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Come and play the three circle game! (gag game)

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Welcome to the three circle game!


For those of you who already know how to play you can skip ahead – for everyone else pls complete the training first!

Required: Medium or better eyesight, two hands.







The goal of this game is to turn these two circles into three circles, Male Sim will show you how:


1) Hold your hand in front of your face like Male Sim is doing.





2) Look at the tip of your finger, you should see one finger.


3) Keep holding your hand up and look into the distance, you should now see two blurry fingers, if you see two blurry fingers you qualify to play this game.


4) Now hold up both hands like Male Sim is doing.





5)  Now look at the tip of your fingers then into the distance again, you should now see four blurry fingers (two from each finger).


6)  Now for the tricky part, keep looking into the distance but move your hands together so the blurred fingers layer on top of each other forming three fingers, the third finger is a “phantom” finger made of both fingers.


It should look similar to below.




Great! You’ve made it this far!


Now I want you to do the same as the four fingers but this time with the circles, I’ll show you how:

Look at the middle between the two circles, then “stare” (or focus) your eyes into the distance through and behind your screen.

Same as with your fingers let the two circles blur into four circles then layer the circles with your eyes into three circles.



TIP:  If you still only get four circles move your head back and away from the screen, it helps, or zoom out with your browser.

TIP: If circles are stuck above and below each other tilt your head left/right so the circles layer top of each other.



If you didn’t get it don’t feel bad, take a break, come back and try the training again, this takes practice.
For everyone else CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the training and ready to move onto the real game, click the spoiler and lets begin.







Exactly like the circles, look at the middle of the image and blur your eyes, then layer the images on top of each other.
























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