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(Request) Adobtable Children


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Yes Hello, im sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum. But other than that, if anybody could take up my request i would be gladly appreciatvie  <: ). Uhmm i would ask in other websites but they do not have the beautiful children retexture mods like in here. Either  the case i would would like two custome daughters for skyrim using the children of the sky race mod or anyother loli mod the modder would like to use -other thn the potatoe faced children race-. By customized i just mean the names ( Rachel and Yuki) and that they would look really cute. Disregard the claws and the fangs, -if it were possible to add them it would be really cool-. I dont mind the clothers or armor, just morly the way they would look and the names. The hairstyles i was looking through mods and apachii hairstyles really works for them. But if you would like referance for the hair i have sketches of them here.




again if anybody would like to make these adobtable children, i say many many thanks :)



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