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Enb question


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Hello guys :)


I've found enb project is really good for me. Now i got just one little question:


Should i turn off antialaising and antisotropic filtering? I've seen in description that i truly need to turn off AF, cause enb makes own filtering, but what about aa?


Thanks a lot,

really hope on you guys,



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Yes, you should turn anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering off from options in the Skyrim Launcher. This is because most ENBs come with those settings and leaving the ones on in the options menu can cause your game graphics to become distorted or even broken.

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I've figured out that project enb is'nt good for me, got strange edges on objects. 


Can anyone suggest good performance enb (such as TheWilds)? 


Ok, it's not really performance enb, but on mine 3570k+660ti i got 55-60 fps using The Wilds enb with ssao and dof turned off. But i got popular "shining through objects" problem, and have to use 314.22 drivers. Really, i don't wana use them for a lot of reasons.


So, is there any alternative enb, but without "sun shining through objects" problem?

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If you're talking about Project ENB, it uses the .119 ENB binary, which I believe was the last of the hardware AA supported. You'll want to leave Antialasing on or use SMAA or SweetFX if this is the case. From .120 on up AA is all software only. 


Does this mean I need AA OFF for ENB 121212? I'm using Fimbulvinter on my desktop. :huh:


(Older v108 settings plus Dynavision only on my laptop, unfortunately. Anything higher & I just seems to lose too that last little bit too much in FPS. I should seriously get that system wiped & re-done minus the corporate bloatware).

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If you're talking about Project ENB, it uses the .119 ENB binary, which I believe was the last of the hardware AA supported. You'll want to leave Antialasing on or use SMAA or SweetFX if this is the case. From .120 on up AA is all software only. 


Does this mean I need AA OFF for ENB 121212?




Wiwi- From what I read you are using drivers that are fine to use with ENBs, did you enable bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in the ini?

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Maybe my english is out of understanding, i'll try to explain one more time :)


Before, i've used 314.22, and it was fine without any glitches. But now i have to use 320.xx, and i've got shining through objects glitch. 


I got my ini file configured well, and there is not problem in this. And ofcourse, i got floatpointrednedtargetblabla=1 in my ini :)



The problem i'm talking about is massive, and i'm looking for two things:


1) Possible solution of this shining, maybe it's not enb but sunglare? 

2) Alternative for TheWilds enb, cause i really like it's performance, color palette, saturation and brightness. So, i'm looking for same enb but without existing problem.

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Ok, i've found "True Vision" is really good for me. Seems like i really have to use 314.22, anyway this version is not as bad as i thought. 


And now i know, that almost all enb's working good just on this version.



So, topic may be closed, thanks for help :)

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