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DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune PS4 Modding

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On 9/17/2022 at 1:07 AM, violetta3ds said:

This is how to mod DLC costumes.


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(1) Required Tools

  • orbis-pub-chk.exe: Extract pkg file
  • orbis-pub-gen.exe: Create pkg file
  • psa*c.exe: Extract or compress psarc file (TMC/TMCL files exist in psarc)
  • orbis-im*ge*g*f.exe: Create GNF textures

The orbis-pub-chk and orbis-pub-gen tools are available on github (PS4-Fake-PKG-Tools).

The psa*c and orbis-im*ge*g*f tools are included in leaked PS4 SDK (Do NOT paste links unless you want to take this site down by S*ny).

(2) Prepare

I assume you legally have a DLC installed on your PS4. Dump a DLC as a pkg file. HalfMileRide taught howto.


In this guide we use Salmon Roe DLC swimsuits (free), because it's easiest one to be selected with small amount of button presses in game (press L several times then press D-pad Left), but you can use another DLC.



To unlock all costumes (excluding paid ones), use Save Wizard MAX (a expensive tool) or search 100% save on the web and load it with PS4 Save Mounter.


(3) Swap DLC Costume with Another Costume [EASY]


Extract the DLC pkg file, then extract psarc file.


You'll get these important files:

  • package_data.bin: Describes filesizes and filenames of the files below.
  • Costume_Name_TMC.tmc: Costume's main file which describes model structure.
  • Costume_Name_TMCL.tmcl: Costume's data file which contains textures and vertex datas.
  • Costume_Name_YWRK.ywrk: Costume's physics metadata? (no need to edit)

Let's swap the costume Ayane's Salmon Roe I (AYA_OWN_VS_12_I) with another one.

In this guide we use the costume "Balinese" which is extracted from main game's pkg file:


  • AYA_MAR_PA_05_B_TMC.tmc
  • AYA_MAR_PA_05_B_TMCL.tmcl
  • AYA_MAR_PA_05_B_YWRK.ywrk

Overwrite above file contents to:

  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_TMC.tmc
  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_TMCL.tmcl
  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_YWRK.ywrk

Compress psarc file.


Now we need to update package_data.bin, because filesizes were changed.


Open package_data.bin and you'll see a filename list (terminated by NULL chars).



Find target costume filenames and determine each order number in the list.

  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_TMC.tmc = 25th
  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_TMCL.tmcl = 26th
  • AYA_OWN_VS_12_I_YWRK.ywrk = 27th

Update each filesize on address:
  168 + (N-1)x36


Value format is 32bit integer.


Create DLC pkg file. Install your new DLC pkg on PS4.



(4) Hide Some Parts [EASY]


Open TMC file and find string occurrences of "ObjGeo". There is a object name "WGT_mizugi" which means a swimsuit object.

You can see the sub mesh count (=7) on the top and 7 offset values (32bit integer values) on the bottom.



Let's hide the first sub mesh (bra). Change the sub mesh count to 6, and shift offset values back.



Now the part is hidden.



(5) Change Texture [EASY]

Open TMCL file and get GNF texture files from it.
Find string occurrences of "GNF" and you'll see each filesize on the right.


You can view *.gnf files with a tool Noesis.

In case of this costume you'll find skin texture is 4th GNF and tan texture is 6th GNF.




Let's create our new textures. You can use DOAVV mods' textures.

> orbis-im*ge*g*f.exe -p -f Bc7UNormSrgb -b 1.0 -i INPUT_FILENAME -o output.gnf




Paste them into TMCL file.



(6) Importing DOAXVV Mods [ADVANCED]

For advanced modding (importing DOAXVV meshes), refer previous posts.


Mesh Data Format (to replace mesh):

Increasing Vertex Count:


Using 2K texture:





Can someone please dumb down how do find the right values and edit them? The values are not the same for different swimsuits. And also how to remove all the swimsuit parts, not just the bra part?

Edited by RedactedByUser
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1 hour ago, tod007 said:


Maybe this video tutorial can work on converting DOAVV PC Mods to DOAX3F PS4.




-Day 2860 of waiting for DOAX3F PS4 nude mods.

This only works, because there's conversion tools for the game. There's no tools like that for DOAX3, and PC file structure is not the same.

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Strongly intrigued by the amazing tits in one of the videos where DOAXV is running on vita.







I installed what is available on ps4, so the game, update 1.19, add-ons, mod helena. I'm adding a photo from ps4 pro how it all works, so the boobs are uncovered and the pussy is transparent (maybe on update 1.16 it's ok).






The mod only works on Helena, and since this is one of her outfits it I was hoping that maybe by choosing a different character I would also be able to wear it ? unfortunately you can do other things but not this one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I followed bobcan's tutorial, it doesn't really do much. The mod files they provided just removes the top for the Martini swimsuit. Nothing else. Also, if you're going to follow through with their tutorial, I suggest going the Application Folder Redirector plugin method, instead of creating an entire PKG of the game, since the files modify a swimsuit found in the base game, not a dlc swimsuit. Making a PKG with the modded files makes it so it can't be updated with updates of the game, so you'll always be stuck in ver. 1.00 of the game, creating a modded PKG of the game. AFR makes it so you only replace the Archive.psarc file of the base game, while still maintaining everything provided from the game's updates.


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On 4/27/2023 at 2:10 AM, RedactedByUser said:




So I followed bobcan's tutorial, it doesn't really do much. The mod files they provided just removes the top for the Martini swimsuit. Nothing else. Also, if you're going to follow through with their tutorial, I suggest going the Application Folder Redirector plugin method, instead of creating an entire PKG of the game, since the files modify a swimsuit found in the base game, not a dlc swimsuit. Making a PKG with the modded files makes it so it can't be updated with updates of the game, so you'll always be stuck in ver. 1.00 of the game, creating a modded PKG of the game. AFR makes it so you only replace the Archive.psarc file of the base game, while still maintaining everything provided from the game's updates.









it is editing doax3s







it is editing doax3s

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On 4/28/2023 at 2:11 AM, bobcan said:








it is editing doax3s







it is editing doax3s

Ok. but how EXACTLY are you editing the files? I got the files for the swimsuits. but I don't know what values I'm supposed to change to remove the swimsuit top, or is it even possible to remove the bottoms as well.

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On 4/28/2023 at 3:11 AM, bobcan said:








it is editing doax3s







it is editing doax3s

I'd wager that the censoring is because there is no "private parts" edited onto these models. Just removing the lingerie to expose a barbie body won't cut it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/7/2023 at 4:29 AM, DOAX3GLITCHER said:

Progressing...     XD


This is the VV to PsVita converter.


The VV to Ps4 and Switch works the same way




I'll have to take a look at all that, I")) have to search for the PC content to convert it! That's awesome!! 


I guess the day is coming soon when our PS4 version be "easy" to mod!

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13 hours ago, RedactedByUser said:

What is this program called, and where can it be downloaded?


Don't expect anything productive from this thread. This thread is the equivalent of a bunch of dudes coming into a room together and comparing dick sizes.

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On 6/23/2023 at 6:32 PM, DaBlackHeartMan said:


Don't expect anything productive from this thread. This thread is the equivalent of a bunch of dudes coming into a room together and comparing dick sizes.

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with the people here. Can't get a straight answer, or an answer at all from anyone. Being a dickhead and holding back info that can actually help here accomplishes fucking nothing. 

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5 hours ago, RedactedByUser said:

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with the people here. Can't get a straight answer, or an answer at all from anyone. Being a dickhead and holding back info that can actually help here accomplishes fucking nothing. 


The dude gets off on showing that he has modding tools and skills yet isn't willing to share anything. People like that are scum. Like, cool dude we all see you can do the mods we all want and granted you don't owe anyone anything. But what's the point off coming on here showing off basically saying "haha look what I can do that y'all wish you could do"? Shit like that is never done in good faith.

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On 6/23/2023 at 7:06 PM, DOAX3GLITCHER said:

cant be downloaded, probably never...

As far as I am concerned, if your tool can support PS4 version in the future, I am willing to pay or subscribe to buy it. You have done a great job. It's a pity that the resolution of the psv version is relatively low and does not support VR mode.

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19 hours ago, DOAX3GLITCHER said:

My tool already support ps4/switch aswell... 

I'm never going to release or sell it. 

It's only a personal hobby nothing more... 

Well, it's a pity, but you've proven that the mod works on psvita or PS4, maybe someday someone else will do a similar job, this game was released many years ago, maybe no one Will continue this work, I admire your willingness to put so much effort into making mods you love, even though others may think you're just trying to show off your technical prowess. If you're willing to post in the future, I'll support you bro.?

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