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Can a male instigate sex?


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I have gotten back into New Vegas after a long time away, and of course the first thing I did was download all the essential mods, all the sex mods over on nexus, and of course Sexout.  I have been playing for a bit, enjoying all the new plugins for the mod, when I slowly realized that somethings was being left out.

Namely, can I start a sexual encounter with a hostile female NPC?

There are dozens (well, okay, many) mods based around female pc's being the victims, but are there any that allow the male to have his way with random enemies?

For the record I am running


Sexout common resources

Sexout shared resources

Sexout discounts

Sexout trades

sexout consiquences

And all the various wsex mods from Nexus


Any mods out there to scratch the itch?

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