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Free Body

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Free Body Description:


Free body is a completely open mesh to use. You can use it for anything you want, even AI training if you wish. Don't use the textures or anything else without the proper permission from authors listed in the Special Thanks section.

Basically, this is a body replacer with a lot of features.




  • Lots of fetish sliders
  • Unique player supported
  • New SAM skeleton (basically a merge of all the bones that matter)
  • New SAM adjustments for nanarace
  • Internal organs with sliders and weights
  • Choice of normal maps, spec maps, and diffuse maps
  • New collision physics. (Still WIP, but much better than anything you'll find online)
  • Better proportions for femininity. (Smaller hands and feet, etc. But Check out SQr17's mods for even better edits. See Below.)
  • Dismemberment
  • Honest Abe's Armor with Unzipped 4k Vault Suit (To get you at least basically outfitted)
  • Other stuff, just try it out if this sounds interesting to you




  • SAM (Screen Archer Menu) [ Link ]
    Needed for Nanarace edits and Kneefixes. Note: Knee fixes incorporated into Nanarace edits.

  • Bodyslide [ Link ]
    Make sure you build your bodies and armor. To save file space, the NIFs are empty files.

  • OCBPC [ Link ]
    I don't do anything without as much physics as they'll let me put into it.

  • Soft Requirement - Unique Player [ Link ]
    Only if you want to reserve this body for the player only, or visa-versa. Also useful if you wish to use lo-poly version for NPCs.

  • Soft Requirement - Discrete Female Skeleton [ Link ]
    I've added this option as a just-in-case.

  • Soft Requirement - HiPoly Faces Redux [ Link ]
    The seamless neck looks nice on non-anime races. Free body has a patch for this mod.

  • Soft Requirement - My Bodyslide Conversions [ Link ]
    Check back ever-so-often. I might have a new outfit or an updated outfit.


Possible FAQ:


  • Is it finished?
    Almost. It needs polishing but it's nearing completion soon. I have this idea that if you do a mod, it better offer something new, different, or better. I'm trying for all three, so who knows when this body will "really" be finished. But there are things that are definitely missing, such as
    ghoul textures, patching other moder's scripts to work with this body, and slave tats. Not to mention there are a few frustrating errors on my part, namely the neck seam.
  • So... Is it playable? Can I convert my entire wardrobe yet?
    I'd like to say yes, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. The neck seem gets worse with sliders and it's being a real PITA to fix, but I'll have it done by next update. So, my advice, wait just a bit longer before going full out investment into Free Body. Not to mention there are a few sliders that are giving me a headache, simply because I double stacked UV coordinates which makes them a nightmare to work with and very tedious, another mistake on my part.

  • Why this instead of FG, WB, or CBBE?
    This body is designed for lewdness and the wacky wasteland. The other bodies are more for the normies. It's meant as a fun alternative that you can use for a lewd play-through. Also it has a few cool new features you might want to check out.

  • What's better than the v0.1?
    Everything. Don't use the old one once I release the new one.

  • How do I convert outfits?
    I'll post a video sometime in the near future.

  • What's on the project list?
    Testing, polishing, add features, tattoos (Need permission or doing my own), more cumnwealth overlays, new AAF patch, mmd dance animations, new AI voiced coursers and institute quests, might even, dare I say SFW Blade Runner'esq quests?


Credits / Special Thanks:


  • Cridow - For skin textures
  • Reganbot - For skin textures
  • HHaleyy - For skin textures
  • MonoaNM - For skin textures
  • Tigersan - For skin textures
  • Fuse00 - For skin textures
  • MonoaNM - For skin textures
  • SQr17 - For a reference guide on skeleton edits
  • Ousnius - Bodyslide - Honestly, Outfit Studio has come a long ways over the years.
  • FusianGirl Authors - For using FG as a great reference to build off of. Standing on giants or however that goes...
  • Alex Slesh - For the vault suit
  • ScottyX2 - For the vault suit textures
  • Abe - For the armor remeshing





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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  RESERVED  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Updated Nov 28, 2022 



Community Outfit BodySlide Files (Alphabetical order)








Custom Body Textures


(Just install on top of Free Body or "merge" if you are using Mod Organizer)




Compatibility Patches


  • Nail Salon Patch - Coming soon
  • SlaveTats - One way or another - Comming soon.


Edited by User39042
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2 hours ago, TheBottomhoodofSteel said:

Wait you asked for Fusion Girl permissions and got told no? When?




Well, most of the time, I assume no response is a no. But, it could of been that you are just a popular user and futile surfs like me should know their place.





43 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

What versions of FG is this purportedly compatible with? For example, I don't see a BodyFat slider included (which I think means FG older than 1.45 a few years ago?).


Basically, just the Boobs Yuge and Pregnancy sliders for now, and maybe a couple of others namely for pregnancy mods. And oh, good point, that was one of the FAQ questions I expected. There are limited sliders for now. So don't go crazy with converting, unless your like me and like giving yourself more work because you have little patience.


Basically this is how the slider progress will work:


A few more fetish sliders need to be added, namely the RadMorph and Vore sliders.

A few more common sliders need to be included: Knee positioning, reverse FG, CBBE, 7B, fat sliders.

Need to touch up the sliders and also make sure they play nice together.

I may replace a few of the sliders with UV edits instead of  mesh edits.

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1 hour ago, User39042 said:



Well, most of the time, I assume no response is a no. But, it could of been that you are just a popular user and futile surfs like me should know their place.


  Reveal hidden contents



I get a crap ton of people messaging me and notifications from all around, and really have little time to look at everything. I also don't usually look through LL that long, so things often get missed by me. when it comes to Fusion Girl, I probably would have said "As long as you don't make it my headache, I really don't give a shit" 


As far as your project goes > You're welcome to come to the ZeX Server and discuss it further. I'm quite curious about the mapping situation and how it's an improvement over CBBE compatible UVs. There was a reason FG ultimately went with it when we developed FG. Originally there was discussions on new UVs, using UNP and other options, but we went with CBBE for ease of use. 

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1 hour ago, Dlinny_Lag said:

As this body is announced as community project, then I would suggest to introduce vaginal/anal morphs in a similar way as it is done in FusionGirl Morph+ from StaticPhobia2


It's already in there. I set the slider to hidden, so you have to load the body up in outfit studio to view them. They are named the same as FG Morph+, so they should be compatible. I wonder if I should leave sliders unhidden for awhile so people can mess around with them though...


Also, I'd like mention the vagina mesh is not final. I just haven't figured on a the best direction to take with it. So, it's a place holder for now.

Edited by User39042
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well, the mesh itself is not bad (I don’t know how it will behave with animation, because the deformation depends not only on the weight, but also on the number of vertices, and the vector of edges. Critical on the ass, and critical in the shoulders). But I recommend sculpting it by default in cbbe (because this is the main clothing standard). You can then add to it any kind of sliders that transform the body into any other forms, but the base should be as unified as possible. I also use a custom body. I sculpted it in cbbe and it's easy and fast for me to adjust clothes from cbbe, although the final form in the game has nothing to do with cbbe. I will try to modify your body and weights for my goals and see what happens. Thank you for your efforts.

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5 hours ago, South8028 said:

well, the mesh itself is not bad (I don’t know how it will behave with animation, because the deformation depends not only on the weight, but also on the number of vertices, and the vector of edges. Critical on the ass, and critical in the shoulders). But I recommend sculpting it by default in cbbe (because this is the main clothing standard). You can then add to it any kind of sliders that transform the body into any other forms, but the base should be as unified as possible. I also use a custom body. I sculpted it in cbbe and it's easy and fast for me to adjust clothes from cbbe, although the final form in the game has nothing to do with cbbe. I will try to modify your body and weights for my goals and see what happens. Thank you for your efforts.


You're not wrong. I originally had a CBBE remesh, but here's the thing with that, remeshing the CBBE shape is going to need permission from it's handler, or the big users will peepee slap you. And, even if you do get permission, you can never fully release that body as a "free body" as the next user will always need permission from CBBE handlers, whoever that may be in the future. I wanted a custom, well almost custom, sculpted body that I owned and could say that you can do with it what you want as long as you don't SkyrimGTX it, if you know what I mean. In fact, my end goal is to release it with my own custom skin and put the legacy skin pack in the optional downloads section, so that you won't even need to credit HHaley and the bagazillion offshoots of FSC texture if you wanted to port the body or whatever.


As far as the deformation, there are some stuff I'm not happy with. The shoulders aren't smooth in some places, namely where the vertex poles intersect with the low-poly back. This might be fixable with some retriangilation or smoothing. I do need to add a couple more edge loops to the forearms, I thought I could get by with RIOT quality polycount, but looking at it again and seeing how bad it forms to custom sculpts, like my muscle sculpt, is just awful. Then maybe I need to redo the sexual organs, if doing internals is ever on my agenda.

Here's what I will do though. I'll release a CBBE slider, just like CBBE has a UNPB slider and FG has a 7B slider. Then, what people can do is conform this body to CBBE sliders, if they want, and use their own bodyslide presets. This way, I don't need permission, and everyone can be happy.

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8 hours ago, User39042 said:


It's already in there. I set the slider to hidden, so you have to load the body up in outfit studio to view them. They are named the same as FG Morph+, so they should be compatible. I wonder if I should leave sliders unhidden for awhile so people can mess around with them though...


Also, I'd like mention the vagina mesh is not final. I just haven't figured on a the best direction to take with it. So, it's a place holder for now.

Those sliders are mostly needed for xml as morph, so animations like leito can have open vag.

Edited by lee3310
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8 hours ago, warhet said:

Awesome work! I just played with this body a little bit and can say it is best body to port some skyrim vaginas to FO4 (for private purposes). Hope u finish work with this and get the perfect body !


Well, that's pretty cool. I'm curious how well they work. I know they used the smutbase ones which are pretty good when rendered at least. Although, I've seen some better ones circling around the modding sphere recently in other games that I'd like to give a try.

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10 minutes ago, User39042 said:


Well, that's pretty cool. I'm curious how well they work. I know they used the smutbase ones which are pretty good when rendered at least. Although, I've seen some better ones circling around the modding sphere recently in other games that I'd like to give a try.

I'd say there's a reason FG's coochie is super low and that's because throwing poly at the vageen and inner bits is absolutely pointless in game context unless you're gonna be playing the game 99% of the time with your camera up your characters cootercat. Plus you run into the impracticalities of adapting outfits for the body as well as how well it can run on people's systems once you start upping polycount to crazy amounts to support all the crazy shit you want. 

BHUNP and CBBE 3BA both have that issue where they kind of lost out in that regard by opting for extreme polycounts on every part that got touched rather than working with optimization and only using what's needed to look good. Yea you can have a SFM quality vagina, but how many people are gonna actually notice that every single detail, fold and bit of that vagina is rendered out when the only way to actually notice it is to be zoomed in real close on it in sex scenes? ... That and a focus on trying too hard to make their base work fit every potential fetish available, which was an impractical task and should have been optional expansions rather than default work.. BHUNP suffers especially since conversions to it are excessively heavy files due to both being high poly af and having so many sliders to support. 


Advice to you is to focus on basic work right now as it is. You can work on the optional fetish content and "Specialty Screenarcher use" things later on when you have established what it is you're trying to do here with this mod. Plus It's not really a "free" mod if you're basically doing all the work someone else might want. 

Edited by TheBottomhoodofSteel
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6 hours ago, pisadasf said:

I think it would be good if you copied the cbbe sliders so its easier to switch from cbbe to free body


Can't, cbbe isn't free to use, but I'll do a tut showing you an easy way that you can do it with outfit studio in just a couple steps.


Side note: New body release, when it's done is 10x better. UV seems are gone, like completely gone, turns out FO4 hates anything that's not a square in textures, gaps are gone, broke out the old 3DS Max to smooth bones so deformations look smooth as silk, figured out how to use blenders program but it still is a bit behind autodesk for weight painting, custom skeleton with SAM compatibility, shit ton of new features, and killer fetish sliders. Yall will love it, garunteed or your money back.

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10 hours ago, User39042 said:


Can't, cbbe isn't free to use, but I'll do a tut showing you an easy way that you can do it with outfit studio in just a couple steps.


Side note: New body release, when it's done is 10x better. UV seems are gone, like completely gone, turns out FO4 hates anything that's not a square in textures, gaps are gone, broke out the old 3DS Max to smooth bones so deformations look smooth as silk, figured out how to use blenders program but it still is a bit behind autodesk for weight painting, custom skeleton with SAM compatibility, shit ton of new features, and killer fetish sliders. Yall will love it, garunteed or your money back.

I didn't have any problems with uv. In fo4, there is no need for a square texture. Any texture that is a multiple of 8 is correct. For example, there is no difference between 1024x2048 and 2k x 2k. I found only 2 flaws in your body for myself. Too silicone breasts with huge nipples. I even cut off the nipples and remade them when I tested the body. ) I would like a more human-like chest by default. And, I wasn't able to perfectly tune the vagina to the existing animations. The problem is not only in its location, but also with the geometry. But I think you will still redo it. Same way. I advise you to minimize the number of polygog on the ass. The more polygons - the more folds in the animations.

Need to find a balance. So that  textures do not stretch, but also so that they do not deform. Now, there is a slight deformation. Anyway. Thanks again for your work. You might be able to end up with a more feminine body than cbbe and fg, which do have flaws.

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14 hours ago, User39042 said:


Can't, cbbe isn't free to use, but I'll do a tut showing you an easy way that you can do it with outfit studio in just a couple steps.


Side note: New body release, when it's done is 10x better. UV seems are gone, like completely gone, turns out FO4 hates anything that's not a square in textures, gaps are gone, broke out the old 3DS Max to smooth bones so deformations look smooth as silk, figured out how to use blenders program but it still is a bit behind autodesk for weight painting, custom skeleton with SAM compatibility, shit ton of new features, and killer fetish sliders. Yall will love it, garunteed or your money back.

Cool I can't wait

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7 hours ago, South8028 said:

I didn't have any problems with uv. In fo4, there is no need for a square texture.

First, thank you for this post. This is exactly the kind of posts I wanted when I posted the mod. Second, maybe it's an ENB thing. But, either way, the textures with it weren't fully brushed up at the UV scenes, which is what I'm doing now. I'm also baking them with CPU this time for more precision and tinkering with upscaling AI. I did see the eye sore uv seem with Reactor ENB using my material fresnel light settings. Also, it took me a while to figure out, because theoretically it should be fine in powers of 2, right? Buuuut, I thought back to Skyrim and how they used world normals and that would possibly have been an issue given the orientation of the texture, however FO4 doesn't use those but I was like, what if something else along those lines is going on... and sure enough, turned it to square and they vanished. Maybe a pro shader hacker can tell me the reason why, cuz I don't have a clue. Plus, square textures mean I don't have to redo the games decals which sheer on non square textures. I also added extra polys at the seems, old cbbe trick, to decrease even the subtle transition of textures. I literally dare anyone post a screenie of a UV seam, if they can find one by the time I post this.


7 hours ago, South8028 said:

Too silicone breasts with huge nipples. I even cut off the nipples and remade them when I tested the body. ) I would like a more human-like chest by default.

Yeah, because I play a toon character in my FO games, I went with unrealistic breasts, but I put natural gravity sliders in for that reason but that brings me to my next point


7 hours ago, South8028 said:

 I even cut off the nipples and remade them when I tested the body.

What would be super fucking awesome is if you could share a pic of your ideal breast and nipple, or better yet, send me the model. That way I could improve naturalist sliders.


7 hours ago, South8028 said:

I advise you to minimize the number of polygog on the ass.

Give me a the next model a try, the bone weights have made everything smooth, plus I retriangulated the mesh to make sure that where the polys bend more is with the grain, rather than against it.


7 hours ago, South8028 said:

 And, I wasn't able to perfectly tune the vagina to the existing animations. The problem is not only in its location, but also with the geometry.

This part has me curious. Can you specify better? I tried my best to put the edge loops in such a method to make vagina transforms flawless as possible, but if this is an issue, I want to fix it ASAP.


Quick edit.... OOOhhh you mean the vagina mesh? Yeah, that is just a quick place holder that's been decimated.

Edited by User39042
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2 hours ago, User39042 said:

First, thank you for this post. This is exactly the kind of posts I wanted when I posted the mod. Second, maybe it's an ENB thing. But, either way, the textures with it weren't fully brushed up at the UV scenes, which is what I'm doing now. I'm also baking them with CPU this time for more precision and tinkering with upscaling AI. I did see the eye sore uv seem with Reactor ENB using my material fresnel light settings. Also, it took me a while to figure out, because theoretically it should be fine in powers of 2, right? Buuuut, I thought back to Skyrim and how they used world normals and that would possibly have been an issue given the orientation of the texture, however FO4 doesn't use those but I was like, what if something else along those lines is going on... and sure enough, turned it to square and they vanished. Maybe a pro shader hacker can tell me the reason why, cuz I don't have a clue. Plus, square textures mean I don't have to redo the games decals which sheer on non square textures. I also added extra polys at the seems, old cbbe trick, to decrease even the subtle transition of textures. I literally dare anyone post a screenie of a UV seam, if they can find one by the time I post this.


Yeah, because I play a toon character in my FO games, I went with unrealistic breasts, but I put natural gravity sliders in for that reason but that brings me to my next point


What would be super fucking awesome is if you could share a pic of your ideal breast and nipple, or better yet, send me the model. That way I could improve naturalist sliders.


Give me a the next model a try, the bone weights have made everything smooth, plus I retriangulated the mesh to make sure that where the polys bend more is with the grain, rather than against it.


This part has me curious. Can you specify better? I tried my best to put the edge loops in such a method to make vagina transforms flawless as possible, but if this is an issue, I want to fix it ASAP.


Quick edit.... OOOhhh you mean the vagina mesh? Yeah, that is just a quick place holder that's been decimated.

Well, I'm not very good at working with uv. I don't understand half of what you wrote. Of the programs, only 3d max is available to me, respectively unwrap uvw and photoshop. An example of a normal body with a normal chest for fo4 is if the butt fg is sewn to the body of cbbe and exponentially reduce the polygonality of cbbe's shoulders in the transition between the high poly and low poly zones. I have such a hybrid (I will send tomorrow), it works fine with the animations of the legs and ass, but I could not fix the shoulders. Butt fg works well with animations. cbbe butt doesn't work well with animations. Moreover, cbbe did not work well even with old animations, before the advent of zaz.I sculpted your body in cbbe, approximately adjusted the geometry to the rig of my body and copied the bones of zaz, respectively, then copied a ton of morphs from both fg and cbbe and my own. The vagina acted strangely in the animations. Opened as if some vertices were not welded along the line of symmetry. I didn't look carefully at max mesh. I applied materials with gradient and maps from fg, replacing the textures with yours. Also, to set up bs Lighting Fx directly in 3ds, I use the bgs exporter. I don't use nifscop, or anything else (don't know why you're having problems with rectangular uv). If I can be of any technical assistance, please send me a private message.

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  • 2 months later...

Nope haven't forgotten, I've allocated sometime to finish this, but time is precious.


Here's what's done:

- Updated OCBP settings to be much better in terms of collision
- Updated body weights to fix gaps and deformation using a nice little trick with 3ds max
- Retriangulated 80% of the body to look much better in animations
- Made significant improvements to the original mesh
- Patched textures to help reduce UV seams
- Reskinned the mesh to make deformations and animations significantly better
- Matched neck weights perfectly and wrist weights perfectly to remove gaps
- Added some polys close to UV seems to help with UV seem smoothing
- Updated materials to make wet look better and dry look better for default body
- Resized textures to be square, apparently FO4 hates rectangle textures
- Redid the textures to look smoother and crisper
- Fixed Installer for Bodyslide
- Added internals for vagina and digestive track
- Added new skin sets for specular, normals, and diffuse
- Shit ton of new sliders (all good, all necassary)
- New skeleton, SAM support
- New animation workflow - for Modders
- New CBBE morph, near perfect replica, just with FreeBody's topology and nips

- Resized a few things like hands and feet to be more feminine


What needs to be done on first official release:

- Redesign install script to save download space

- Sliders complete (Redone):





ToeTow In/Out







NipPen L/R

NipGape L/R

- Sliders that need to be done:

Muscles / abs




Breast Vore

Breast Pregnant baby/eggs

RadMorph Fat

Radmorph Clit (dick)(maybe weight painted)

And your typical sliders


- At least the armor, vault suit, and tattered rags redone and refitted

- Probably a couple other things

Edited by User39042
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2 hours ago, User39042 said:

Nope haven't forgotten, I've allocated sometime to finish this, but time is precious.


Here's what's done:

- Updated OCBP settings to be much better in terms of collision
- Updated body weights to fix gaps and deformation using a nice little trick with 3ds max
- Retriangulated 80% of the body to look much better in animations
- Made significant improvements to the original mesh
- Patched textures to help reduce UV seams
- Reskinned the mesh to make deformations and animations significantly better
- Matched neck weights perfectly and wrist weights perfectly to remove gaps
- Added some polys close to UV seems to help with UV seem smoothing
- Updated materials to make wet look better and dry look better for default body
- Resized textures to be square, apparently FO4 hates rectangle textures
- Redid the textures to look smoother and crisper
- Fixed Installer for Bodyslide
- Added internals for vagina and digestive track
- Added new skin sets for specular, normals, and diffuse
- Shit ton of new sliders (all good, all necassary)
- New skeleton, SAM support
- New animation workflow - for Modders
- New CBBE morph, near perfect replica, just with FreeBody's topology and nips

- Resized a few things like hands and feet to be more feminine


What needs to be done on first official release:

- Redesign install script to save download space

- Sliders complete (Redone):





ToeTow In/Out







NipPen L/R

NipGape L/R

- Sliders that need to be done:

Muscles / abs




Breast Vore

Breast Pregnant baby/eggs

RadMorph Fat

Radmorph Clit (dick)(maybe weight painted)

And your typical sliders


- At least the armor, vault suit, and tattered rags redone and refitted

- Probably a couple other things

Impressive. I hope you will be able see this project through.

Good luck.

Edited by lee3310
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  • 3 months later...
On 11/28/2022 at 4:38 PM, User39042 said:

But you can't just transfer dismemberment over to an outfit, so it's w/e.

Actually you can, there is an old tutorial on how to transfer dismemberment to outfits made by same author who created Fusion Girl Reduced. There is also a function in O.S to accelerate the process (copy Partitions/segments) but i didn't try any of these yet.
Dismemberment is a big part of the game and can even create problems when missing so i'm glad that you are considering adding it to this new body.

Edited by lee3310
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