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I wish I had the motivation...


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...to clean my house. I swear, it looks like I live in the Fallout universe, where everything is made of sheet metal and cinder blocks. All it's missing are mirelurks and super mutants... I suppose I could dress up my cats and just say my house is a cosplayer.


How do you, if at all, find the motivation to keep up the routine of picking up after everyone else in the house?

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See if you can take a look into your living quarters by going outside and peering through the window. Failing that, record footage of you wading through the junk.


I live alongside two obsessive hoarders, and I have to take an outside look every once and a while to motivitate me to try and at least keep my space clean.

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My desk area is relatively clean, but the kids just throw stuff everywhere with little care and my spouse works too much. I supposed if I kept a routine it'd be easier... a little every day. What I do, do, is go clean-crazy for about week every few months. Today was almost one such day, but didn't quite get there. Looks a mile better, though.

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True! I commonly find rolled-up 20's in the washing machine or dryer.


Whenever i find money while doing the laundry in other peoples pockets i let them know that "if you forget to take it out of your pockets before putting it in the washing machine, its mine".  its pretty nifty finding cash in the laundry :3

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My 5c ...


You never "find" motivation, and motivation doesn't "find" you. If you're not motivated to do something which you still feel must be done, then that's all the motivation you need. The rest is just effort .... :)

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Just clean one small thing at a time, you know trick yourself into thinking it isn't the whole house but just a bed that needs to be made or a cup that needs washing or w/e. Then it's just one less thing that's messed up even if you don't keep going.


I also like following the 'Unfuck your habitat' tumblr when I need motivation for a clean spree.

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The best feeling in the world... being able to FREELY MOVE THE MOUSE.


Espcially in the old days with the ball mice  :lol:  These optic mice don't require cleaning as often.


And i too should clean up here. But i live alone, who am i trying to impress? :P

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