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Looking to upgrade my graphics card


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I was looking to upgrade my graphics card, I have a 560 ti right now, and i was shopping around on newegg and found this card,


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130824, the evga 670 ftw 4gb, but then I noticed this card,


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130944 .  It's cheaper, and the same amount of vram, but I'm not the biggest tech guy.  So what are the opinions on these cards?  Pro's, cons, et cetera.  Thanks in advance.

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Power Usage and Theoritical Benchmarks of GTX 670 vs GTX 760 (default factory specifications)


Look pretty similar. GTX 670 offer more CUDA cores then GTX 760 that make it more expensive. What is CUDA and do i really need it (especially for gaming) check here (the Best Solution).


Of course they are more options besides that two, but if you already targeted that both, i'll go with GTX 760, almost the same performance,  offer Direct 11.1 and OGL 4.3, it's cheaper and hey, cant refuse that SC Blacklist well if you're lucky enough...   




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may I suggest a 700 series gcard I bought a gtx evga 780 and it runs every thing, the 700 series are VERY good and worth the money.

I would recommend the gtx 760 or the 770. also evga make are a lot more kus there well worth it for overclocking its very simple but I NEVER

overclock. In the end you get what u pay for if you spend a lot it might be more worth it in the long run kus youll have high a high end card,

and it will be mostly in date for a while the next series of NVidia card shouldn't be out till 2015 maybe, as the 700 series have only come out a little while ago.


im a massive compy parts geek spend 3 weeks looking into building a custom build pc so most the stuff I remember or have wrote down is mostly in date.

also try looking around other sites you might get better deals. hope I helped!


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If you're into editing, and with adobe, you might want a nvidia card, with the cuda support being better.
For gaming the 7970 ghz edition is slightly better.
As for the cards in question, for triple monitor, it might not be suffice, for some games, but if you have to choose one of those, i'd pick the evga one.
If your priority is gaming, then a 7970 ghz like the sapphire vapor-x might be better for you

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If you're into editing, and with adobe, you might want a nvidia card, with the cuda support being better.

For gaming the 7970 ghz edition is slightly better.

As for the cards in question, for triple monitor, it might not be suffice, for some games, but if you have to choose one of those, i'd pick the evga one.

If your priority is gaming, then a 7970 ghz like the sapphire vapor-x might be better for you


AMD has around the same support for GPU acceleration in programs through OpenCL.


Just thought I'd mention.

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