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TES module for Euterpe v2 AI-powered storyteller (NovelAI) - good for story/event making

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NovelAI short description:



NovelAI is an AI storyteller / text generator that's currently in paid open beta phase.


It works like a collaborative writing exercise: You enter text, press send, and the AI continues your story for you for a couple of sentences. Rinse and repeat.


You might actually have heard of AIDungeon, NAI's competitor, who recently had multiple scandals/controversies, ranging from a disastrously implemented censorship filter and subsequent accusations of hypocrisy when its finetuning data was analyzed, to major privacy concerns, with the developers openly admitting to accessing user stories. Obviously, users were pissed, and some competitors spawned - enter NovelAI.

Due to the above situation, NAI's core philosophy seems to be privacy. I encourage you to still read the ToS yourself, but they seem to pretty clearly state that the above will not and can not happen to NAI.


NAI's open beta launched on June 16th, and after some hiccups the service seems to be stable now, with devs openly communicating their progress on both Discord and Reddit, as well as a blog.

Due to the costs of hosting and maintaining an AI model, as well as the absence of ads on their site, their service is paid:


Subscription Tiers:

Tablet:    10$ / month

Scroll:    15$ / month

Opus:    25$ / month


For details of what the tiers do, refer to the FAQs on the aforementioned platforms. Also, be aware that "there are currently no plans for a free version of NovelAI at this time". [there is 50-step free trial].

These tiers should not be confused with Patreon tiers though, since Patreon tiers don't give access to the service, they are purely donations to support the devs.

What I will say about the sub tiers is that there are two AI models, with Sigurd being the one to soon replace Calliope for all users. Currently though, Sigurd is an experimental feature for Opus subscribers.


Also please note that despite me posting this in an NSFW context, NAI is openly distancing themselves from user content. This means they are not hosting/promoting it on any official channels. Thus the game is theoretically SFW, although you are obviously free to write whatever you want in your stories, and well, the AI will continue whatever you give it, no matter SFW or NSFW status (the finetuning data even includes some literotica as far as I'm aware). But do keep that in mind when discussing the game elsewhere.


Now some formalities:

Controls are mouse for the UI, and keyboard for writing, although I do remember hearing something about hotkeys.

Fetishes included: pretty much whatever you give it. Mainstream stuff that is likely included in the finetuning data works best ofc, but you can give sort of "stage directions" with the author notes and []-brackets, read up on the unofficial wiki or various socials posts on how to optimize your outputs. I've had luck with some very niche stuff that way on Sigurd.


UKB: https://naidb.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

RW: https://github.com/TravellingRobot/NAI_Community_Research/wiki

Kalmarr's Wiki: https://github.com/Kalmarr120/Kalmarr_NAI_Public/wiki/Format--and-Customization-Research

Rinter's wiki: https://github.com/RinterWaptor/NAI-research/wiki

Rentry collection of modules: https://rentry.org/modules

Rentry collection of Lorebooks: https://rentry.co/lorebooks

Rentry collection of settings: https://rentry.co/settings

The Unofficial Novel AI Knowledge Base https://naidb.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Unofficial Novel AI Community Repository https://gitlab.com/nolialsea/novelaicontributions

Official Website https://novelai.net/




Credits for this mod: ScalyWanderer https://aidsrentfree.github.io/modules/euterpe#the-elder-scrolls-in-game-texts

Title: The Elder Scrolls In-Game Texts [Euterpe v2]

Description: This module is trained on The Elder Scrolls 2-5 & TESO in-game texts (books, notes, etc.) and two official novels by Greg Keyes.

Sources: The Infernal City and Lord of Souls by Greg Keyes + in-game books & notes from TES II: Daggerfall, TES III: Morrowind, TES IV: Oblivion, TES V: Skyrim and TES Online.

Tags: fantasy, TES, The Elder Scrolls, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, TESO.

Special notes: 7.04 Mb, 2500 steps, 30.8% coverage, Loss: 2.766.


Example 1: Prompt:

"I used to be an adventurer like you, then I


took an arrow in the knee,” is a common saying among most Khajiit. The phrase refers to the fact that, for all their agility and stealthy ways, they are ill-equipped physically to survive a protracted campaign against hostile creatures. As such, though many Khajiit may be found adventuring (even as far away as Skyrim), more often than not they find themselves engaged in some kind of trade or activity which involves less risk to life and limb.

Example 2: Prompt:

When in Morrowind, do


as the Daedra do. When your character is a Daedric Prince, you know this to be true. The Daedric Princes are experts at how they live their lives — and how we should all live ours. After all, if it were not for Daedra, there would be no Daedric Princes! And where would they be without us?
These few simple rules should help you get started on the path toward becoming the best version of yourself possible:
1. Be honest with your friends and your family. If someone asks you what you’re doing with your life, answer honestly: “I am a Daedric Prince who is exploring new lands and having fun.” Don’t lie about it like I did when my parents asked me why I was playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim so much.

Example 3: Prompt:

"Hey Alduin,"


I said, “would you mind sharing your cave with me?”
Alduin was still a little mad at me because of the time when I had taken his favorite cave and turned it into an inn. He was sitting in front of his cave looking sad and lonely. I could tell that he really needed some company right now and he looked like he would be glad to have mine. So I went over to him.
“Howdy there, big fella!” I said. “I know we haven’t always gotten along but I don’t mean any harm by this...”
He grunted at me but didn’t say anything. I took a deep breath and started talking again, hoping to calm him down, “Look, Alduin, you were just so beautiful and scary and awesome that I couldn’t resist showing off by trying to steal your cave from you. It was all my fault, really, so why don’t you let me stay here for awhile until I can come up with something better?”
The dragon sighed deeply and slowly shook his head. But then he gave me a look that made me feel like maybe he wasn’t quite as angry anymore.
“Fine,” he said, “but if you cause even one bit of trouble, I will eat you.”
“That won’t be necessary,” I told him. “If you promise not to go on a rampage or destroy anything, I will leave everything exactly where it is. As long as you don’t eat anyone who comes through here, I think we can both be happy."

Example 4: Prompt:

Here's a list of Sheogorath's best quotations:


1. “I am the god of insanity and chaos, but I have not forsaken you. My madness is your salvation!”
2. “My minions are the stars in my sky... and I will take them all down into darkness with me.”
3. “The world has been mine since time began! The gods are dead. You mortals are nothing more than an annoying distraction to me as I await the coming of Oblivion.”
4. “Do not fear for the future. It is already written... and it is written in blood.”Skyrim.lorebook

EDIT: A lorebook for Skyrim attached.


credits: davits1



Skyrim Lorebook
Tags: Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, fantasy, video game, RPG
So, back in the old AI Dungeon days, I worked on this Skyrim World with 144 entries.
It contains entries for 11 factions, 22 locations, 90 characters, 11 races, a few classes, etc.
Even though the characters are described in the AID format, I noticed it works well enough in NovelAI, so I decided to share it. Feel free to complete it and reupload it as many times as you want. Just try to make a cool card for it.



Edited by CobraPL
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There are three such services - NAI, compromised AID (which IIRC has free option) and HoloAI - but TES module is only for NAI.
I produce NSFW stories for over 1.5year. We also have ~6 Discord servers with communities etc.

I am sorry you are not satisfied that such services needing server farm to operate are not free.

EDIT: You can run inferior 2.7B model on 8-10GB Nvidia Card or rent server from Google 2$/hour and even run powerful 30B FREE model:
https://huggingface.co/facebook/opt-30b This model can not be used for commercial projects. And is more powerful than 20B model NAI has.

EDIT2: "The 175B model was trained on 992 80GB A100 GPUs. The training duration was roughly ~33 days of continuous training." - this is why it is not free. 992x32000USD=31744000 US DOLLARS stuff needed for over a month.

Edited by CobraPL
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25 minutes ago, SmedleyDButler said:

Are these.... AI generated porn stories?!


Or even just AI-generated stories?


Man, I have some bad news if you think that's a viable business model...

What do you mean?
Also, their business model is not my concern (I am not in NAI's team, I am end-user and fan), I play/write NTR stories with success.

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ok, so let's put whiners, trolls and "wise guys" aside and focus on tool how can it help in story making.

First of all there will be other tools, free (they sell your data), paid, etc. Normal games will probably have such option built-in, making NPCs "living". This is matter of time.
Current solution works following way:
User selects a model (NAI has 13B Euterpe and 20B Krake, AID had licensed 175B powerful model, but... this is long story.) more "B" (billions of parameters - sth like our brains synapses) the better.
There are various finetune modules, guiding AI to mimic specific author's style or incorporate non-standard lore (like Skyrim).
So user selects model, module, may select some options and write a prompt. It is advisable to populate lorebook/world info with NPCs, locations etc. While A/N (author notes) have very high priority and are used as directives for AI:


setting: medieval.
genre: fantasy.
theme: romance, friendship, Skyrim.
This is a story about romance between dragonborn called Adam and beautiful Camilla Valerius.

note: using lore-based names may cause AI to act differently than generic ones.

Then both player and AI make a story - AI predicts the text and writes it, while player makes corrections, can write anything.
Text is almost always in proper English, so this tool is good for non-English speakers.
AI mimics things she was trained on, and mimics style and errors made by the player. For example I used short sentences (lack of English proficiency) and my story was very suboptimal, because AI used short sentences too.
I had to use BIAS function to fight dots and promote comas and semicolons. It forced AI to produce longer sentences.

EDIT: I attached a lorebook in OP. Modules has some general TES lore while lorebook has Skyrim-specific locations, NPCs, classes etc.

Edited by CobraPL
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  • 9 months later...

Thanks for the module, I got here by googling. Always interesting to see people on loverslab of all places being porn snobs.


@ anyone who doesn't understand, think of it like this: It's a limitless singleplayer text RPG, kind of like old fashioned dos ones.

Though you can actually do anything with this one given it knows what you're talking about (hence the modules).


It's a lot of fun.

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