip is. However with 7Base I get both the walking hip and the crouch (see ss). Also, with 7base you can see a slight gap at the hip, while standing and in crouch. And while walking there is a slight gap at the neck. I don't know if its the skeleton, the bodies themselves...


Mods used/using:

XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS 1.92 and/or 【Skeleton】XP32 Maximum Skeleton X.92XX2

VHH walk v1_0c D-pack-13272-1-0c

UNPB Body NMM BAIN Installer v2-5-2 FIX-37900-2-5-2 (UNPB 2.5g TBBP)

Installer with all SeveNBase Body options by MarkusFox-36992-1 (TBBP Body)

HDT Physics



I didn't see how to get the photos in a spoiler, i suck i know

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I have been having an issue with with unpb and 7base bodies, maybe someone here has an idea on the causes. I dont remember if the crouch issue is also on unpb, but the walking hip is. However with 7Base I get both the walking hip and the crouch (see ss). Also, with 7base you can see a slight gap at the hip, while standing and in crouch. And while walking there is a slight gap at the neck. I don't know if its the skeleton, the bodies themselves...


Mods used/using:

XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS 1.92 and/or 【Skeleton】XP32 Maximum Skeleton X.92XX2

VHH walk v1_0c D-pack-13272-1-0c

UNPB Body NMM BAIN Installer v2-5-2 FIX-37900-2-5-2 (UNPB 2.5g TBBP)

Installer with all SeveNBase Body options by MarkusFox-36992-1 (TBBP Body)

HDT Physics



I didn't see how to get the photos in a spoiler, i suck i know


So which are you using? UNPB Body NMM BAIN Installer v2-5-2 FIX-37900-2-5-2 (UNPB 2.5g TBBP) or Installer with all SeveNBase Body options by MarkusFox-36992-1 (TBBP Body)

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As of right now I am using 7Base. However, if stuffed_bunny gets the sliders for it I would likely use that to mod the chest to appear more like the unpb2.5g. I liked the breasts on the older unpb the best, didnt care for the "fruity bewbs", so just a little more gravity effect I guess. The reason I chose UNPB2.5g. But the 7Base thighs.. harder for me to accomplish. Love them thighs. Thus I think it would be easier for me to alter the breast on 7Base with slider than alter the thighs on unpb.


However, bodyslide morphed or no, the hip issues have been there. On both bodies. The neck however is Just with 7Base and VHH (have not tried other modded walks), the 7Base neck issue is not there with vanilla, and it is not there with the packaged 7Base walk. (was that the dragonfly tbbp walk)




I'm using SevenBase TBBP by DeMoNhUnTeR1986








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Demonhunter did say he was aware of a very slight neck seam with the tbbp mesh, I can't remember where but you may find it in his thread. Maybe his wasp waist version fixed it, dunno. 


You could always copy the bone weights from his meshes to one of the other 7b bodies using Outfit Studio.

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Hmm, I don't know how to do that. But I'll load them up and play with the voodoo. I don't mind breaking my files, I can put them back together :)

It's very easy. If you look on the forum for BS2/Outfit Studio on Nexus there's a guide. 

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@ up


xx000D68 ArmorNiabootsHV
xx000D65 ArmorNiabootsLI
xx000D69 ArmorNiaDressHV
xx000D66 ArmorNiaDressLI
xx000D6A ArmorNiaglovesHV
xx000D67 ArmorNiaglovesLI

xx = place in load order


next time u can use wrye smash > esp file > RMB > details > armor is listed under ARMO

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