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Newb having trouble getting this to work

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Hai, I found this site 2 days ago and it seemed interesting, so ofc I gave it a try.

I can't however manage to get SexLab Framework stuff to Work.

I installed the SKSE and FNIS programs, even though I have no clue what they are or what they do, and the SexLab files + random assortment of mods that should Work with them. But when in game, I have only gotten text and spells, without any actual effects or sounds.

When I run FNIS it does read SexLabd (and other similar mods I tried in case I had downloaded a corrupt SexLab), but it gives 2 error messages: One about it being a legal Skyrim (I've been told this one doesn't matter, it's only cause I installed my steam library somewhere other than default setting) and one for FNISBase saying I have animations without fitting behaviours, and so ignores the mod. I've looked around a Little on your forum, but can't seem to find the answer, or understand them.

Looking around the forum, you all seem super smart to me. I am a downright idiot with computers, not trying to use this for modding, just using others mods, so if anyone tries to help me, please, please dumb it way Down if you can.


PS: What I have found working: As mentioned, I get spells from a mod, like SexLabMasturbate, it just doesn't do anything. From a mod called horny followers I also get asked to do a sexual act by my follower, just nothing happens if I agree.


Thanks for any help I can get, and sorry to be a burden.

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Having a legal copy does matter as this site doesn't give support for pirated copies. If your copy of Skyrim is legal then the FNIS program should automatically find the path for it even if you have installed Steam to a different location other then the default.

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oh, my copy is 100% legal, I was just lead to understand the error message occurred if You didn't use the custom instalation and so.... damnit, I don't know computer lingo, I put my steam games folder somewhere other than where it was recommended during install, thats all.


So, what could be a possible reason for the error message then? if it's supposed to figure it out, and my Skyrim is legal

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FNIS complains about not having a legal copy as soon as the file path does not match the path it expects. That has nothing to do with actually having a legal copy or not. It complains for me, too, without any obvious reason except maybe language settings.

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Everything on D drive, the line to skyrim goes: D/Games/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim.


And here's a copy of my FNIS:


>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory.<<

FNIS Behavior V4.0 Beta 3   26-07-2013 13:47:16
Skyrim: -
Generator: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
Skeleton female: Default (99 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)

Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
>>Warning: AnimationList found in  "Animations\FNISSpells", but no corresponding Behavior file. Incomplete mod IGNORED.<<

Reading SexAddicts ...
Reading SexiS ...
Reading SexLab ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...
Moving new behavior files to standard location...

 1178 animations for 5 mods successfully included
 2 Warning(s).


Run as administrator, from the data folder of skyrim

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Thanks a bunch my friend :D Followed the guides, FNIS only had the one warning. Jumped into game, talked to random lady, got the animation :) Now I just need to learn how it actually Work :P

and also got an message from sexis, 2 actually, popping up every 5 sec, one saying my skyrim version is old, another that I don't have skse (which I just installed!) I'll handle that on my own, worst case deleting SexIs.
Again, thanks a Whole lot for helping me, and so fast too :)


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Darn, turn out I spoke too soon. Only got 1 thing working, and alot of dialogue options with no trigger. I can ask an NPC to hook up, and I'll end up in a loop of doing them from behind. Can't switch positions, can't stop it, I can move and use skills, but my partner is stuck in front of me for all time untill I load a save from before I started :s


Edit: oh, not entirely true: I am able to control NPC's idles, and I have unlcoked the sexy sounds.

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