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Constant CTD

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I am a new user to LoversLab, but I have been playing New Vegas on PC for well over 3 years. I know the basics to maintaining Load Orders and what kind of mods should go where. Unfortunately, LoversLab is filled with a new breed of mods and are a bit more complex obviously. I have tried just starting a fresh install of F:NV and Getting the required files to work the basic SexOut framework and mods, but to no avail I get a constant CTD. Particularly when I enter the Saloon in Goodsprings, stay from 30 seconds to 5 minutes in Goodsprings cell, and Entering Novac. I have tried many ways from Fresh installs to reordering my Load Order and experimenting with unofficial CTD patches. I promise you that if I knew how to fix this problem or knew I could figure it out on my own I would, but I have hit a brick wall and I am asking for help.


In case it helps here are my PC Specs(Though I highly doudt it's the problem):


3.9GHz i7 3770k Quad-Core

Radeon HD 7770 1GB GDDr5

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