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[sEARCH] Simplest and script-lightweight prostitution mod?

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Greetings, am still quite new to the place so i am sorry if i make some mistakes in using the forum threads properly.

I am building my personal modlist which is getting quite large (around 220 plugins) as i wanted an all around upgrade to the game functionalities. One part i always postponed was sex mods as they are separated from Nexus. I've seen many cool concepts on this site, but for some of them i might make a different MO2 profile than the big one for long playthroughs, since i wanted stabilty as priority.


I was looking for a mod which enables sex acts with NPCs and maybe add the possibilities to do it for money too (allowing for a prostitute/gigolo playthrough). Currently the only sex mod in my list is Amorous Adventures (SL Version), but here i was thinking of something like TDF Prostitution or Radiant Prostitution (couldn't understand  which one is lighter in terms of performance or less buggy).


I know that many mods here require several frameworks alongside SexLab, and that many of them are a bit heavy script-wise. Any experienced fellow here can suggest good simple sex/prostitution mods suitable for an already big modlist?

(forgot to say, playing skyrim legendary edition)

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I would pick TDF over RP if you want the PC to have sex for money anywhere at anytime, which is what it does. You also have the option of hiring an NPC to work for you, so the PC can be john, ho, or pimp. I think RP is still somewhat in development (or re-development maybe) and last I played it revolved around working for an innkeeper, limited to that NPC's city and jobs they offer to random locations in the city.  You might need to double check and verify that.

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4 hours ago, karlpaws said:

I would pick TDF over RP if you want the PC to have sex for money anywhere at anytime, which is what it does. You also have the option of hiring an NPC to work for you, so the PC can be john, ho, or pimp. I think RP is still somewhat in development (or re-development maybe) and last I played it revolved around working for an innkeeper, limited to that NPC's city and jobs they offer to random locations in the city.  You might need to double check and verify that.

Hey thank you for the reply. I looked quickly at TDF Original post and gave it a read, but of course i can't read 100+ pages of thread in one sitting.

The mod seems to be ok for my taste, although i'd like to ask some questions in case you have experience with it:

  1. I understood the mod makes use of dialogue for starting prostitution/sex acts but wasn't sure if this dialogue appears with every NPC everytime or just after the player sets something (like a turn off/on function in the MCM)? I mean, for one character would be fine to have these dialogues popping up to everyone but  pheraps in another playthrough with another character i might not want to see it everytime (or maybe not immediately).
  2. What if the player is married and just wanted sex with the partner? Does the mod enable non-prostitution sex?
  3. Overall how's the performance? Does it cause noticeable save bloat or script lag due to excessive papyrus functions calls? How safe is it in terms of stability?
  4. I already have all the requirements except for SL Aroused, but i noticed there are actually three versions on this site as of 2022: Sexlab Aroused (original), SexLab Aroused Redux, SexLab Aroused eXtended . Which version is the most stable or most suitable for TDF?

Sorry for all these questions, i hope these won't annoy you karlpaws, i just wanted to learn a bit more to make the right choice.

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6 hours ago, trmntwrk said:

Hey thank you for the reply. I looked quickly at TDF Original post and gave it a read, but of course i can't read 100+ pages of thread in one sitting.

The mod seems to be ok for my taste, although i'd like to ask some questions in case you have experience with it:


Used it quite a bit, and made modifications to it with Tes5edit as well, though just the dialog bits and not the scripting


6 hours ago, trmntwrk said:

I understood the mod makes use of dialogue for starting prostitution/sex acts but wasn't sure if this dialogue appears with every NPC everytime or just after the player sets something (like a turn off/on function in the MCM)? I mean, for one character would be fine to have these dialogues popping up to everyone but  pheraps in another playthrough with another character i might not want to see it everytime (or maybe not immediately).


Yes, the dialog appears on every PC, which I would say is how many dialog mods work. One of the edits I mentioned allowed the dialog to appear on some NPCs it doesn't normally (bards in inns), though Jarls get their own dialog (or I added that wholesale, I've forgotten now... but I think that was original but locked you out for a period of time). It also does not show up on children, or animals if you somehow have an option to speak to creatures. You do have to enable the mod in the MCM (at least my memory says so), so you would not need to remove it for certain character play throughs.


6 hours ago, trmntwrk said:

What if the player is married and just wanted sex with the partner? Does the mod enable non-prostitution sex?


No, its pretty much just sex for cash either on the part of the player character, a follower you have with you, or a follower you've made via the pimping system (they will follow you while you find jobs for the NPC with other NPCs but don't fight or behave independently in any way). 


Spousal sex might be better handled by Eager NPCs which has a much more romance flavor, also requires SL Arousal, and has no payment options.  SLEN and TDF both use persuasion checks, though in the background and scaled based on the NPC arousal and relationship rank you hold. It is easier to get a slightly horny NPC to have sex with the player when they are a rank 4 (lover) or 3 (follower usually) at 50 arousal compared to a NPC you just met, though at 80-100 arousal or 100 speech, pretty much anyone will agree. (someone who is married but not to you is probably the hardest to convince, but possible with either arousal or skill).


SLEN's arousal increasing potions and spells can help with that (the potion you use yourself and increases the arousal of anyone close enough to be affected. The spell works like a vampiric drain, though in reverse, but not harmful and thus won't provoke an attack.) With either and an NPC prostitute via TDF you can make some money quite quickly.. though getting the potion isn't as easy or cheap).


6 hours ago, trmntwrk said:

Overall how's the performance? Does it cause noticeable save bloat or script lag due to excessive papyrus functions calls? How safe is it in terms of stability?


Pretty much no bloat or function calls that I remember, since TDF at least stores very little. It does make some use factions and ranks to track certain stats and global variables for others. It does have a limit of 3 prostitutes you can have in a city working by themselves (not that you can see, just show up, ask for their take so far, and they give you your cut). You'll have a much larger hit from the Aroused mod it requires, as that will need to scan nearby NPCs to track their arousal (though that's MCM controlled). Unless you have an NPC or PC doing one of the dance animations, I don't think TDF does anything when you're not in dialog. (the dance only scans nearby NPCs and might have the walk over, say an unvoiced line of dialog or give you a couple coins).


6 hours ago, trmntwrk said:

I already have all the requirements except for SL Aroused, but i noticed there are actually three versions on this site as of 2022: Sexlab Aroused (original), SexLab Aroused Redux, SexLab Aroused eXtended . Which version is the most stable or most suitable for TDF?


I think any would work, though you would want one of the two later ones. I don't think I used extended at all but being the latest might work the best. TDF just needs something to calculate an arousal value for it to use and since Redux and eXt are based on the original, using the same variables and factions will both be compatible. Their differences would be in how they run the scans and the game hit the scripts might have.  I didn't have the greatest of computers but didn't have much of a problem with Redux. Sometimes it would apparently get stuck and the arousal values wouldn't update, but saving the game and reloading the save would reset/fix that. In the MCM you can set how often it runs a scan so you can control the game hit to some degree.   Might also look for a SLA Widget mod, which would just display the 7 closest NPCs and their arousal levels. It has its own scan you can also set in its MCM and makes finding aroused an thus tempting targets much easier. SL Aroused does have a hotkey you can set that when used will tell you the arousal level of the crosshair target.

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Thank you very much @karlpaws for the answer and the time you took to reply me.

Glad to see TDF is quite lightweight and it has the setting to turn it on/off.

Eager NPCs was a mod i've never heard about so i will look into that one, thanks for the reccomendation.

About SexLab Aroused i will look further for more information about the eXtended version, but i appreciate a lot the feedback as i now have precious info about Redux.


Hope this post will be found by more people having the same questions so they can also read your advice.

Have a nice day!

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