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Follow Me For Sex - Immersive Edition - Straight Male

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Follow Me For Sex - Immersive Edition - Straight Male

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(1) The original mod was made the talented @CPU. I have asked and received permission to alter his mod and publish it here. If you like this mod, then you should support him! I simply edited his mod to add some extra functionalities. All praise should go to him.


(2) This is my first attempt at modding so please take it easy with the comments. As far as I'm concerned, this mod works flawlessly, but if it doesn't work for you, we'll figure it out together.




What does this mod do?


In CPU's original mod, the player could recruit any NPC as a sexual follower. Specifically, the player could use a dialogue line (i.e., "Follow me for sex") to which the NPC would always respond with a generic "Mhm, mhm" and become the player's sexual follower. The player could recruit up to 8 sexual followers and do all sorts of things with them, like having sex with one or more of them, making the followers have sex between them, making them have a bath, go to sleep, ejaculating on them, pissing on them, and spank/torture them. You can read more at the original mod's page.


Although this is great, my issue is that it is not very immersive. I didn't like the fact that I could recruit anyone just like that and I didn't like the fact that NPCs would always respond exactly the same no matter what I instructed them to do.


So, this mod adds the following features:


(a) It assumes that the player is a highly charismatic straight (active, not passive) male and changes all the player dialogue options to reflect that. You can still play the mod if your player is not a straight male but the dialogues might not make much sense.


(b) It introduces a seduction mechanism. You can no longer recruit any NPC as a sexual follower just like that, you have to seduce them first and your attempt may succeed or fail. If you succeed, then the NPC will be "under your spell" either metaphorically or literally (you role play what makes more sense to you) and only then you can do all sorts of perverted things with them. If the attempt fails, then the NPC will tell you that they're not interested and they will not be become your sexual follower (hey, at least you have your right hand, right?).


Technical Info:



The seduction mechanism uses the GetIntimidateChance function which uses four parameters: the player's speech, level, and perks, and the NPC's confidence. Don't worry, this is simply a check, you won't intimidate any NPCs in the process. Do you want to become better at seducing NPCs? Then level up, invest in your Speech and get some intimidation perks. Sooner or later, you will be able to seduce anyone but good luck trying to seduce Aela if you're a weakling.

If you want to check whether your seduction attempt will be successful manually, you can open up the console and type GetIntimidateChance <RefID> and replace <RefID> with the NPC's ID.


(c) It adds ~100 unique NPC responses to your seduction attempts and to your sexual commands. These responses depend on a variety of factors, such as whether the NPC is male/female, married/unmarried to an NPC, married/unmarried to the player, follower/not follower and all possible combinations. Each sub-category has at least 3 unique random responses.





If you attempt to seduce an unmarried NPC you may get the response "I've been eyeing you for some time now. I am glad you noticed..." whereas if the NPC is married you may get the response "Okay but don't tell my husband...".


(d) It introduces consequences to your actions. Specifically:


(d1) Your initial seduction attempt has a small chance (usually 20%) of permanently altering the NPC's relationship with the player by incrementing [+1/-1] the relationship rank (see more about the relationship ranks here).





This is to simulate the fact that NPCs have feelings. You may be a sexual deviant but that does not mean that this is the case with everyone else. For some NPCs, sex is just sex so their view of you won't change. But for others, the fact that you noticed them may mean something to them [+1 in the relationship rank]. Consequently, some NPCs may get creeped out by your seduction attempt. This will result in them thinking worse of you [-1 in the relationship rank].  


(d2) Once you have successfully seduced an NPC, you can instruct them to do all sorts of perverted things. Most sexual acts will have no positive or negative effect. However, there are certain sexual acts that may effect the NPC's relationship with the player (similar to the seduction attempt). For example, if you decide to go down on your sexual follower, there's a small chance that you were so good with your tongue that you managed to alter the NPC's relationship with the player [+1 in the relationship rank] (hey, it has happened to all of us, am I right?). Naturally, if you decide to abuse your sexual follower by committing/forcing a very perverted sexual act on them, this may result in them thinking worse of you (Mild suggestion: Since we cannot kill Delphine, maybe this is your chance to get back at her...).




- The random chance effect was introduced to simulate the rolling of the dice like a tabletop role-playing game. Consider this as a critical success/failure feature.

- With this feature, if you play your cards right and you're a bit lucky, you can potentially fuck your way to the top (discounts from merchants, becoming a Thane by getting the citizens' approval, etc.).

- Failing to seduce your followers cannot result in relationship rank reduction (I guess they know you mean well). However, sexually abusing them may affect how they see you!

- Why does the sexual follower go with it if they don't like the act you're committing/forcing on them? It's up to you to decide. Maybe they're under your spell (metaphorically or literally) during the act and their relationship changes when they get to their senses. Or maybe you forced this on them (rape). Whatever suits your play style.

- Seduction attempts are always successful when attempted on your spouse. Still, if you sexually abuse your spouse this will result in negatively affect your relationship rank. If you hurt your relationship rank, you can always gain it back by trying certain sexual acts (be a giver, dammit, it's your wife!).


Detailed Example:


You approach an NPC who is an acquaintance [Relationship Rank: 0]. You successfully seduce her and your attempt was a critical success resulting in altering the relationship rank by +1 [new Relationship Rank: 1]. You decide to go down on her and you're so good with your tongue that she reached an orgasm (+1) [new Relationship Rank: 2]. You then fuck a bit and after that you feel a bit sadistic so you decide it's time for a golden shower. Turns out she's not a fan of golden showers but you do it anyway. Naturally, this results in altering the way she sees you (-1) [new Relationship Rank: 1]. In the end, your acts had a positive net effect on the NPC.


In truth, it's unlikely that you will manage to hit so many critical successes and failures on the same instance. The likely scenario is that your actions will not alter how the NPCs see you (sex is just sex after all). But are you willing to take this chance with certain NPCs/followers? That's up to you, adventurer.


(e) It fixes some minor bugs in CPU's version including some dialogues that appeared as "...".


Further Notes:



- If you want to see a list of all the dialogue options per (sub)group and how they affect the relationship rank to the player, download the mod and check the Excel file included.


- Recall that this mod assumes that you're a straight male, so some of the options are not supported. E.g., you will not find an immersive dialogue option for a male sexual follower cumming on you or for the player to be passive. You can disable non-straight options in MCM so they won't appear.


- Some very niche options are also not included because I'm not interested in them.


- CPU's original mod supports up to 8 sexual followers. This mod supports up to 4. You can seduce up to 8 but the dialogue options won't be immersive for followers 5 to 8. Four sexual followers are enough. Don't be greedy.




Installation Instructions


Important: This mod was created and play-tested on Skyrim Special Edition using SKSE (2.0.20). I do not know if it works on Anniversary Edition. Try it and let me know.


Follow these instructions to the letter. Failing to do so will result in the mod to not work at all or not work as intended.


1. Install the necessary prerequisites. Specifically:



- [Required] SKSE (2.0.20).
- [Required] SkyUI.
- [Required] SexLab (1.63 beta or newer).
- [Required] Schlongs of Skyrim. Technically, this is optional but how will you have sex scenes without it?
- [Required] Any animation pack of your choice. This is technically optional but obviously, without animation packs, you won't have any sex scenes.
- [Required] Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice. This is technically optional but highly recommended.
- [Optional] ZaZ Animation Pack. If you are interested in the spanking/torturing options of the mod (it adds canes, etc.).
- [Optional] Relationship Change Notifications. Since FM4S_IM_SM alters the relationship rank of the NPCs, this mod is really useful to keep track of the changes as they happen.


2. Go to the original mod's page and download version 3.7.7 (September 26, 2019). Install using your mod manager and use the following settings:



- Plugin Version: Unlocalized
- Voices: English
- Kissing Sounds: Whatever you want
- Support Files:
    - Dialogue Views: Check
    - Source Scripts: Check
    - Mod Organizer: Check (That's if you use MO2. If not, consider your life choices)


3. Download the latest version of Follow Me For Sex - Immersive Edition - Straight Male. Extract and place all contents of the folder FM4S-IM-SM to the folder where you installed the original mod. Replace all when asked.


4. Run FNIS/Nemesis so that the mod's custom animations are supported (spanking, kissing, golden showers, bukkake).


5. Start the game. Go to the MCM settings of the mod and set the options as described below.


Read this note first:


The original work is a very sophisticated mod that includes *a lot* of functionalities. Depending on how you set up your MCM settings, some functionalities may be redundant. For example, there's a "Kissing Private Parts" option that's basically cunnilingus. However, cunnilingus is also available from the "Let's have sex" menu. So if you enable the "Kissing Private Parts" you will have two dialogue options that result to the same thing. Also, some of the functionalities are buggy (see known bugs below) so I suggest disabling them.


Finally, some very niche options are not supported. These options are (i) commanding a follower to get cummed on and then wash it with pee, (ii) commanding a follower to enter a bath and then get covered with cum, (iii) having a bath in piss, (iv) anything passive including piss (recall that this mod is about an active straight male). I haven't included those because I am not interested in them but if there's a lot of demand I may consider it (no promises).


The MCM options suggested below make sure that: a) we don't have redundant dialogues, b) we don't use buggy features, c) the options available are immersive. You are free to change them to your liking but deviating from them may make this mod less immersive or not work as intended.


MCM Options:


- Configuration:
    - Position of dialogue: Bottom (The mod will NOT work if you choose Top)
    - Enable/Disable all requests: Enable (The mod will NOT work if you choose Disable)
    - Allow dialogues with beds: Disable (The mod already has a prompt for using beds, adding dialogue options about it increases the complexity with immersiveness)
    - Ask for specific partner: Disable (This feature is buggy. You can achieve the same effect by using the orgy option and/or by having as sexual followers only the NPCs you want to fuck)
    - Enable kinky stuff: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable go to sleep: Enable [Optional]

- Sexuality:
    - Player Sexuality: Straight
    - Player with Males: Avoid
    - Player with Females: Active
    - the same with rest of the options. Males should always be active and females passive. Again, you're free to do what you want but the dialogues assume that this is the case.
    - Ask for Sex type: Enable
    - Allow sex between followers: Enable [Optional]
    - Quick Sex Request: Disable (Not immersive thus his mod does not support it)
    - Enable asking to strip/redress: Enable (may not work, see know bugs below)


- Kissing:
    - Allows Kisses: Enable [Optional]
    - Allow Followers to Kiss: Enable [Optional]
    - Allow kisses on special parts: Disable (you can achieve the same result by enabling the "Ask for Sex type" option)

- Dances:
    - Enable dialogues for dancing: Disable [Optional] (As far I know there are no cool, immersive dancing packs out there. If you know one, let me know)

- Poses:
    - Enable asking for Poses: Disable [Optional] (I haven't invested much in posing animations. Probably they are not very immersive. If you disagree and have some in mind, let me know)

- Bathing:
    - Enable dialogues for Bathing: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable go wash yourself: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable Cum in Bathtub: Disable (not supported)
    - Enable Piss in Bathtub: Disable (not supported)

- Orgies:
    - Enable orgies: Enable
    - Involve player in orgies: Enable
    - Max NPCs in orgies: 0 (if you raise this, NPCs who have not been seduced will join which is not immersive)

- Cumshots:
    - Enable Cum for Me: Disable
    - Enable Cum on Me: Disable
    - Enable Cum on You: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable Cum on Followers: Enable [Optional]

- Pissing:
    - Enable request to pee: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable pee on Me: Disable
    - Enable pee on You: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable pee between followers: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable receiving pee: Disable
    - Enable cum and pee on you: Disable

- Whipping and Spanking:
    - Enable requests to whip: Enable [Optional]
    - Enable requests to spank: Enable [Optional]




Are you a voice actor/actress and/or expert with xVASynth?


Please contact me! I would love to bring this mod to life by adding voices!







(1) Will you consider adding a specific response line for a specific sexual act on a specific NPC group?


Yes! Please, feel free to send me a message with your request. When doing so, please tell me what the line should be and which (sub)group should be eligible. For example, maybe you'd like to add a specific line to married women when the player asks them for anal sex. Just tell me what it is and I'll probably add it.

Do you have a recommendation for a unique NPC? Even better! Just make sure the response is immersive, i.e., it fits the character.


(2) Will you consider making the player's responses gender/sexuality neutral?


Unlikely. Firstly, I spent time on this mod so that I can enjoy it. Adding options that are of no interest to me will take too much time and energy. Secondly, making the dialogue lines plausible for every group will take out the immersiveness. The original work by CPU is gender/sexuality neutral so use this instead.

That said, changing the player's dialogue lines (and the NPC responses) is very easy with Creation Kit. I would be happy to share with people how to do it themselves so that other versions get created (e.g., Bi Female).


(3) I don't line this particular NPC response or my player's dialogue about this act. Will you change it?



Unlikely but ask anyway. If you can convince me I will do it. Just remember that dialogues (player and NPC) are chosen because I find them appropriate/hot so I'm not promising anything.


(4) Will you support creatures?



No. Not my thing. Besides, this mod is about immersive dialogues. How would this work with creatures?


(5) Would you consider changing the percentage chance of the dialogue options that alter the relationship rank?



I would. Make your case and if it makes sense to me, I will do it.


(6) Will you update the mod to support up to 8 sexual followers?



Possible but unlikely. I simply don't care about having more than 3 sexual followers and the way this mod is made, I have to repeat certain checks/entries for each sexual follower which makes the process very boring and not worth my time. Four is enough, don't be greedy! Remember, you can enable spectators at the MCM settings.





Known Bugs and Fixes



My follower won't stop urinating/cumming.



Fix 1: Close the game. Uninstall the mod. Rerun FNIS/Nemesis. Start the game. The follower should have stopped urinating/cumming. Close the game. Reinstall the mod. Rerun FNIS/Nemesis.


Fix 2: Not really a fix per se but load a save before this happened. Make a habit of saving before starting a sex scene with this mod.


In the kissing animation the actors are not aligned correctly.



In the MCM settings you can set keyboard shortcuts for scaling the actors. Try using them. Other than that, the kissing animation could be improved. There's no other known fix. If you dislike it, consider not using it.


In the spanking animation the actors are not aligned correctly.



The spanking animation requires work. I would like to fix this too. At the moment, there's no known fix. Consider not using it.


The animation is finished but I'm stuck. I cannot move my character.



Open up the console and run `enableplayercontrols`. See more about this here.


I have enabled asking followers to strip/get dressed in the MCM menu but the dialogue options don't appear.



It's the same for me. I don't know how to fix it (yet). For the moment, you will have to live with it.


The sex scene won't start.



Firstly, wait a few seconds. If that doesn't work, open and close the MCM menu. This usually fixes it and it's a known bug with other sex mods as well. Obviously, make sure that you have animation packs installed. If you have chosen a specific sexual act (e.g., anal) make sure that you have installed the appropriate animations, otherwise the mod won't find anything to play. Also, make sure that this is a Follow Me For Sex issue and not a general issue. You can install this for some quick debugging.





Future Work (not promising anything)


  1. Add more (sub)groups. I'll probably start with housecarls. If you have any group you'd like to see, contact me.
  2. Add more NPC responses per (sub)group. If you have specific recommendations, contact me.
  3. Add responses for unique NPCs and followers based on their personalities. E.g., Immersive responses for Delphine, Serana, Aela, etc. If you specific recommendations, contact me.
  4. [Maybe] Incorporate the NPC's morality into the mix. I.e., certain responses will depend on the NPC morality. This is the last thing in my list as the mod has already too many possible subgroups.
  5. Improve the kissing animation. At the moment, the NPCs' lips don't touch.
  6. Fix the spanking animation. At the moment, the NPCs don't align at all.
  7. [Request] Make the recommended MCM options the default ones.
  8. [Request] [Difficult] Fix the the endless pissing/squirting bug. This is a hard one because it's not reproducible.
  9. [Request] Fix the bathing bugs.
  10. [Request] Set up the mod so that it overwrites the original mod instead of having to manually replace the files.
  11. [Request] Make it so after you have seduced a male, the dialogue options are immersive (i.e., not seeing the option of "I'm going to fuck you now" etc. when speaking to males).
  12. [Difficult] I would like to make it so that the shift in relationship rank is based on the Sex Lab animations. So instead of applying the effect on the dialogue option chosen, the effect will be added based on the SL animation tags. E.g., if you use an aggressive animation on an NPC, then this has the chance of the relationship rank being reduced. Use an SL animation that is tagged as guro? Relationship rank falls immediately to -4. However, this is well beyond my current modding skills. If you have any idea on how this can be achieved, contact me! I would be glad to share ownership (as long as CPU agrees).
  13. Add notifications for critical successes and failures.
  14. Add voices to the mod.




A big thank you to:


- @CPU for creating this mod and allowing me to edit and republish it and all those other modders who contributed to this.
- The creators and maintainers of all the awesome frameworks and mods, i.e., SKSE, SexLab, SoS, all the animators, etc.
- Everyone on LoversLab who was kind enough to keep up with my stupid questions.







v.1.0.0 (2022-05-26):

- Initial release.



  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    Skyrim SSE, SKSE (2.0.20), SkyUI, SexLab (1.63 beta or newer)
  • Regular Edition Compatible


Edited by ThothAmon
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1 minute ago, Gräfin Zeppelin said:

Quite interesting considering Follow, me for sex is a staple mod for me. I use it however more as a tool with the markers, dances, music and poses for Paradise Halls than as a gameplay expansion.


Still interested where this is going and I will certainly give it a shot in my next playthrough.


Thanks! I think that the mod is amazing but at the same time there's so much missed potential. Hopefully, this fork of the mod will help unleash it. This was also a great opportunity for me to start modding. If there's a lot of interest in this I will definitely invest more time.

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I might be wrong, of course, but I do believe there will be a lot of interest if it covers a female player as well. I, for one, don't have the slightest interest playing this game, especially heavily modded, with a male character. Nonetheless, I'm following your thread.

Edited by Incubusbul
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9 minutes ago, Incubusbul said:

I might be wrong, of course, but I do believe there will be a lot of interest if it covers a female player as well. I for one have no the slightest interest to play this game, especially heavily modded, with a male character. Nonetheless, I'm following your thread.


I'm sure it will!

But creating a Straight Female edition would be too much work for me to do now. It took me a long time thinking about and implementing all these changes. A female edition is likely to happen only if I decide to seriously invest in a female character. Unlikely in the near future but who knows ?


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18 minutes ago, ?????? 1627 said:

I point out that the mod is out of place, it is not for Skyrim LE, and it was posted in the wrong section. I have already asked those in charge to move it to the correct section



  Reveal hidden contents









Oof, I have no idea how this happened. Yes, this is for Special Edition. Thanks for asking the mods to fix this one for me.

Edited by ThothAmon
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I'm really pleased you took up the flag for Follow Me.  It's an excellent mod but the original was a bit buggy. 


I can understand you don't want to alter your work for a female character, which is what I play all the time. Fair enough.


But might you be tempted to offer a "reduced" version of your work in a revision of CPU's original?

I'm thinking if you've looked over the original mod in detail, you probably already know where the flaws lie and can fix them / have already fixed them.


CPU's original mod appears to be:

  • Not up to date with Sexlab keywords?
  • Unable to deal with the futa trend (where some NPCs/followers are SOS Futa)
  • Endless pissing / squirting bug that, once started, felt like it required a tactical nuke to stop it. 
  • Buggy bathing? (Can't recall that so easily).


Thank you for your time and consideration!

Edited by Bluegunk
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2 hours ago, Bluegunk said:

I'm really pleased you took up the flag for Follow Me.  It's an excellent mod but the original was a bit buggy. 


I can understand you don't want to alter your work for a female character, which is what I play all the time. Fair enough.


But might you be tempted to offer a "reduced" version of your work in a revision of CPU's original?

I'm thinking if you've looked over the original mod in detail, you probably already know where the flaws lie and can fix them / have already fixed them.


CPU's original mod appears to be:

  • Not up to date with Sexlab keywords?
  • Unable to deal with the futa trend (where some NPCs/followers are SOS Futa)
  • Endless pissing / squirting bug that, once started, felt like it required a tactical nuke to stop it. 
  • Buggy bathing? (Can't recall that so easily).


Thank you for your time and consideration.


Yeap, I definitely want to fix all of the known bugs.


Can you elaborate a bit on the SexLab keywords and the Futa things? If you can give a detailed report of what's wrong with examples it may help me solve the issues.


The endless pissing/squirting thing is indeed annoying. I have included a workaround but I agree that it needs a true fix. This is a difficult one to fix because as far as I know it's not reproducable. If you know the exact conditions that lead to this, please share them with me. It's the only way to fix it.


Agreed on the bathing as well.


Overall, yes, eventually I'd like to fix everything. Some of them are beyond my current modding skills but this won't stop me.



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35 minutes ago, Commander_ said:


Yeap, I definitely want to fix all of the known bugs.


Can you elaborate a bit on the SexLab keywords and the Futa things? If you can give a detailed report of what's wrong with examples it may help me solve the issues.


The endless pissing/squirting thing is indeed annoying. I have included a workaround but I agree that it needs a true fix. This is a difficult one to fix because as far as I know it's not reproducable. If you know the exact conditions that lead to this, please share them with me. It's the only way to fix it.


Agreed on the bathing as well.


Overall, yes, eventually I'd like to fix everything. Some of them are beyond my current modding skills but this won't stop me.




Glad to hear it. Now, it is a while since I used the mod but this is how I perceived it:


  • The futa thing follows the introduction of the SOS Futanari add-on mod, (and I suppose includes the newer TRX version).  This mod allocates a penis to random girls based on a percentage. Alternatively the player can use the N keyboard hotkey while the 'victim' is in focus and allocate one to her.
  • The trouble with FM4S is the mod cannot recognise this action. I believe Sexlab had keywords added to it to cover this futa thing, but FM4S's engine has no way of seeing or using them.  I'm not a modder, so that's a 'best guess' from me.
  • The endless pissing/squirting thing is really hard to pin down.  If you using the 'Pissing' MCM option and/or the Squirt one, the stream starts up at the appropriate point but never stops - so that's likely a scripting issue.  Additionally a follower, quite at random, will start peeing / squirting and cannot be stopped and on these occasions I notice cell transitions seem to trigger it. It's like a pissing/squirting event is not cleaned up correctly and a cell transition resets the NPC causing the event to reattach itself.  Again, as a non-modder I'm clutching at straws in the dark.

Hope that helps in some small way!

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12 minutes ago, Bluegunk said:


Glad to hear it. Now, it is a while since I used the mod but this is how I perceived it:


  • The futa thing follows the introduction of the SOS Futanari add-on mod, (and I suppose includes the newer TRX version).  This mod allocates a penis to random girls based on a percentage. Alternatively the player can use the N keyboard hotkey while the 'victim' is in focus and allocate one to her.
  • The trouble with FM4S is the mod cannot recognise this action. I believe Sexlab had keywords added to it to cover this futa thing, but FM4S's engine has no way of seeing or using them.  I'm not a modder, so that's a 'best guess' from me.
  • The endless pissing/squirting thing is really hard to pin down.  If you using the 'Pissing' MCM option and/or the Squirt one, the stream starts up at the appropriate point but never stops - so that's likely a scripting issue.  Additionally a follower, quite at random, will start peeing / squirting and cannot be stopped and on these occasions I notice cell transitions seem to trigger it. It's like a pissing/squirting event is not cleaned up correctly and a cell transition resets the NPC causing the event to reattach itself.  Again, as a non-modder I'm clutching at straws in the dark.

Hope that helps in some small way!


Thanks for the info. All of them are pretty difficult issues to fix for several issues but I'll definitely see what I can do.

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2 hours ago, Commander_ said:


Thanks for the info. All of them are pretty difficult issues to fix for several issues but I'll definitely see what I can do.


If you fix the continuous peering/squirting in the original mod, that would be enough to bring me back to FM4S!  Thank you for taking on the mod!

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It's a bit difficult to pinpoint which overhaul it is exactly because I'm using Lexy's LotD modlist which combibes a lot of NPC overhauls. If you visit her website you can go through all the mods in the NPC section. Alternately, you can ask at her discord server about these particular NPCs.

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5 hours ago, Incubusbul said:

The closest thing I found while browsing through the Lexy's LotD modlist, is Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold, although it's not absolutely the same, so there must be more to it.

Thanks. I've actually used that one, and I've endorsed it. Funnily, I've shied away from using it because it changed Adrianne Avenicci, who I always thought looked perfect as is. Thanks for the detective work!

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13 hours ago, THEFATJUJU said:

Thx for the mod. I love it when mods like this get implemented in vanilla gameplay. Is it possible make multiple seduction difficulties like: 20%, 50%, 100% harder to seduce?


Difficulty is already implemented in the sense that your odds of success depend on your level, speech, perks, and the NPC's confidence.


If you mean that you'd like a flat difficulty curve for every NPC I wouldn't support it because I don't think it's immersive.


If you mean taking the system as is now and then being able to add an extra layer of difficulty on top of it, then I would very much like to do that because currently it's too easy to seduce NPCs. But that would be a bit tricky. You see, right now I'm using the GetIntimidateChance function to calculate the seduction success rate. This is supported in Creation Kit as is. Messing with that would require some heavy scripting and, unfortunately, I'm not that good yet.

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On 5/26/2022 at 7:53 AM, Commander_ said:


Thanks! I think that the mod is amazing but at the same time there's so much missed potential. Hopefully, this fork of the mod will help unleash it. This was also a great opportunity for me to start modding. If there's a lot of interest in this I will definitely invest more time.

I can almost assure you there is going to be a massive interest in this mod... LL content is practically NFSW mods playground lol 

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