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[REQ] Thong/G-string for UNP


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I'm looking for a G-string style thong for a female character (preferably in black), for the UNP body. I've scoured the internet and have come up short... as far as I can tell, this doesn't exist. There are lots of other styles of panties for UNP, and lots of G-string style thongs for other body types, but no G-string for UNP.  I've attached a pic of the Alyn Shir armor which has a built in thong similar to what I'd be looking for. Can anyone help me out with this request, or point me to a mod I've been missing?




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Well for UNP, there is always Mak's Remodeled Vanilla armor set converted to UNP. It has a standalone thong that comes with it, along with all armors using a thong.








Then there is always Art of Magicka, which comes with high rise thongs that you can purchase seperately (or just search the console via help "thong" 4).









You also have Temptress, which comes with a subtle type thong.








And there is a few other outfits out there that have thongs as well. But there is a couple of them with different types of thongs so we can get a clearer understanding of what kind of thong you are looking for exactly.


Hope those help. :)

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The one in Mak's is the closest to what I'd be looking for, but I don't want to have all the vanilla armors altered just to get access to the thong. Art of Magicka has too much high rise, and the Temptress mashup isn't a thong as far as I'm concerned. I appreciate the help though. =)


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