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An amateur guide for amateurs

So, you want to play the infamous Neverwinter Nights mod, A Dance with Rogues by Valine/2acornupper,
but you don’t know much about the game and much less about Dungeons & Dragons?

Well, I don’t know much about D&D either, but after a couple of hours of gameplay, I’m confident
enough to lend you a hand so you too can experience what’s considered a pinnacle of
interactive erotica.

Before you get the mod, you’ll need to understand what kind of game you’ll be playing.
Neverwinter Nights is a role-playing game developed by BioWare and Obsidian Entertainment.
This is particular game is based on the Forgotten Realms campaign from D&D, and as such,
table-top role-playing rules apply.

You’ll be playing in a third-person top-down view similar to Dota, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft. Controlling your character’s actions thru a contextual menu as well as key binds. There are also key binds to move your character around but using a mouse is generally easier.

You can get used to the controls and some of the mechanics by playing the first part of the single player campaign, The Wailing Death, once you get the game.



Here’s the links if you’re still interested.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/704450/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition/

GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition_pack

And links to the module.

A Dance with Rogues Part 1 2.20: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/dance-rogues-part-1-20-ee-compatible

A Dance with Rogues Part 2 1.23: https://neverwintervaultorg/project/nwn1/module/dance-rogues-part-two

Currently waiting a update. Previous hak files break models.


Other useful links.
Lyanna Stormborn: https://neverwintervault.org/sites/all/modules/pubdlcnt/pubdlcnt.php?fid=123814

This is Valine's pre-generated character for use in A Dance with Rogues.

The file goes in your Documents/Neverwinter Nights/localvault folder.

I advise against it as you won’t exactly know what your character is
capable of, especially if this is your first time playing.


Enhanced Player Portrait Pack: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwnee/images/portrait/enhanced-player-portrait-pack

Install this only if you want more portraits to choose from during character creation.

There are many more portrait packs to choose from in the Neverwinter Vault and Nexus Mods.


Customize Character Override Hak: https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter/mods/799

Install this if you want to customize your character in-game. Read the mod description carefully to learn how to use it.



Follow the instructions carefully and install the mod in the correct directories. Once that’s done,
launch the game and make sure a couple of game options are changed.



First, under the game settings, the default difficulty is Easy but the mod is meant to be played
Normal. You’re welcome to keep it as is, but you’ll lose most of the challenge of playing this mod.

Second, under the graphics settings, disable Shiny Water in tweaks. Some users reported
crashes with this setting on, so if you run into a problem near the water, this might be the culprit.


Third, under the input settings, your camera should be set as Top Down mode. Using any other camera option will cause problems during cutscenes.

The cutscenes will still play but you may not be able to see anything since the camera is locked onto your character.

And fourth, there isn’t an option to disable this but you must understand that pressing Escape to
back out of a conversation can break a scripted event.
Even if you can and the game tells you it’s an option, try not to do it.


Extra Recommendations

In Game Options, under Ruleset, activate Always Roll Max Hitpoints on Level Up to avoid getting stuck with a character with low health.

If you want to see your character better during appearance customization, under Resolution and UI Scaling, set your New UI Scale to 1.2 or higher.



Once you’ve changed all the other settings to your liking.

Click on New, select A Dance with Rogues from the local tab, and click Play.

It’s time to get familiar with your character, the Princess of Betancuria.



Create a Princess

A Dance with Rogues is exclusively tailored to the stealthy and charismatic thief. You’ll get a very small amount of exp for killing things but you’ll get lots of exp for stealing, breaking and entering, disabling traps, and completing quests (some of which can be done with diplomacy).

A Sneaky Princess will have a higher chance to succeed than a Fighting Princess.

Here’s how to build one.


After you load A Dance with Rogues module, you’ll be prompted to create or select a pre-made character.
Don't use Select Premade Character, it's easier to start with but you won’t understand how that character plays
unless you’ve played Neverwinter Nights before.
Instead, click on
Create New Character and let’s get started.



Choose Female. The module won't let you continue if you choose otherwise.



Choose Human. The module will only allow you to play as a human, but at least you get to choose two feats(perks) instead of one.


Choose whichever fits your character the best.

You can download a portrait pack to have more choices if you want (I used this one here: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwnee/images/portrait/enhanced-player-portrait-pack). However, you won’t have as many options for the actual physical look of your character.


Rogue is the recommended starting class for this mod. It’s necessary to have certain skills
available early and the Rogue class can get ranks in all of them at level 1.


Alignment is not that important as throughout the game it will change depending on
your actions. You can try role playing a Lawful Good Princess but it’s very difficult to maintain
honor and compassion. After all, this A Dance with Rogues, not A Dance with Goody Two-


This is where you truly get to customize your character. It’s a lot to read but it’s worth knowing
what your abilities mean to your character before you start the game.

Before we begin, know that the first number in your ability score is your base.

The second number, in parentheses, is your modifier, which is used in addition to your skills for skill checks during the game.

Let’s start down the list.


Heh. Even at 10 STR, the Princess hits like a wet noodle.


This determines how much you can carry, how hard you hit with most weapons, and how often your attacks connect.

While high strength is good for fighting, Rogues benefit better from high dexterity instead.

You can mitigate your low strength damage by investing into dual wielding feats like Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting.

Either way, low strength is fine but you won't be able to carry all the loot you plunder.


The Weapon Finesse feat will greatly benefit a Rogue with high Dexterity.


This determines the ability modifier bonus to Armor Class(AC) for your armor and many of the skills
necessary for a Rogue class. The minimum permitted score is 12, but you can and should
go higher. Eventually, you’ll be able to get a feat called Weapon Finesse that allows you use
dexterity to influence how often your attacks connect instead of your strength. Though, it only
works with specific tiny, light or medium weapons.

This ability score should be your main focus as a Rogue.


From left to right: 8 CON or lower, 10 CON, 13 CON, 15 CON, and 17 CON or higher.


This determines the health of your character as well as saving throws when getting poisoned.
Interestingly, this also determines the breast size of the Princess. At 12 or lower, she’ll be pretty
slim. At 13 or higher, she’ll be considered well endowed and many NPCs will comment on her assets.
More health is good but not necessary for this module. You can avoid most combat encounters by being stealthy and crafty.


With 17 DEX and 8 WIS, the Princess is good at hiding, but bad at seeking.


This determines your willpower and ability to successfully spell cast. You’ll be playing a Rogue on your first
playthrough so this ability is useless to invest in. You’ll fail to resist mind spells like fear, but not all enemies cast spells to affect your will.


At 10 INT, the Princess gets 9 skill points at every level up.


This determines the amount skill points you gain at each level. Very high intelligence is only
beneficial to wizards but you should still keep this at 10 or higher because there are a lot of skills a Rogue needs to get.

This should be your second focus in ability score after dexterity.


There are many guard checkpoints in Betancuria. Don't get caught with stolen goods.


This determines your physical attractiveness and it affects your ability to successfully lie and persuade.

The minimum permitted score is 14, but any score higher than that seems wasteful.

It's better to invest into the skill point increase from intelligence since the module includes mechanics and gear to increase your base charisma.

So consider this ability score necessary only for the pretty princess roleplay of the module.


Take your time moving your ability scores around.

It's important to know what your Princess' ability scores are so you can understand what situations she excels at.

You can always try playing with different stats and classes after you’ve gotten familiar with the mod.

Just make sure the Princess is a female human that can steal, sneak, pick locks, and has 12 DEX and 14 CHA at the minimum.


Here's what I chose in case you're wondering: 10 STR, 17 DEX, 13 CON, 8 WIS, 10 INT, 15 CHA

Done? Alright, let’s move on.





Choose Default Rogue, and below, choose Configure Packages. For your first playthrough,
max out the following skills:

Bluff or Persuade

Fetch the Princess a drink. She's totally not gonna sneak out while you're away and steal all your shit.


You can max out one or the other. In my opinion, persuade is better as it comes up often in
dialogues. Max both only if you really want more opportunities in dialogue choices.

Disable Trap

Hoo wee! Look at all that sweet sweet exp!


This skill is very important as it's one of the best ways you can gain exp. You
can try to recover a trap to sell later but gold is pretty easy to come by, especially in the dice
game you can discover during one of your lessons. Disable all traps to maximize your gains.

Hide and Move Silently

With both skills, it's possible to hide in plain sight and walk away.


Max out both skills as you’ll be playing a sneaky thief nearly all the time. Having high ranks in these will make it
easier to get by enemies. Use the Stealth Mode toggle every time you’re in a
dangerous area, and be sure to save often too in case you get unlucky and get
spotted anyway.

Open Lock

Can't keep a sneaky girl out.


This skill is another great way to earn exp and gold. Break into nearly every house
and container to loot to your heart’s content. Be sure you find a trader that will fence your
stolen goods first.


Thank you for your patronage.


This is the one skill you absolutely need to play the mod. Many enemies will be
carrying key items that are required to advance the story, and if you happen to steal their unequipped
weapon too, then that just makes it easier to fight them if it comes to that.


Looks like there's someone in the sewers trying to keep out unwanted guests.


You can’t disable traps if you can’t find them. Passively, you’ll see them if you’re
near, but it works best if you toggle Detect Mode and walk slowly. This skill makes sure you don’t trip a hidden
mine and lose those precious exp points.


Got caught off guard and without your clothes on? Run away and let your companions deal with the threat.


Sometimes you’ll get caught thieving or draw aggro during a team fight. Use this
skill to run away or reposition yourself without getting hit in the back.

Every 5 ranks into this skill also counts as +1 bonus AC, which is uncapped by the way.

Set Trap and Craft Trap

Come and get it! You stupid block of sentient Jell-O!


Set Trap is one of the reliable ways to damage an overpowering enemy. Use
Tumble to run past them and lead them into your trap gauntlet. Craft Trap is also a good
way to make gold but you’ll need to heavily invest into it to make it worthwhile. Put the rest of
your points into each one or only into Set Trap.

Next we got.



Choose Dodge and Mobility. These are usually meant for combat and are a prerequisite for the Shadowdancer Prestige class.

You won't be doing too much fighting early on. But when you do, these will help in surviving the battle.

Dodge gives you bonus Armor Class (AC) only to attacks from your current or last target.

Mobility works like Tumble as in it will protect you from attacks of opportunity.

As you can see above, the requirements for these feats are DEX 13 or greater. I recommend keeping your DEX high to get a bonus in sneaking and picking locks.

If you rather use the minimum DEX, you'll have to choose feats that are recommended for your character instead.


It's kinda hard to see what you'll be choosing. Go back to the Options menu and set your UI scale to 1.2 or higher if you want.


Here you can customize the actual appearance of your character. The heads have their own specific
hairstyles attached to them. Although you start out with long hair in the prologue, the hairstyle
will change to the one you chose here after you begin playing.

You can also add tattoos as well, but it might be too hard to see which kind you choose in this menu.
Don’t bother changing the body unless you want a Princess that looks jacked as fuck. (Haha!)
Clothing also doesn’t matter. You’ll get a new dress after the prologue and you can buy many more later.
Choose skin and hair color to your preference.

The tattoo colors here change two things. The first changes your lip color, the second changes your eye color.



Character Info


Choose the name of your Princess. Her last name will also be the name of the King.

You can set her age to anything you want, it doesn't actually matter. Her age will be 21 at the start of the game.
The best voice set to use is Female, Seductress. Even if you don’t plan to role play the
seductress type, this voice set fits really well in my opinion. You’re free to choose whichever
you think sounds best.

Once you hit Play, you’ll be treated to a cutscene where you can see the appearance of the
Princess better. If you’re not happy with the way she looks, restart the game or download
Customize Character Override Hak (
https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter/mods/799) to customize your character in-game after the prologue.

Now, you’re free to play as the Thieving Princess.

You can role play a Sheltered Maiden, a Ditzy Strumpet, an Evil Seductress, or anything in between.

Be aware that there are consequences for your actions and a lot of times you’ll have to make the best out of a bad situation.

How you deal with those trials can shape the Princess’ world view if you choose to.
Be sure to save often too. The general rule is if you’re about to do something questionable,
save before you do it. This is an older game, no auto saves are made during gameplay (except
in one particular quest).



Looking for a challenge? Try completing a Paladin playthrough in a module where only criminals and deceivers prevail.

Here's a guide on how to build one specifically for A Dance with Rogues.

The Promiscuous Paladin Build Guide



F.A.Q. and Other Useful Information



How do I accessorize my outfit? Does doing so add or remove the vulgar status of outfits?

You can accessorize your outfit using any large mirror, there's one in your room.

Each outfit will save the accessories added to it when you do.

You don't have to keep those accessories in your inventory when you're finished.

Outfits deemed too vulgar to wear in public will still be marked as such even with accessories.



I’m low on gold. Where can I find some more?
Looting homes and pick pocketing are good ways to earn a bit of gold. You can also whore
yourself out to the sailors in the harbor south of town, but that’s inadvisable. The dice game, when you
find out where it’s played, is the best way to earn thousands of gold.

Carefully read the rules to the game, and don’t be afraid to save and reload just to keep your winnings.


My character isn’t hitting anything! What gives?!
If you’re getting into fights this early in the game, you’re likely playing the mod wrong. But if you insist
on killing your enemies, you'll need to understand how combat works in this game. Essentially,
you’re rolling a 20-sided die, adding your current Attack Bonus (AB, located in your character
record screen), then attempting to beat the enemy’s Armor Class (AC, a peasant with no armor
usually has 10AC). If your attack doesn’t connect, you rolled a low number or the enemy has
high AC. Only when you beat an enemy’s AC, will damage come into play. Your AB will get
higher as you level up and some weapons have AB as special properties. Just focus on
leveling and passing your lessons first. You don’t always have to fight, but when you do, know
what’s required to prevail in combat.


The Princess keeps saying she’s thirsty, hungry, and needs some rest. Where can I find food
and water? How often do I need to have a meal?

This is a new feature of the latest mod version. The need for food and rest. The Bear Pit kitchen
can provide both. Use the Tab key to find them (The Tab key is your best thief tool, use it often). Eat
and drink enough food until you get a notification from the Princess saying that she’s full. Rest in the
bunk bed when she starts complaining about being tired. The food and water respawn each
day, so anything you don’t eat can be hoarded in your dresser. If you prefer not to be bothered
with that, there’s a patch in the mod page that removes that feature.


I have enough gold to buy gear but I don’t where to find some.

What’s currently the best gear to use?
At the hideout, there’s a vendor that sells Greater Gloves of the Rogue and Greater Silent
. Both are expensive but they’re very good options for starting equipment.
Then there’s the Bag of Holding and Magic Bags. These are sold in the bag shop in Betancuria North (Old Town) and they are not cheap!

If you created a character that can't carry much, these bags will be a worthwhile investment.
At some point, you’ll be skilled enough to loot the finance office of the Dhorn Barracks. Use that money to buy the
Amulet of the Master (~41k GP) from the jewelry store. It’s a godlike item that boosts a lot of Rogue skills. This is item is very useful for getting the maximum amount of exp during The Golden Chalice quest.

If you think you can do well enough without the jewelry mentioned above, there's also the more expensive Ironskin Ring (~81k GP) which gives you a large amount of damage reduction. It trivializes nearly every combat encounter, making your only threats to be mages and enemies with special attacks.


Okay. What about weapons? Which ones are good?
You’ll likely find good weapons as you quest throughout the world. The best ones have on-hit
effects like sleep or daze. Playing as a Rogue means that you do the most damage when you
catch someone flat-footed. Flat-foot meaning they are unaware, stunned, entangled, or
otherwise unable to act in time to defend against a sneaky strike. Weapons that cause these
afflictions are perfect for a solo Rogue. You still have to roll to see if your attack connects and
whether the enemy saves against said affliction. The hideout vendor also sells these but they're very expensive.


Alright. But what about armor?
I wouldn’t bother buying any. The few that worth getting are incredibly expensive. You’re better
off sticking with the armor you receive during lesson 2 (Only if you chose agreeable and modest dialog). It has bonus AC against Evil
and there’s plenty of those in this mod. You’ll also find some other armor worth
wearing while adventuring. So, only buy armor if you can spare the gold.

The best ones are sold in the Ranger's Guild and Family Hideout.


What if I want to make my Princess look pretty? Can I wear something a bit more daring?
The empire that’s occupying the city is cracking down on anything considered illegal and
immoral. Wearing lingerie and other vulgar clothes in public will get you thrown in prison.

Wear vulgar clothes at your own risk.
If dresses are what you want, Nora’s Shop has some more conservative choices. Della’s Shoe
has heeled boots and shoes. Be aware that any heeled footwear will greatly lower your ability to move
silently. It’s much better to choose flat shoes or boots to go questing with.

Wear heels at your own risk.


Something’s wrong with my shadows. They stretch into the ground like weird stalks from my
character. Is that normal?

It's not normal for the in-game shadows to be broken this way. I’ve looked into it and found it had something to do with
hanging vertices in certain models. Unless someone goes into each mesh in the module to fix it, there’s no way to
clean it up. Fortunately, it’s not game breaking, just ugly to look at.


Anything else I should know?
There are two major issues I came across while playing the mod. Both deal with sequence breaking.
First, when you meet a child in the sewer who offers to take you into a secret meeting place for one gold,
make sure you agree. There’s a major plot point that can be missed if you don’t. If you do miss
it, you can always explore the sewers to find that area later. It’s just better to find it ahead of time.
Second, don’t wander into the Mage’s Academy. Making it into the top floor will break another
quest specifically designed to use that area. I didn’t realize it until I read the ADwR wiki about
that building.


If you get stuck on a quest, there are walkthroughs available in the Fandom page for ADwR.
Some of them, however, haven’t been updated to the new version of the mod. It’s not always
reliable but good to look at for reference.

So, there’s my quick start guide. If you have any questions or details I should add, let me know.
I’m still learning more about the game and any tips you have could always help anyone
interested in trying out the mod.

Thanks for reading and have fun!

Edited by Roarke
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On 4/16/2023 at 8:10 PM, whateverdontcare said:

Wow I'm surprised it updated 4 months ago. I thought this mod was really old. It appears to be almost 9 years which I guess is.


Yea, so far part 1 has been updated, but part 2 still hasn't and requires the old ACAG106 hak. I'm just now trying it out to see if it breaks anything.


EDIT: Yep, part 2 is going to need an update for the newer models of part 1's hak files. I guess we'll have to wait until then.

Edited by LT Roarke
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Excellent write up, dipped my toe into a dance with rogues part 1 years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. But never finished it due life.

I don’t think there’s anything quite in its league for erotic writing and combining player vulnerability with agency (Although if there is, please let me know). 


might be time to play it again!

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3 hours ago, sewersider said:

Excellent write up, dipped my toe into a dance with rogues part 1 years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. But never finished it due life.

I don’t think there’s anything quite in its league for erotic writing and combining player vulnerability with agency (Although if there is, please let me know). 


might be time to play it again!


If you decide to try it again, you might be surprised how much it's changed. The new update revamped a lot of quests and locations. From what I read in the Fandom page, it seems like most of the plot is a bit more grounded to a low fantasy setting. It's more involved in political drama and moral dilemmas, but the underlying sinister plot with demons is still there.


There's even a subplot for becoming a demon's thrall during one of the quests. I think Jacia and Vico are clues to it, but I don't even know where to begin.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good god the new version of the Temple of Hyath is brutal when compared to the old version. Basically the same build as last time I tried, (many years ago), except one level of sorcerer for badger meat shield. Everything fine up to the hole. Did that with excellent creeping and pick pocketing skills, (you need the glove whatever), went back to get Christano and Myra to go further down, and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Had to reduce the difficulty to easy and even then Myra kept getting squished, (even when boosted with stone skin and bulls strength cast on her via scrolls) - at which point Christano will take offence and try to kill you. Didn't enjoy it at all this time around. Shame really because the rest of the changes to the module up to this point were quite good.  Definitely Owlcat levels of bullshittery now. 

Edited by spoonsinger
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On 6/14/2023 at 4:23 PM, spoonsinger said:

Good god the new version of the Temple of Hyath is brutal when compared to the old version. Basically the same build as last time I tried, (many years ago), except one level of sorcerer for badger meat shield. Everything fine up to the hole. Did that with excellent creeping and pick pocketing skills, (you need the glove whatever), went back to get Christano and Myra to go further down, and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Had to reduce the difficulty to easy and even then Myra kept getting squished, (even when boosted with stone skin and bulls strength cast on her via scrolls) - at which point Christano will take offence and try to kill you. Didn't enjoy it at all this time around. Shame really because the rest of the changes to the module up to this point were quite good.  Definitely Owlcat levels of bullshittery now. 


The difficulty spike of that quest is brutally steep. It's definitely a quest you should leave for last, or at least until you've leveled enough for it. There's also a couple of hiccups to that quest that the author might need to patch out, so make multiple saves as you venture deeper into the temple. Here's a couple of hints if you don't mind spoilers:



During The Golden Chalice quest, you can find multiple female Hyath armor in the level before entering the summoning chamber. If you wear one, Christano and Myra will seem interested/disgusted but also mention that this may have been the standard attire for the cultists. This is a hint.


When you drop into the summoning chamber thru a hole in the floor, swap out your adventuring armor with Hyath armor and this will happen:



Wearing Hyath armor in the summoning chamber will pacify all undead cultists in the area (minus some undead slaves, an undead horse and one undead rogue). This gives you free rein to explore in that area only. If you get a notification that the area is hateful, check that you have Hyath armor equipped, and wait until the area becomes friendly again.


Fortunately, once you return to Christano and Myra, you can get them both to wear Hyath armor to disguise themselves and walk past all the undead cultists.


Unfortunately, the Hyath armor must be identified before you give it to them. Which means that if you tried to take the armor from the undead priest near the strange locked door, then Christano took from you the only Hyath armor he can wear. He can't wear it if it's unidentified and you can't open Christano's or Myra's inventory.


Either reload a save before that encounter, or use Customize Character Override Hak (CCOH) to force open their inventory. The Hyath armor must be identified for them to wear it. Chug a lore potion if your lore level is too low.


And here's some advice on how to complete the final encounter, again with spoilers:



There's several ways to complete the last part of The Golden Chalice quest and obtain the fabled chalice along with other goodies. Here's how:


1. The Easy Way.

If you still have the Black Pearl Ring, you can summon Hyath after Christano tries to fuck you and let Hyath kill both Christano and Myra. Hyath then lets you choose what reward you can get from him. Choose whichever option appeals to you, the real treasure is in the high priest's chambers. Get water from the pool, drop it in the basin, and use the gong. You'll notice that the high level enemies that you're supposed to fight don't spawn in (Hyath took care of them) and you can take all the loot from the chambers, including the golden chalice.


2. The Other Easy Way.

If you feel bad about killing Myra, you can still summon Hyath to tear Christano's arm off but ask Hyath to spare him and gain Myra's gratitude. Afterwards, use the pool's water to sprinkle the basin, strike the gong, and loot the chambers. There's several downsides to this option though (besides letting that perverted bastard live). Myra will be over encumbered carrying Christano's body and she won't have the dialog to switch her armor. She can barely sneak, she's too slow, and now she can't disguise herself. You can still run ahead and teleport her to you by using the hidden doors. If you want to keep her alive, either make a hasty escape out of the temple or fight your way out. (Or use CCOH to force her to wear the armor so you can at least walk out of the summoning chamber).


3. The Hard Way.

Ignore Hyath's offer and get ready to fight three high level cultists. First, ask Christano and Myra to stay in the pool room and close the door. Sprinkle pool water into the basin, ring the gong, go into stealth mode then pull aggro from the undead priest and female knight first. If it goes well, the other undead knight won't notice Christano and Myra casually walking to your location and join the fight. You may have to tank damage during the fight to keep you companions alive, as Myra isn't fast enough to keep everyone healed. Generous use of healing items is required. But if you have the incredibly expensive Ironskin Ring, then you only have to worry about the priest's magic attacks. After you deal with those two, heal yourself and your companions, and gang up on the last undead knight. Once all enemies have been dealt with, loot the chambers with your companions. Christano will snatch the chalice away from you (that fucking prick) but you're free to take anything else left.


4. The Cowardly Way.

Ignore Hyath's offer. Start the fight with the cultists and run away. Let Christano and Myra get killed, break line of sight from the cultists, hide until they can't find you and sneak back into the chamber to steal the loot. You can still get back to Betancuria without the paladins.


Edited by Roarke
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6 hours ago, LT Roarke said:


The difficulty spike of that quest is brutally steep. It's definitely a quest you should leave for last, or at least until you've leveled enough for it. There's also a couple of hiccups to that quest that the author might need to patch out, so make multiple saves as you venture deeper into the temple. Here's a couple of hints if you don't mind spoilers:


  Hide contents

During The Golden Chalice quest, you can find multiple female Hyath armor in the level before entering the summoning chamber. If you wear one, Christano and Myra will seem interested/disgusted but also mention that this may have been the standard attire for the cultists. This is a hint.


When you drop into the summoning chamber thru a hole in the floor, swap out your adventuring armor with Hyath armor and this will happen:



Wearing Hyath armor in the summoning chamber will pacify the all undead cultists in the area (minus some undead slaves, an undead horse and one undead rogue). This gives you free reign to explore in that area only. If you get a notification that the area is hateful, check that you have Hyath armor equipped, and wait until the area becomes friendly again.


Fortunately, once you return to Christano and Myra, you can get them both to wear Hyath armor to disguise themselves and walk past all the undead cultists.


Unfortunately, the Hyath armor must be identified before you give it to them. Which means that if you tried to take the armor of the undead priest that caught you off guard when you hugged the strange door, then Christano took from you the only Hyath armor he can wear. He can't wear it if it's unidentified and you can't open Christano's or Myra's inventory.


Either reload a save before that encounter, or use Customize Character Override Hak (CCOH) to force open their inventory. The Hyath armor must be identified for them to wear it. Chug a lore potion if your lore level is too low.


And here's some advice on how to complete the final encounter, again with spoilers:


  Hide contents

There's several ways to complete the last part of The Golden Chalice quest and obtain the fabled chalice along with other goodies. Here's how:


1. The Easy Way.

If you still have the Black Pearl Ring, you can summon Hyath after Christano tries to fuck you and let Hyath kill both Christano and Myra. Hyath then lets you choose what reward you can get from him. Choose whichever option appeals to you, the real treasure is in the high priest's chambers. Get water from the pool, drop it in the basin, and use the gong. You'll notice that the high level enemies that you're supposed to fight don't spawn in (Hyath took care of them) and you can take all the loot from the chambers, including the golden chalice.


2. The Other Easy Way.

If you feel bad about killing Myra, you can still summon Hyath to tear Christano's arm off but ask Hyath to spare him and gain Myra's gratitude. Afterwards, use the pool's water to sprinkle the basin, strike the gong, and loot the chambers. There's several downsides to this option though (besides letting that perverted bastard live). Myra will be over encumbered carrying Christano's body and she won't have the dialog to switch her armor. She can barely sneak, she's too slow, and now she can't disguise herself. You can still run ahead and teleport her to you by using the hidden doors. If you want to keep her alive, either make a hasty escape out of the temple or fight your way out. (Or use CCOH to force her to wear the armor so you can at least walk out of the summoning chamber).


3. The Hard Way.

Ignore Hyath's offer and get ready to fight three high level cultists. First, ask Christano and Myra to stay in the pool room and close the door. Sprinkle pool water into the basin, ring the gong, go into stealth mode then pull aggro from the undead priest and female knight first. If it goes well, the other undead knight won't notice Christano and Myra casually walking to your location and join the fight. You may have to tank damage during the fight to keep you companions alive, as Myra isn't fast enough to keep everyone healed. Generous use of healing items is required. But if you have the incredibly expensive Ironskin Ring, then you only have to worry about the priest's magic attacks. After you deal with those two, heal yourself and your companions, and gang up on the last undead knight. Once all enemies have been dealt with, loot the chambers with your companions. Christano will snatch the chalice away from you (that fucking prick) but you're free to take anything else left.


4. The Cowardly Way.

Ignore Hyath's offer. Start the fight with the cultists and run away. Let Christano and Myra get killed, break line of sight from the cultists, hide until they can't find you and sneak back into the chamber's to steal the loot. You can still get back to Betancuria without the paladins.



Thank you. That seems very comprehensive and actually sane.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/16/2023 at 1:47 AM, Roarke said:

Anything else I should know?

There are two major issues I came across while playing the mod. Both deal with sequence breaking.
First, when you meet a child in the sewer who offers to take you into a secret meeting place for one gold,
make sure you agree. There’s a major plot point that can be missed if you don’t. If you do miss
it, you can always explore the sewers to find that area later. It’s just better to find it ahead of time.


Thanks for warning, but this part is gamebreaking for me - after I pay child a gold coin I´m led to sewer pipe where I should overheard a conversation, hoever in this point animation start and freeze with me in front of bars, UI dissapear, dialogue not play nothing react, only Alt+F4 allow me to leave the game... Don´t know what to do with it. I have only NWN EE + ADWR files - no other mods from Workshop or NWN vault as I remember from old version, that this module was quite compatibility sensitive.

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On 4/16/2023 at 1:47 AM, Roarke said:



It's kinda hard to see what you'll be choosing.
Here you can customize the actual appearance of your character. The heads have their own specific
hairstyles attached to them. Although you start out with long hair in the prologue, the hairstyle
will change to the one you chose here after you begin playing.

You can also add tattoos as well, but it might be too hard to see which kind you chose in this menu. You can ignore it.
Don’t bother changing the body unless you want a Princess that looks jacked as fuck. (Haha!)
Clothing also doesn’t matter. You’ll get a new dress after the prologue and then you can buy many more later.
Choose skin and hair color to your preference.

Tip: First Tattoo Color is linked to lipstick - second one changing the color of eyes. Thanks for your tip with CON linked to breast size. This is hilarious! :)

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12 hours ago, willhelmcz said:

Thanks for warning, but this part is gamebreaking for me - after I pay child a gold coin I´m led to sewer pipe where I should overheard a conversation, hoever in this point animation start and freeze with me in front of bars, UI dissapear, dialogue not play nothing react, only Alt+F4 allow me to leave the game... Don´t know what to do with it. I have only NWN EE + ADWR files - no other mods from Workshop or NWN vault as I remember from old version, that this module was quite compatibility sensitive.


This may have to do with the Camera Mode under the Options>Game Options>Input menu. If you use anything but Top Down mode, the cutscenes will still play but you won't be able to see anything because the camera is locked onto your character.


10 hours ago, willhelmcz said:

Tip: First Tattoo Color is linked to lipstick - second one changing the color of eyes. Thanks for your tip with CON linked to breast size. This is hilarious! :)


Oh, I didn't realize that. Thank you! I'll add it to the guide along with a camera mode and resolution scale suggestion.

Edited by Roarke
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6 hours ago, Roarke said:


This may have to do with the Camera Mode under the Options>Game Options>Input menu. If you use anything but Top Down mode, the cutscenes will still play but you won't be able to see anything because the camera is locked onto your character.

Thanks! Problem resolved - I had a Chase cam. Tiny detail... It never came to my mind, that camera settings can influence ADWR cutscenes script(s).

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/16/2023 at 12:47 AM, Roarke said:


An amateur guide for amateurs

So, you want to play the infamous Neverwinter Nights mod, A Dance with Rogues by Valine/2acornupper,
but you don’t know much about the game and much less about Dungeons & Dragons?

Well, I don’t know much about D&D either, but after a couple of hours of gameplay, I’m confident
enough to lend you a hand so you too can experience what’s considered a pinnacle of
interactive erotica.

Before you get the mod, you’ll need to understand what kind of game you’ll be playing.
Neverwinter Nights is a role-playing game developed by BioWare and Obsidian Entertainment.
This is particular game is based on the Forgotten Realms campaign from D&D, and as such,
table-top role-playing rules apply.

You’ll be playing in a third-person top-down view similar to Dota, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft. Controlling your character’s actions thru a contextual menu as well as key binds. There are also key binds to move your character around but using a mouse is generally easier.

You can get used to the controls and some of the mechanics by playing the first part of the single player campaign, The Wailing Death, once you get the game.



Here’s the links if you’re still interested.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/704450/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition/

GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition_pack

And links to the module.

A Dance with Rogues Part 1 2.20: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/dance-rogues-part-1-20-ee-compatible

A Dance with Rogues Part 2 1.23: https://neverwintervaultorg/project/nwn1/module/dance-rogues-part-two

Currently waiting a update. Previous hak files break models.


Other links.
Lyanna Stormborn: https://neverwintervault.org/sites/all/modules/pubdlcnt/pubdlcnt.php?fid=123814

This is for those that just want to use a pre-generated character.

The file goes in your Documents/Neverwinter Nights/localvault folder.

I advise against it as you won’t exactly know what your character is
capable of, especially if this is your first time playing.


Enhanced Player Portrait Pack: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwnee/images/portrait/enhanced-player-portrait-pack

Install this if you want more portraits to choose from during character creation.


Customize Character Override Hak: https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter/mods/799

Install this if you want to customize your character in-game. Read the mod description carefully to learn how to use it.



Follow the instructions carefully and install the mod in the correct directories. Once that’s done,
launch the game and make sure a couple of game options are changed.


First, under the game settings, the default difficulty is Easy but the mod is meant to be played
Normal. You’re welcome to keep it as is, but you’ll lose most of the challenge of playing this mod.

Second, under the graphics settings, disable Shiny Water in tweaks. Some users reported
crashes with this setting on, so if you run into a problem near the water, this might be the culprit.


Third, under the input settings, your camera should be set as Top Down mode. Using any other camera option will cause problems during cutscenes.

The cutscenes will still play but you may not be able to see anything since the camera is locked onto your character.

And fourth, there isn’t an option to disable this but you must understand that pressing Escape to
back out of a conversation can break a scripted event.
Even if you can and the game tells you it’s an option, try not to do it.


Extra Recommendations

In Game Options, under Ruleset, activate Always Roll Max Hitpoints on Level Up to avoid getting stuck with a character with low health.

If you want to see your character better during appearance customization, under Resolution and UI Scaling, set your New UI Scale to 1.2 or higher.

Once you’ve changed all the other settings to your liking.

Click on New, select A Dance with Rogues from the local tab, and click Play.

It’s time to get familiar with your character, the Princess of Betancuria.



Create a Princess

A Dance with Rogues is exclusively tailored to the stealthy and charismatic thief. You’ll get a very small amount of exp for killing things but you’ll get lots of exp for stealing, breaking and entering, disabling traps, and completing quests (some of which can be done with diplomacy).

A Sneaky Princess will have a higher chance to succeed than a Fighting Princess.

Here’s how to build one.


After you load A Dance with Rogues module, you’ll be prompted to create or select a pre-made character.
Don't use Select Premade Character, it's easier to start with but you won’t understand how that character plays
unless you’ve played Neverwinter Nights before.
Instead, click on
Create New Character and let’s get started.



Choose Female. The module won’t make much sense with a Male character.

The game won't let you continue if you choose otherwise.



Choose Human. You can try the module with other races but it will create plot holes all
throughout the game. Human is better for this mod

Seems like the new update will only allow you to play as a human, but at least you get to choose two feats(perks) instead of one.


Choose whichever fits your character the best.

You can download a portrait pack to have more choices if you want (I used this one here: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwnee/images/portrait/enhanced-player-portrait-pack). However, you won’t have as many options for the actual physical look of your character.


Rogue is the recommended starting class for this mod. It’s necessary to have certain skills
available early and the Rogue class can get ranks in all of them at level 1.


Alignment is not that important as throughout the game it will change depending on
your actions. You can try role playing a Lawful Good Princess but it’s very difficult to maintain
honor and compassion. After all, this A Dance with Rogues, not A Dance with Goody Two-


This is where you truly get to customize your character. It’s a lot to read but it’s worth knowing
what your abilities mean to your character before you start the game. Before we begin, know
this. The first number is your base ability score. The second, in parentheses, is your modifier,
which is used in addition to your skills for skill checks during the game. Let’s start down the list.


Heh. Even at 10 STR, the Princess hits like a wet noodle.


This determines how much you can carry, how hard you hit, and how often your attacks
. Keep this at 10 if you can so you don’t nerf your damage. Lowering it will only
prolong fights and you don’t want to be in a battle if you can help it, much less a battle of attrition.


The Weapon Finesse feat will greatly benefit a Rogue with high Dexterity.


This determines the ability modifier bonus to Armor Class(AC) for your armor and many of the skills
necessary for a Rogue class. The minimum permitted score is 12, but you can and should
go higher. Eventually, you’ll be able to get a feat called Weapon Finesse that allows you use
dexterity to influence how often your attacks connect instead of your strength. Though, it only
works with specific light or medium weapons.


From left to right: 8 CON or lower, 10 CON, 13 CON, 15 CON, and 17 CON or higher.


This determines the health of your character as well as saving throws when getting poisoned.
Interestingly, this also determines the breast size of the Princess. At 12 or lower, she’ll be pretty
slim. At 13 or higher, she’ll be considered well endowed and many NPCs will comment on her assets.
Either way, more health is good and lowering this will only make it easier to die if you get into combat.


With 17 DEX and 8 WIS, the Princess is good at hiding, but bad at seeking.


This determines your willpower and ability to successfully spell cast. You’ll be playing a Rogue on your first
playthrough so this is not really necessary to invest in. You can keep this the lowest if you
want but be aware that you’ll often fail to resist mind spells like fear.


At 10 INT, the Princess gets 9 skill points at every level up.


This determines the amount skill points you gain at each level. High intelligence is only
beneficial to wizards. Keep this at 10 or higher to make sure you don’t have a shortage of skill
points to use at each level up.


There are many guard checkpoints in Betancuria. Don't get caught with stolen goods.


This determines your physical attractiveness and it affects your ability to successfully lie and persuade. The
minimum permitted score is 14. Setting this higher will make it easier to win skill checks
during dialogue but you may not have enough points to spread to your other abilities.


Take your time moving your ability scores around.

It's important to know what your Princess' ability scores are so you can understand what situations she excels at.

You can always try playing with different stats and classes after you’ve gotten familiar with the mod.

Just make sure the Princess is a female human that can steal, sneak, pick locks, and has 12 DEX and 14 CHA at the minimum.


Here's what I chose in case you're wondering: 10 STR, 17 DEX, 13 CON, 8 WIS, 10 INT, 15 CHA

Done? Alright, let’s move on.




Choose Default Rogue, and below, choose Configure Packages. For your first playthrough,
max out the following skills:

Bluff or Persuade

Fetch the Princess a drink. She's totally not gonna sneak out while you're away and steal all your shit.


You can max one or the other. In my opinion, persuade is better as it comes up often in
dialogues. Max both only if you really want more opportunities in dialogue choices.

Disable Trap

Hoo wee! Look at all that sweet sweet exp!


Max this skill as it’s very important. This is one of the best ways you can gain exp. You
can try to recover a trap to sell later but gold is pretty easy to come by, especially in the dice
game you can discover during one of your lessons. Disable all traps to maximize your gains.

Hide and Move Silently

With both skills, it's possible to hide in plain sight and walk away.


Max both as you’ll be playing a sneaky thief the most. Having high ranks in these will make it
easier to get by enemies. Use the Stealth Mode toggle every time you’re in a
dangerous area, and be sure to save often too because sometimes you’ll get unlucky and get
spotted anyway.

Open Lock

Can't keep a sneaky girl out.


Max this too since it’s another great way to earn exp and gold. Break into nearly every house
and container to loot to your heart’s content. Be sure you find a trader that will fence your
stolen goods first.


Thank you for your patronage.


Max this skill. This is the one skill you absolutely need to play the mod. Many enemies will be
carrying key items that are required to advance the story, and if you happen to steal their unequipped
weapon too, then that just makes it easier to fight them if it comes to that.


Looks like there's someone in the sewers trying to keep out unwanted guests.


Max this skill. You can’t disable traps if you can’t find them. Passively, you’ll see them if you’re
near, but it works best if you toggle Detect Mode. This skill makes sure you don’t trip a hidden
mine and lose those precious exp points.


Got caught off guard and without your clothes on? Run away and let your companions deal with the threat.


Max this skill. Sometimes you’ll get caught thieving or draw aggro during a team fight. Use this
skill to run away or reposition yourself without getting hit in the back.

Set Trap and Craft Trap

Come and get it! You stupid block of sentient Jell-O!


Set Trap is one of the reliable ways to damage an overpowering enemy. Use
Tumble to run past them and lead them into your trap gauntlet. Craft Trap is also a good
way to make gold but you’ll need to heavily invest into it to make it worthwhile. Put the rest of
your points into each one or only into Set Trap.

Next we got.


Choose Dodge and Mobility. These are usually meant for combat and are a prerequisite for the Shadowdancer Prestige class.

You won't be doing too much fighting early on. But when you do, these will help in surviving the battle.

Dodge gives you bonus Armor Class (AC) only to attacks from your current or last target.

Mobility works like Tumble as in it will protect you from attacks of opportunity.

As you can see above, the requirements for these feats are DEX 13 or greater. I recommend keeping your DEX high to get a bonus in sneaking and picking locks.

If you rather use the minimum DEX, you'll have to choose feats that are recommended for your character instead.


It's kinda hard to see what you'll be choosing. Go back to the Options menu and set your UI scale to 1.2 or higher if you want.


Here you can customize the actual appearance of your character. The heads have their own specific
hairstyles attached to them. Although you start out with long hair in the prologue, the hairstyle
will change to the one you chose here after you begin playing.

You can also add tattoos as well, but it might be too hard to see which kind you choose in this menu.
Don’t bother changing the body unless you want a Princess that looks jacked as fuck. (Haha!)
Clothing also doesn’t matter. You’ll get a new dress after the prologue and then you can buy many more later.
Choose skin and hair color to your preference.

The tattoo colors here change two things. The first changes your lip color, the second changes your eye color.



Character Info

Choose the name of your Princess. Her last name will also be the name of the King.

You can set her age to anything you want, it doesn't actually matter. Her age will be 21 at the start of the game.
The best voice set to use is Female, Seductress. Even if you don’t plan to role play the
seductress type, this voice set fits really well in my opinion. You’re free to choose whichever
you think sounds best.

Once you hit Play, you’ll be treated to a cutscene where you can see the appearance of the
Princess better. If you’re not happy with the way she looks, restart the game or download
Customize Character Override Hak (
https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter/mods/799) to customize your character in-game after the prologue.

Now, you’re free to play as the Thieving Princess. You can role play a Sheltered Maiden, a Ditzy Strumpet, an Evil Seductress, or anything in between. Be aware that there are consequences for your actions and a lot of times you’ll have to make the best out of a bad situation.

How you deal with those trials can shape the Princess’ world view if you choose to.
Be sure to save often too. The general rule is if you’re about to do something questionable,
save before you do it. This is an older game, no auto saves are made during gameplay (except
in one particular quest).



F.A.Q and Other Useful Information



How do I accessorize my outfit? Does doing so add or remove the vulgar status of outfits?

You can accessorize your outfit using any large mirror, there's one in your room.

Each outfit will save the accessories added to it when you do.

You don't have to keep those accessories in your inventory when you're finished.

Outfits deemed too vulgar to wear in public will still be marked as such even with accessories.



I’m low on gold. Where can I find some more?
Looting homes and pick pocketing are good ways to earn a bit of gold. You can also whore
yourself out to the sailors in the harbor south of town, but that’s inadvisable. The dice game, when you
find out where it’s played, is the best way to earn thousands of gold.

Carefully read the rules to the game and don’t be afraid to save
scum just to keep winning.


My character isn’t hitting anything! What gives?!
If you’re getting into fights this early in the game, you’re likely playing the mod wrong. But if you insist
on killing your enemies, you need to understand how combat works in this game. Essentially,
you’re rolling a 20-sided die, adding your current Attack Bonus (AB, located in your character
record screen), then attempting to beat the enemy’s Armor Class (AC, a peasant with no armor
usually has 10AC). If your attack doesn’t connect, you rolled a low number or the enemy has
high AC. Only when you beat an enemy’s AC, will damage come into play. Your AB will get
higher as you level up and some weapons have AB as special properties. Just focus on
leveling and passing your lessons first. You don’t always have to fight, but when you do, know
what’s required to prevail in combat.


The Princess keeps saying she’s thirsty, hungry, and needs some rest. Where can I find food
and water? How often do I need to have a meal?

This is a new feature of the latest mod version. The need for food and rest. The Bear Pit kitchen
can provide both. Use the Tab key to find them (The Tab key is your best thief tool, use it often). Eat
and drink enough food until you get a notification from the Princess saying that she’s full. Rest in the
bunk bed when she starts complaining about being tired. The food and water respawn each
day, so anything you don’t eat can be hoarded in your dresser. If you prefer not to be bothered
with that, there’s a patch in the mod page that removes that feature.


I have enough gold to buy gear but I don’t where to find some. What’s currently the best gear
to use?

At the hideout, there’s a vendor that sells Greater Gloves of the Rogue and Greater Silent
. Both are expensive but they’re very good options for starting equipment.
Then there’s the Bag of Holding and Magic Bags. These are sold in the bag shop in Betancuria North (Old Town) and they are not cheap!

If you created a character that can't carry much, these bags will be a worthwhile investment.
At some point, you’ll be skilled enough to loot the finance office of the Dhorn Barracks. Use that money to buy the
Amulet of the Master (~41k GP) from the jewelry store. It’s a godlike item that boosts a lot of Rogue skills. This is item is very useful for getting the maximum amount of exp during The Golden Chalice quest.

If you think you can do well enough without the jewelry mentioned above, there's also the more expensive Ironskin Ring (~81k GP) which gives you a large amount of damage reduction. It trivializes nearly every combat encounter, making your only threats to be mages and enemies with special attacks.


Okay. What about weapons? Which ones are good?
You’ll likely find good weapons as you quest throughout the world. The best ones have on-hit
effects like sleep or daze. Playing as a Rogue means that you do the most damage when you
catch someone flat-footed. Flat-foot meaning they are unaware, stunned, entangled, or
otherwise unable to act in time to defend against a sneaky strike. Weapons that cause these
afflictions are perfect for a solo Rogue. You still have to roll to see if your attack connects and
whether the enemy saves against said affliction. The hideout vendor also sells these but they're very expensive.


Alright. But what about armor?
I wouldn’t bother buying any. The few that worth getting are incredibly expensive. You’re better
off sticking with the armor you receive during lesson 2 (Only if you chose agreeable and modest dialog). It has bonus AC against Evil
and there’s plenty of those in this mod. You’ll also find some other armor worth
wearing while adventuring. So, only buy armor if you can spare the gold.

The best ones are sold in the Ranger's Guild and Family Hideout.


What if I want to make my Princess look pretty? Can I wear something a bit more daring?
The empire that’s occupying the city is cracking down on anything considered illegal and
immoral. Wearing lingerie and other vulgar clothes in public will get you thrown in prison.

Wear those at your own risk.
If dresses are what you want, Nora’s Shop has some more conservative choices. Della’s Shoe
has heeled boots and shoes. Any heeled footwear will greatly lower your ability to move
silently. It’s much better to choose flat shoes or boots to go questing with.

Wear heels at your own risk.


Something’s wrong with my shadows. They stretch into the ground like weird stalks from my
character. Is that normal?

No, and I don’t know how to fix it. I’ve looked into it and found it had something to do with
hanging vertices. Unless someone goes into each mesh in the game to fix it, there’s no way to
clean it up. Fortunately, it’s not game breaking, just ugly to look at.


Anything else I should know?
There are two major issues I came across while playing the mod. Both deal with sequence breaking.
First, when you meet a child in the sewer who offers to take you into a secret meeting place for one gold,
make sure you agree. There’s a major plot point that can be missed if you don’t. If you do miss
it, you can always explore the sewers to find that area later. It’s just better to find it ahead of time.
Second, don’t wander into the Mage’s Academy. Making it into the top floor will break another
quest specifically designed to use that area. I didn’t realize it until I read the ADwR wiki about
that building.


If you get stuck on a quest, there are walkthroughs available in the Fandom page for ADwR.
Some of them, however, haven’t been updated to the new version of the mod. It’s not always
reliable but good to look at for reference.

So, there’s my quick start guide. If you have any questions or details I should add, let me know.
I’m still learning more about the game and any tips you have could always help anyone
interested in trying out the mod.

Thanks for reading and have fun!

Great tips Thanks. Do you know what is the body replacer used here? Would be cool to have it on other modules. I did manage to override the default bust size and  some armors.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 4:14 PM, ilion said:

Great tips Thanks. Do you know what is the body replacer used here? Would be cool to have it on other modules. I did manage to override the default bust size and  some armors.


Valine has a credits page (link here) for all the hak files used in the module. I'm not sure which hak file they used for body replacers but I'm assuming it's from the Sinfar website (link here).


I don't know enough about the Aurora Toolset to know if Sinfar's hak files have all the body replacers included.

Edited by Roarke
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the tread and for bringing the attention to this masterpiece. 


But the stats description is a bit incorrect. Strength only affects the damage for "non-light" weapons. So it's not needed for rogue since she will use light weapons, like short swords, daggers and rapiers, and will take a 'weapon finess' perk, which will allow to use dexterity for a damage modifier. Wisdom is useless for the rogue, bit Intelligence is one of the most important stats because it affects all trap skills and item identification. And also affects the amount of skill points per level, and rogue has a lot of skills to raise. 


So I would suggest to focus on DEX, INT and CHA during the character creation.

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14 hours ago, PhantomXXX said:

Thanks for the tread and for bringing the attention to this masterpiece. 


But the stats description is a bit incorrect. Strength only affects the damage for "non-light" weapons. So it's not needed for rogue since she will use light weapons, like short swords, daggers and rapiers, and will take a 'weapon finess' perk, which will allow to use dexterity for a damage modifier. Wisdom is useless for the rogue, bit Intelligence is one of the most important stats because it affects all trap skills and item identification. And also affects the amount of skill points per level, and rogue has a lot of skills to raise. 


So I would suggest to focus on DEX, INT and CHA during the character creation.


Thanks. I really should specify which abilities are best for first time Rogues. As far as I know:

  1. Strength affects damage with most weapons but a character can mitigate their low strength by dual wielding, specially if they take "Ambidexterity", "Two-Weapon Fighting", and "Weapon Finesse" feats. Although this requires a character with DEX 15 or higher, this benefits the Rogue as most skill checks in the module involve pickpocket, open lock, and stealth.
  2. Wisdom is useless in the module as it only benefits spellcasters. Intelligence is a better investment of ability score points, but you don't need it higher than 14. You benefit from extra skill points per level and better trap disarming, but it's much better to have higher dexterity for improved stealth and bonus AC with most armors.
  3. High charisma is necessary, but anything higher than 14 seems wasteful. Any bluff, intimidate, or persuade skill check can be passed by investing skill points from leveling or using the module's game mechanics and gear (beauty parlor, high heels, etc.). The charisma score is mainly required as part of the pretty princess roleplay of the module.

I'll rewrite the ability descriptions to help players understand which ones are best for a first time playthrough.

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