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Guest jadenhollow

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Guest jadenhollow

Have you tried both? I'm making the switch to UFO in hopes to reduce some of my random CTD's. Which is better? Are they compatible? Because I really liked Extensible Follower Framework :C

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I always get the two mixed up but I like the one that builds the follower commands into the dialogue options. The command boxes for the other one seem to create game lag and really break immersion, for me at least. IMHO.

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I've tried both and my opinion would be that EFF provides superior functionality, whilst UFO is less intrusive and more streamlined. That being said, if you prefer quick menu interfaces then EFF is the way to go. I believe EFF is somewhat more script intensive than UFO, but I may be wrong on that account; I've never actually tried verifying this.


Some options you will lose transiting from EFF to UFO include the ability to ask your followers to do gathering, as well as a loss of choice for their combat style. I'm not very follower reliant and the only 2 I tag around are Hoth & Cerwiden, so the lesser functionality is no issue for me, since the follower interfaces aren't used much with those 2.


The both of them are rather stable mods, I'm not sure if your random CTDs are fully attributable to EFF. When are your CTDs occurring? It could be a problem with having too many scripts running at the same time, which can be caused by a slew of other mods; your current mod-list or your papyrus ini settings might need a bit of a review in such a case.


You can try UFO if you're comfortable with having your followers just independently do their thing, or you can choose to stick to EFF for greater control over how you want your followers to operate. I personally use UFO and I've only gotten about 2 CTDs in about 60 hours of game time.

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I've settled with AFT as my favorite because of its range of usefulness, but I have had problems with the outfit management and a couple of followers. AFT does have some incompatibilities with a few other mods, but it hasn't really been an issue for me. I just moved back to AFT after using EFF for a while. EFF was not too bad, easy to use, but it didn't have the features that I had gotten used to with AFT. I never really cared for UFO, but I haven't used it for quite some time so I forget exactly what it was that I didn't like about it.


I have noticed a reduction in my number of CTDs since I switched back to AFT. My load order is pretty much the same as it was with EFF but I don't really have any solid evidence for the reduction (could be something else that I forgot I removed).  

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They each have great features that others missed.



-EFF can be used to manage followers like a catalog. The followers can be access any time, anywhere. I have about 20 custom followers and I manage them like pokemons.

-AFT has cool little settings, like sneak mode, catch-up on weapon draw, and other minor things.


Not interested in UFO because it seems like every other mod needs a patch for it.

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^This reminds me of a couple things. EFF follower management was more convenient. I usually only run around with 1 follower at any given time so I forgot about it. A downside to AFT is that once you add a follower, you never quite get rid of them. It can get pretty crowded when you summon all followers late in the game to find 20 folks milling about that hadn't been seen for twenty levels.


I think EFF has a better combat management system than AFT. AFT management is fairly one-dimensional if anything but "default" is selected.

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UFO is the most intensive. EFF actually just builds on the default follower framework and uses mainly vanilla scripts. UFO completely reimplements the follower framework. That's why UFO needs so many patches. Can't comment on AFT, as once I switched from UFO to EFF, I stopped looking for better follower mods.

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Did UFO ever have the ability to set a follower's residence like EFF could? I know it has a sandbox function, but I liked how I could have my followers simply live in my house and stay inactive.

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Well this is just a personal taste. UFO is far more popular than EFF. I prefer EFF because of convenience and tidiness.


I switch to AFT 30 minutes ago. Used EFF for a long time and make me feel kind of boring. A fresh AFT will make me exciting again... :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I've been using UFO since i started playing skyrim with mods, ive never had a CTD that was related to the mod

plus a few perks

  • better customization(spells, weapons, essential mode, can control if they attack or not, and to be forgiven when u accidentally hit them)
  • works well with other mods that influence your companions 
  • easiest to use IMHO
  • very immersive
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I've used both and I preffered EFF for the menu, which is a lot faster than using dialogue options, and because of the shout that allowed you to control your followers.  The shouts from UFO always seemed a bit more wonky to me.  However if you're looking to strip down to the most basic follower overhaul, then UFO would be it, since it does the least of all the overhauls.



Another follower overhaul that folks don't seem to talk about much is Mixed Unit Tactics ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30578/? )  Which I would say is about between the two.  It doesn't have any sort of extra command window like EFF, but it has a few more options than UFO.  Also you actually have to pay your followers (some of them at least) for them to stay with you, which I like for immersion and because it makes having a bunch of followers "less cheaty".

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if there was some cough hack cough to up the amount of followers to at least 15 in aft.


i would stop using eff and switch for life.


kinda hate ufo for being buggy and needing too many "patches" in my load order.




or if aft ups the follower limit



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