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Need advice: how to ensure linking to SL for a custom companion


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I am attempting my first custom companion mod (a non-playable race, I think) that is quite different from the standard companion mods available - imagine Temptress race "merged"(unique body and armor) with Cerwiden (clothing control)  and Vilja (full voiced) with a bit of Katie You Whore (everything naughty), plus a "solve the mystery" quest with a player home as a reward. (not a real merge, I am building from scratch).  I am not script savvy so it will not be as sophisticated with things like "intelligent combat".

If possible this companion will be more like playing a co-op game with your buddy than a Bethesda style companion, no access to inventory, no carrying 200 pounds of garbage loot, and so on.  Not sure I will manage this, but hey... gotta try.


My real questions:


1. Is there anything I must avoid doing or adding to my mod that would cause trouble using SexLab resource animations or other SL mods?

2. Is there anything I shoud do to make the companion play well with SL and the other SL mods currently on LL?

3. Is there a way to lock the character sexual orientation to Bi, so that no other mod can change it? (SL Romance, and possibly a few others, randomly sets some sort of flag at the start of each play, but I haven't found any hint what it is doing).


Thanks for your help.  With luck I will finish this before Bethesda releases TES 12! lol

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