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Feeling empty.


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So, I finally got my Diploma after working towards it and 3 other minor qualifications/pre-requisites to get it over the past 3 and a half years.


Now, with this study.. well, done.. and the prospects of finding a job slim to none.. well, crap.  I feel empty.. like my whole life has gone after getting my qualifications.


Is this normal?  Any other students on here know what I mean?

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Well, of course.


Real Life is different from school and anything you have learned on the academy and university.

Get any job Fast to get rid of idleness while looking for the real job.

Money is gone everyday, you know. If you lost all your economy and property. It's game over.


Emily is a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design, All that education are useless at work.


Now she learn engineering from her current job.

Learn Basic Psychology from being insane and inert due to depression in the emptiness and unemployment.

Now learn financial from managing her bank accounts and investments.



This world is a tough son of a bitch. It always killed the Slow, The unprepared and the inexperience.

Education didn't end at school. Here you'll have to make big mistakes to make small progress.

it's painful and everything is Mental endurance and Gestalt prayer.



if you don't do anything with that Void or emptiness, it'll turn into Fear,

Fear will turn into depression, Depression will turn into mental illness.

Mental illness will introduce you to Alice and she may encourage you to commit suicides as she filled your Husk.




Anyway, Should you met Alice in the limbo of your mind archetype, Please tell her that Emily really missed her so much. :lol:

Emily can't visit Limbo anymore these days.

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I can fully understand you there. You reached a goal for what you commited a lot of your life time up to now, and now this purpose is gone. It will probably take some time untill you will be able to replace with something new.


May be also caused by this meatgrinder societies we live in, where from above comes the young and living in and below comes a dead malleable mass out (may be especially valid for the educational systems), makes a lot of things people struggle for these days appear pointless.

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It's important to learn the basic of economic theory.


Most graduated never learn anything about economy and unprepared to view every financial situations and place their role in economy.

You'll never view Price tag in the same way again.


How to get Wholesale and network.

How and where to get the best price anytime and profit from them. How to attract costumers.

How to buy. How to sell. How to deal with costumer. How to deal with boss, Down to the Worthless Costumers.

Most importantly how to serve. Anybody. Anytime.


All Credits equals Money. Percentages.

All Time is Money.

Too much Money are politics.


University and academy Graduated are a trained human resources.

But in fact they the worst employer with big ego and no experience, no previous apprenticeship, no training, No product knowledge.

The worst is a self Promoting bastards with no skills, capitalizing shame on the entire firm. The unprofitable worker are stomped and the profitable are preserved.


That's Real Life.

No game, No Porn.

Realistic pain, No Quick loads, No quest markers.

Importantly, it makes every meal Delicious.


And of course, gestalt prayer for everyone.

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So, I finally got my Diploma after working towards it and 3 other minor qualifications/pre-requisites to get it over the past 3 and a half years.


Now, with this study.. well, done.. and the prospects of finding a job slim to none.. well, crap.  I feel empty.. like my whole life has gone after getting my qualifications.


Is this normal?  Any other students on here know what I mean?


College these days has become little more than what high school used to be in older times.  You have to have it to get a decent paying job, but it doesn't immediately open doors.  I recommend looking for something that interests you career wise.  If you can't land an entry level job in something that interests you then grab one in something you aren't all that familiar with.  Look at working for a temp agency that moves you around from company to company.  This can open you up to figuring out what you may want to sink your time into for a career.  Worst case you'll at least make a bit of money and be no worse off. 


Too many folks think going to college somehow magically opens the door to a life long career.  It doesn't.  It is just the ticket you need, to get into the amusement park.......you'll need to find the ride that interests you or at least doesn't make you sick.  :P


Keep your chin up!  Your young.  And for the love of all that is holy don't feel the slightest bit compelled to get a job in the field of study you majored or even minored in while at college.   Roughly 3/4 of folks don't........ ;)

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I do know what you mean.


I am graduating in December as an English major. I don't know why I picked it as a major to be honest. I suppose it is because I really, really love poetry and literature of all sorts. It was a poor decision though when it comes to career choices. I am at the point where I am thinking, "Now, really, what ever am I to do with my degree? Do I pursue a career in education? Hardly a field teeming with possibility. Do I go for a PHD so that I can teach as a professor at a college? I hate talking in public, so that's a bad career path for me." 


Allegedly, employers also have a hard time figuring out what one does with an English major. It's like the grand Rubik's cube of bosses seeking to hire. "Where do I stick this person who reads books and knows about literary devices? Eh, I will throw her/him in with the interns and she/he will find something to do eventually."


If one is even hired at all. 


I should have pursued programming, as I am apparently really good with programming logic. 


I may decide to flip around and go to Law school. I might pursue graphic design, as I really enjoy that kind of thing too..even though I am not much of an artist.


Not quite sure yet. 


Then there's the issue of being transgendered. Apparently 50% or so have been discriminated against when it comes to hiring. So, my prospects really look great so far!


Sorry that you feel this way.

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So, I finally got my Diploma after working towards it and 3 other minor qualifications/pre-requisites to get it over the past 3 and a half years.


Now, with this study.. well, done.. and the prospects of finding a job slim to none.. well, crap.  I feel empty.. like my whole life has gone after getting my qualifications.


Is this normal?  Any other students on here know what I mean?


I'm on m 4th year of college and it will probably take me two more to finish my grade. I dunno what keeps pushing me forward, honestly.


I just want to be happy, but these accomplishments mean nothing to me at all. Because after I'm done with college, I'm going to waste the rest of my life in a meaningless job.

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I know exactly how you feel.  


Currently I have a Masters Degree in Computer Science, and I'm a fully qualified PHP Programmer, with 7 Programming Languages under my belt..
Most of my life has been aimed at gaining good qualifacations, good grades so I can get a good job...
Then I left university, full of hope, only to find, there are no jobs.
For every job I apply for 1000's of others apply for the same position, usually with better grades and qualifacations, and much more experience. 


Now I have no money, I live with my parents, and I find myself hating the establishment, for destroying what past generations fought and died to build.
For you're own sake do not pay for a course in Computer Science, it has got me nowhere...


(P.S sorry if I went a little off topic)

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do not worry for the future   you feel empty as you achived your goal now you will need after a short arrest to choose another goal.


if parents are helping you you are in less rush and can continue studding anything (a degree now is more often just a door opened (for more money a better job and other studies). and can open your own buisiness.


a job is usualy a story of opportunity (i was in a rush than i had to take any job nothing to do with my studies) i ended up hiding my degrees (overqualified) like this i could finaly have a job faster buy a house and spending a lot.   (it is easier to hide than to create a fack degree ).


when you find a job (for feeding)    it is a beggining you show some stabilities and trust and can go further to find something else that can suit you more (other opportunities appears in time )


if you just have enogh you can also travel to other countries and find different little jobs (this is concidered as a good experience and best language learning).

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“Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Which road do I take?' she asked.

'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat.

'I don't know,' Alice answered.

'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.”


“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”


--- ALICE, in wonderland.



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I know exactly how you feel.  Basic question of life, I think, is "are you happy?".  Usually for males (not a clue for females), who put so much of their self worth in what they do for a living, and, how much it pays, that question has a LOT to do with what they're doing for work (okay, and apparently most women (potential mates) like to have mates that make more than enough to support their potential family, although this varies by person, of course).  Now it kinda, sorta makes sense, since people (at least in the US) spend so much time at work.  You spend so much of your life doing it, you'd better be happy with it, considering the fact that you're doing it so much!  Unfortunately, sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions like "Am I happy?  Yes, but I can't keep up with the bills."  Time to find a different job that pays more, and good luck convincing someone you're worth it, since, as stated, employers now want that 21 year old college graduate with 10 years experience.  Heaven help you if you've actually gotten a degree in something but not used it in a number of years (or ever), and actually want to try to break into the sector.


First priority is to find something that pays enough that income is greater than expense, plus enough to put away for old age/bad events.  Find something that makes you happy, but also, it's best to find something that people absolutely cannot do without.  The mechanic suggestion was a good idea.  People will always need to get from point A to point B and the devices used therefor will break and need fixed.  Another example is food.  Medicine is HUGE.  Don't forget to turn over every "leaf".  There are aspects of virtually every sector that go ignored because people just don't think about anything but the obvious.  Similarly, there are areas of the country where some things are far more prevalent than others, and some places are non-existent.  There are also areas, like where I am, where the employment available doesn't even come close to covering the cost of living.  You want a halfway decently paying job?  You must leave.  Don't get stuck, stick with your plan.  Don't say six months, tops, and then still find yourself there four years later... unless you've found that covers-the-bills job that makes you happy.


As I told some of the Scouts, there's all kinds of stuff out there.  You just have to find it.  And leave your comfort zone.  And convince someone to take a chance on you. And.  And.  And.  But it's good to have goals too.  Several is nice.  You have several, and you don't end up with the "now what?" feeling you're having now when you finish one and just don't know what to start on next.


I, too, have a degree I've never used, and the information, having not been used, has seriously atrophied (diminished). Even when I "back off" on what I call it on my resumes (go with a generic, non-specialized term), I get no responses.  Probably (okay, definitely) not trying hard enough.  But it doesn't help that I'm not 21 fresh out of college anymore, nor did I have the requisite 10 years experience at the time.


You're definitely not alone here!

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It's a shame. Many people in the States work so hard to get a good education and find a job to match their qualifications. I live in Canada with no internet access so I am very unaware of the situation but from what I hear it's horrible. In a matter of speaking I am in the same boat as you but what you're feeling is normal. You pushed to reach your goal and when you finally crossed the finish line you were saddened for it to be over. 


Canada in a way is no better off. I live in New Brunswick and the job searching here is horrible. In my town if you even have a full time job regardless of occupation you are considered upper class. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in this town who are too lazy to even go out and look for work so they abuse the welfare system. I have friends who worked 3 part time jobs just to make ends meet.


Life is tough. Trust me. When life gets you down always remember there are people far off worse than you. Try to keep your chin up.

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Even when you got a job, Life can still remain empty without proper goal.

Everyone has different goals.


For example:

Emily goal is to create a graphic novel which is quite impossible to achieve with her current job as manager and Sales Representative.

Even with decent economy and financial, all these are nothing to compare with the real deal that she been passionate with her entire life.

Making graphic novel is a definite purpose for Emily. but she never have the time for it. Time is money, But money can't buy her time.



Remember when we dying in death bed, We have 5 top regret in life:


1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.


Sadly there are no turning back to good old times again and seriously, The youth are wasted by youngsters. :@


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Even when you got a job, Life can still remain empty without proper goal.

Everyone has different goals.


For example:

Emily goal is to create a graphic novel which is quite impossible to achieve with her current job as manager and Sales Representative.

Even with decent economy and financial, all these are nothing to compare with the real deal that she been passionate with her entire life.

Making graphic novel is a definite purpose for Emily. but she never have the time for it. Time is money, But money can't buy her time.



Remember when we dying in death bed, We have 5 top regret in life:


1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.


Sadly there are no turning back to good old times again and seriously, The youth are wasted by youngsters. :@



1 i fight against familly against freinds to live a life true to myself and to my wish ( and i start to live it)

2 never in my life again working hard is enslavement to money to other rich people (not to the life not to one self)

3 feelings (i can not say anything)

4 never found anybody that i can count on but everyone can count on me.(freinds i do not give a shit any more)

5 i am happy, i am free .  people look at me with jalousy and envie ' some time they say i am simple mind ' (with an i q higher than average) 'and they do not understand how i manage myself money life etc...


there is no sad time i do not regret the past    i learned from it      and especialy every day is a good day just open your eyes and see all around us there is a lot of marvelous and beautifull things (the brain just focuses on what we think than stop thinking and embrace the life and nature.)

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1 i fight against familly against freinds to live a life true to myself and to my wish ( and i start to live it)

2 never in my life again working hard is enslavement to money to other rich people (not to the life not to one self)

3 feelings (i can not say anything)

4 never found anybody that i can count on but everyone can count on me.(freinds i do not give a shit any more)

5 i am happy, i am free .  people look at me with jalousy and envie ' some time they say i am simple mind ' (with an i q higher than average) 'and they do not understand how i manage myself money life etc...




Well, Be careful of those 5 things you just said.

Family, rich people, feelings, social connections and other favors are profitable support.

Anybody will need everything to grow up along the way. You need someone to buy your services and idea.


Being indifference can instantly brand your identity as scumbag whenever the society decide to return the apathy back.

It means No business and very degrading on many personal levels.

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Sunday I had lunch with friends.  I grew up with their daughter, who is a year older than I.  Having spent several years applying for jobs in her sector that she's well qualified for and getting bumped out by people with masters degrees, she went and got a masters degree.  Guess what happened?  Yep, now she's getting bumped out by doctorates, and has a massive amount of debt to boot.  The economy may be improving but the reality right now seems to be that no matter what training and experience you have, you must apply for jobs well below that level, or even what you want, in order to get a job in the first place.  That's proven, or at least given a pretty strong pointer, by the resumes of the people who are bumping her out.  These people are as overqualified for the jobs as I am for the one I presently have... yet somehow managed to convince someone that that was not a dis-qualifier.  How, I don't know, because every one I've ever been to that wasn't knowing someone who knew someone, that was the statement I got.  "You're overqualified for this job, go find a job in the sector you trained for." (Ignoring the years of "inexperience".)  I've been doing a job I don't need a high school diploma for for the past four years, college degree in hand, so I know this is the truth.  Then again, for the most part, I like what I do... but it IS getting old.  Still, a job's a job, and I'm working with smart people who trust me in an physical environment I like.  At least it's not like my first job in the area which I absolutely hated.  (Why did I hate it?  Well, lets just say this job is everything that one wasn't, or at least it sure felt that way.)

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There's always the fact that if you decide to get a job and have money which you'll self indulge yourself with as a result, you're going to be another person that is killing the world and will be forgotten in a few years after your death, if not decades.


You could always exit the rat race and become a freegan, travel the world and doing whatever work you find/comes your way so as to pay for the next meal, work towards waking up the societies around the world that we're destroying our very own planet, etc.


Having a job is not the zenith of life, despite what you have drilled into you during your first couple o' decades of life. There's MUCH more important and/or worthwhile things to do than having a career.

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So, I finally got my Diploma after working towards it and 3 other minor qualifications/pre-requisites to get it over the past 3 and a half years.


Now, with this study.. well, done.. and the prospects of finding a job slim to none.. well, crap.  I feel empty.. like my whole life has gone after getting my qualifications.


Is this normal?  Any other students on here know what I mean?


EDIT: Oops, sorry.


I thought you feel empty after graduate...not because you can't find a job.

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